Homeroom Parent Coordinator Guidelines

Homeroom Parent Coordinator (HRPC) - Assist the PYP and MYP teachers of Roland Park utilizing the Homeroom Parent (HRP) network; coordinate and support all PYP and MYP HRP's; communicate information to and from the PTSA Board; organize and promote all board member, chair and school event needs through the HRP network; maintain and update Roland Park’s HRP website; arrange HRP socials to create a strong Roland Park community.

HRP Guidelines, Code of Conduct, HRP Application and yearly SERVE form:

1.  Update and provide these documents to the parents of Roland Park at the end of each school year.

2.  Include RP HRP website information on welcome letter to the new parents of RP for the following year to offer an equal opportunity for each RP parent to apply.

3.  Provide document deadline date for submission to the Principal for consideration.

4.  Run a HRP PTSA booth on the Kindergarten night and MYP Orientation night. Provide Guidelines, Code of Conduct and Applications at the booth. Include RP Homeroom Parent website information for document download.

5.  Arrange summer meeting with teachers/staff to discuss needs and wishes pertaining to a HRP for the school year in order to ensure that their expectations are met. Requirements will differ from teacher-to-teacher; the goal is to get a general consensus of expectations.

6.  After applicant decisions are made, organize and distribute necessary paperwork to the PYP, MYP teachers and HRP’s.

7.  Notify all HRP’s of their position when selected for the school year.

Teacher’s Favorite Things:

Over the summer provide questionnaire to each teacher and staff member in their mailbox to be filled out and returned to you. Create spreadsheet of teachers, grade level, Lead, Head and Co HRP contact information and teachers/staff favorite things list to provide to the HRP’s. Send out via email within the first few weeks of school.

Meet the Teacher/Back to School:

Contact PTSA Board Members to discuss HRP volunteer needs for the evening. Create a sign-up-genius and disperse to all HRP’s to fill volunteer slots.

Homeroom Parent Kick Off Social:

Decide on date, time and location for HRP Kick Off Social – Organize agenda, food and beverages. Arrange for pertinent PTSA Board Members to attend to discuss their roles and needs to the HRP’s. Since HRP’s will be working collaboratively in each grade level please ensure that each grade level HRP’s meet and socialize.

Initial Communication:

1.  Create an email distribution list of all Lead, Head and Co HRP’s in PYP and MYP. Supplement a teacher’s email address for any classroom that does not have a HRP in place for classroom parent communication.

2.  Create separate email distribution list for each: administration, teachers, specials, staff, PTSA Board Members and PTSA Chair contacts for yearly communication purposes.

3.  Send an email to all HRP’s introducing yourself as the HRPC. Please include any pertinent information for the upcoming month. Include RP Homeroom Parent website, Meet the Teacher/Back to School night information and sign up genius for booth volunteers for the evening. Provide date, time and location for HRP Kick Off Social. Include date for first Lead and Head HRP meeting. Include your contact information.

4.  Send out an email to the administration, teachers and staff and chairs introducing yourself as the HRPC and include contact information.

5.  Become a PTSA member, sign up to receive PTSA communication, follow RP PTSA and school on Facebook and Twitter.

RP Homeroom Parent website:

1.  Before school starts enter in known monthly events, times and locations on the HRP Planning Calendar.

2.  Update New School Year To-Do’s page.

3.  Maintain current information on all RP HRP website pages.

4.  Direct HRP’s to utilize the RP HRP website constantly in order to stay informed about current and upcoming events, needs and resources.

HRP Monthly Meetings:

1.  Attend all PTSA Board meetings which are currently held on the first Monday of every month at 7:45 in the ICR.

2.  Note discussions and voting items.

3.  Contact teachers, Lead, Head HRP’s and VP of MYP for HRPC meeting agenda items.

4.  Create and distribute a HRPC meeting agenda to the Lead, Head PYP and MYP HRP’s and the VP of MYP.

5.  HRPC meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of every month after drop off. Location is to be determined.

6.  Attend and discuss meeting agenda and open items with the HRP’s. If any items include justified ideas, suggestions or consultation for the betterment of Roland Park add to the next PTSA Board meeting agenda.

Events & Fundraisers:

1.  Contact all relevant PTSA Board members, Chairpersons and School Leaders before event or fundraiser and discuss donation and volunteer needs.

2.  Be a constant support to all PTSA Board members, Chairpersons and School Leaders before and during all event and fundraiser planning and executing,

3.  Divide up donation and volunteer time slots for event or fundraiser per grade level and distribute well in advance to Grade Level Lead HRP’s to disperse to their grade level HRP’s to create a sign-up-genius that will be distributed to class parents.

4.  Follow up with Grade Level Lead HRP’s to ensure donations and volunteer slots are filled.

5.  Provide support to the Grade Level Lead HRP if donations and volunteer slots are not being filled.

6.  Post all donation and volunteer slots on the RP Homeroom Parent website on the event or fundraiser page as resource.

For example: Kindergarten will be responsible for 10 cases of water for the Fall Festival. Kindergarten will be responsible for dunk tank coverage from 10-3 at the Fall Festival. 1st grade will be responsible for set up for the GATI. 6th grade will be responsible for Tuesday breakfast items for Teacher Appreciation.

Yearly Communication:

1.  Throughout the year communicate with the PYP and MYP teachers and VP of MYP to make certain the PYP and MYP HRP’s are meeting the needs, goals and expectations of the teachers. Provide support throughout the year.

2.  Communicate to the Grade Level Lead HRP in PYP and MYP any issues that need to be addressed. Provide a solution.

3.  Be the main contact for all Grade Level Lead HRP’s to discuss ideas or concerns that may arise. Provide support and research a solution when the conversations are justified and are for the betterment of Roland Park.

4.  Have an open door policy to be contacted at any time.

5.  Respond to all questions and emails immediately. If the answer is unknown research contact to provide answer in a timely manner.

6.  Direct HRP’s to become PTSA members, sign up to receive PTSA communication, follow RP PTSA and school on Facebook and Twitter.

7.  Through out the year send out appreciation emails to the HRP’s thanking them for all of their efforts and generosity.

HRP Socials:

1.  Throughout the year organize HRP socials to create a strong sense of community at Roland Park.