

Information for residents, relatives & staff
The Gold Standards Framework is being implemented in Care Homes as part of the ‘Decisions at Life’s End’ (DALE) project in Leicestershire County & Rutland.

November 2008

/ What is the
Gold Standards Framework?
It is a set of standards that Care Homes work with in order that the best possible care is given to residents nearing the end of their life.
What are these Standards?
The standards cover all areas of care and support needed for someone who is nearing the end of their life.
Examples are:
-  Control of symptoms
-  Preventing unnecessary hospital admissions
-  Involvement of relatives and residents in advanced care planning
-  Helping residents to stay and eventually die at the Care Home if that is their wish
-  Co-ordinated care with GPs and other clinical professionals
-  Implementation of the Liverpool Care Pathway / What does implementing the Gold Standards Framework involve?
The Gold Standards Framework Facilitator first visits the Manager to explain how the Gold Standards Framework (GSF) will work within the Care Home. Staff then receive a one-hour training session at the Care Home.
Basic Steps:
-  Staff discuss whether or not a resident requires or has a plan for end of life care.
-  Regular meetings are held by the staff to agree and review end of life care plans for these residents
-  Reflective learning, particularly after a death, is undertaken by staff
-  GPs involved with providing care to residents are notified that the Care Home is implementing GSF
-  Residents’ wishes are recorded in advanced care plans
-  DALE nurses can provide support and equipment in the last days of life

Contact Details: Carol Abbott, GSF Facilitator

Tel: 01509 567728 / E-mail: