Hunters Creek Middle School


Ms. Marissa Cunningham

Social Studies

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,

I would like to personally welcome you and your child to my classroom. My name is Marissa Cunningham and I am your son/daughter’s Social Studies teacher. In light of the many changes in education today, we at Hunters Creek are determined to prepare your child for the challenges that lie ahead. It is imperative that you, your child, and your child’s teachers work together to ensure that each student is making the most of his/her education. My goal is to help each student succeed to his/her fullest potential and I will do what I can to make sure this happens. I expect each student to be conscientious of his/her own education and to realize his/her unlimited potential in order to become a responsible and productive 21st Century citizen. I am looking forward to a very rewarding year for your child in their academic endeavors. Please do not ever hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions.


Marissa Cunningham

(910) 353-2147

Instagram: MCunninghamHCMS

Twitter: @ms_cunningham

Information about websites we will be using in class:

Microsoft OneNote: is a computer program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users' notes (handwritten or typed), drawings, screen clippings and audio commentaries. Notes can be shared with other OneNote users over the Internet or a network. The students will be using this daily. The students will be able to access bell ringers, notes, homework, project rubrics/ requirements, and daily activities.

Remind 101: is a communication tool that helps teachers reach students and parents where they are. Parents will be able to keep in touch with current due dates and important announcements. Please email me for the code.

Materials: Students are expected to come to class each day prepared and ready to learn with the appropriate materials.

Required Materials:

·  1 notebook

·  loose leaf paper

·  laptop (provided for you)

·  pens and/or pencils

·  highlighters

·  2 folders

We are in Need of:

tissues, hand sanitizer, glue sticks, markers, colored pencils, scissors, rulers,

notebook paper, index cards, pencils

Punctuality is Critical: Go directly to your seat when you enter the classroom. Record the daily agenda in your agenda/day planner. You are expected to come to class everyday prepared with CHARGED LAPTOPS and ready to learn with a positive attitude.Begin bell ringer activity—i.e., journal, test preparation, response to a quote, etc.

Class Assignments: All class assignments must have correct heading. The heading appears in the upper right hand corner beginning on the top line. Example:

Name…………….. Kimberly Smith

Assignment…… Current Event #1

Period…………… Period 1

Date……………… 08/28/17

All class assignments should be completed on time! Assignments will be turned in at the beginning of the class on the day they are due. I will accept work up to two days late. Unless there are extenuating circumstances that have been discussed with the teacher prior to the assignment’s due date, late work will not be accepted after two days. In order to keep the parents informed, students are expected to write homework assignments in his/her agenda each week. Class projects and other major due dates will be updated frequently through Remind 101 and can be accessed through OneNote. In addition, progress reports will be sent home in accordance with the OCS 9-week calendar. In the event of an absence from school, it is the responsibility of the student to gather and make up any missed assignments. The student will be given the number of days missed to complete make-up work.

Grading Scale: A= 100-90, B= 89-80, C= 79-70, D= 69-60, F= 59-0

Tests/ Projects 40%

Classwork 30%

Homework 20%

Quizzes 10%

Homework and Extra Credit: Social Studies class will be used for group discussions, hands on activities, independent work, and group work. Homework will not be assigned regularly; most of the assignments will be completed in class. In the event that classwork is not completed during the allotted class time, it will become homework. Projects will be started in the classroom but will most likely be completed outside of the classroom. Extra credit will not be accepted as an alternative to course assignments. As such, extra credit will only be offered to students who have no missing work. As extra credit opportunities come up, students will be notified in class and parents will be notified via OneNote and Remind 101.

Checking Out a Book in My Classroom: I have many books that students may check out for inside and/or outside the classroom reading pleasure. I have many books that touch on a wide range of our history. Please be aware- I have not read every single book in my classroom. Some books may contain content that you as a parent find objectionable. Check with your child to see what he or she is reading, and if you do not approve, please address that with your child. I keep books in my classroom that cover a wide reading level- from 5th grade through adult. Many students have an accelerated reading level, and it is often difficult to find challenging books in a middle school library. Students must return the book on or before the due date. If the book is lost or damaged when returned, the student will no longer be able to check out any books from my classroom.

Restroom Policy: If a student needs to use the restroom during class time, he/she should wait until independent work time. The student should raise his/ her hand and wait until the teacher acknowledges the student and then he/ she will need to sign out using the logging sheet located by the classroom door. If it is an emergency, the student should give the teacher a hand signal and wait to be acknowledged before leaving the room.

Cell Phone Use: If I see or hear your cell phone I will take it and you can come to my classroom at the end of the day and retrieve it. If I see or hear your cell phone a second time I will take it and I will call home. If I see or hear your cell phone a third time I will take it and your parents will come retrieve it from the front office.


Hunters Creek Middle School

7th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Ms. Marissa Cunningham

Student and Parent/Guardian Agreement


We have read and understand the 7th Grade Social Studies course syllabus including the classroom standards, classroom procedures, and assignment policies. We also understand that failure to complete course assignments or abide by the assignment policies can result in loss of points toward the final grade or loss of credit for the class.


Student Name (please print) Parent/Guardian Name (please print)


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

Note to Parent/Guardian:

Email or Remind 101 is the quickest and easiest way for me to communicate with you about your child’s achievement in my class. However, you may also call or meet with me as well. My contact information is located on the front page of the course syllabus.

Please note the best time and method that you can be contacted.

Best time to contact you: From ______to ______at the phone number(s) listed below. Please identify the name of the person I will be contacting at each number.

Email: Mom/Guardian:


(Please PRINT and identify who belongs to each email.)

Is there anything else Ms. Cunningham should know? Parent notes to teacher: