Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

November 24, 2014

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Ocean Beach School District 101 was held on Monday, November 24, 2014, at 5:30pm in the Administration Building. Present were:

Board Members: Sandy Stonebreaker, President, Larry Phelps, Kris Kaino, Kathy Mathews and Kim Patten.

Administrators : Superintendent Jenny Risner, Principals Dave Tobin, Todd Carper and Cathy Meinhardt.

Others Present: Jackie Stone, Linda Thompson, Amy Huntley, Kelly Jacobson, Rachel Lake, Christopher Lake, Katie Wilson, Don Zuern, Tracy Zuern, ZoeyZuern, Charlie Huddleston and Rachel Glasson.

Call to Order

Board President, Sandy Stonebreaker, declared a quorum and called the regular business meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

Flag Salue

Stonebreaker led the flag salute.

Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda

Motion: I move to approve the regular meeting agenda for November 24, 2014.

Motion by Stonebreaker, Seconded by Patten. Stonebreaker called for the vote. Carried.

Community Input


Input from the Board

The Board just returned from a trip to Spokane for the WSSDA Conference. They believe their time was well spent and that the conference was worthwhile.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Motion: I move to approve the consent agenda.

Motion by Stonebreaker, Seconded by Kaino. President Stonebreaker called for the vote. Carried.

The consent agenda included the following items:

a) Approval of October 27, 2014 Minutes

b) Approval of November 12, 2014 Executive Session Meeting Minutes

c) Personnel Report, New Hires/Resignations

d) Warrants

e) Donation – The Templin Foundation

The warrants included the following:


A/P I10/27/2014$358,424.17130220-130244

A/P II10/29/2014$312,597.34130245-130245

A/P III10/31/2014$ 23,911.25130246-130270

A/P IV11/07/2014$ 69,886.55130272-130316

A/P V11/12/2014$ 1,429.49130337-130337

11/12/2014$ -2,858.98 VOID 130258

PAYROLL10/31/2014$679,423.73130338-130363 900006018-90006172


A/P III10/31/2014$ 287.83130271-130271

A/P IV11/07/2014$ 11,497.53130317-130318


A/P IV11/07/2014$ 23,424.59130319-130336

December Board Meeting

The Board Meeting in December is scheduled for December 22, 2014. President Stonebreaker asked if there was any reason to change the date. No requests were made to change it. No action taken.

Long Beach Elementary Title I School Wide Plan

Amy Huntley said that Long Beach Elementary worked really hard to put the plan together and to get it approved by the Board. Principal Carper said that most of the plan stays the same from year to year and that most of the changes were made in the comprehensive and professional development areas of the plan.

Motion: I move to approve the LBE Title I School Wide Plan.

Motion by Stonebreaker, Seconded by Mathews. Stonebreaker called for the vote. Carried.

ASB and League Fees

Amy Huntley reminded the Board that there had been earlier conversation regarding the district picking up fees that are outside of the student’s control. Examples would be helmet reconditioning, league fees and a box collar for pole vaulting. She feels ASB dollars should be spent for student controlled items. She asked that the district pick up these fees annually. Patten asked if there are any Title IV issues with any of these items. Huntley replied that she doesn’t expect any but would double check with Kevin McNulty, AD and Title IX Officer.

Motion: I move to approve the district paying these fees annually.

Motion by Stonebreaker, Seconded by Patten. Stonebreaker called for the vote. Carried.


Superintendent Risner spoke about the WSSDA Conference and what she brought back from it. She believes that she and the Board need to identify 4 or 5 main goals to focus on. This would enable the district to plan the direction of trainings and where funding goes. She said we need to look at what we need to see out of our graduates. Risner suggested a Board Work Session. She believes a 3-hr work session at night would be a great start and then follow it up with another work session that includes the building principals. The principals could then take what was talked about back to their buildings. President Stonebreaker agreed that this needs to take place. Risner will send some possible meeting dates out to Board Members.

Risner also spoke about the impact of I-1351. She said we all recognize the importance of class size reduction but the passage of this initiative will have a great affect on our district. We will outgrow our buildings, especially Long Beach Elementary. What will we do regarding facilities? Risner and the Board will keep an eye on where this initiative goes over the next year. Business Manager, Linda Thompson and DawnaSundberg, Human Resources, are working on projections to see what it would look like to come into compliance.

There was also some discussion regarding Core 24. Risner said we need to be sure when we are hiring teachers that we look closely at who we hire and base it on long term need rather than immediate need. We need to look ahead and hire in the correct areas, projecting where our gaps will be. The Class of 2019 will be our first class that will fall under Core 24. Patten wondered how this might affect our graduation rate. Risner said that with our current 6-period day, students would not have any room to fail a class, and still graduate. Risner believes this should be our goal anyway… an expectation that students WILL NOT FAIL. We may need to restructure our student support system to support this expectation. This could be done through summer and after school programs at the high school level. There are challenges ahead but that’s good. We will become more progressive and creative in our scheduling and teaching and could possibly partner with colleges like Eastern Washington University for College in the High School.

SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT – Long Beach Elementary

Charlie Huddleston, LBE Science Teacher and Science Olympiad Advisor, spoke about the Science Olympiad Team and the competition they recently competed in. Charlie put this team together after learning that there was an elementary component to participate, not just MS and HS. He selected 15 students, out of 48 applicants, to participate and prepared them for competition during his lunch time and after school. Science Olympiad give students a chance to compete in an academic arena, rather than the normal athletic competition. Three participating students spoke about the events they competed in and how their teams did. ZoeyZuern said she particularly likes Glider Golf and Rocket Boat Rally. They participated against 24 other teams. Her team did pretty good and she plans to try out for this team again next year. Christopher Lake modeled a Science Olympiad T-shirt, which is blue and green, and said he would definitely do this competition again. Rachel Glasson said she liked Dynamic Density, where they find the density of “mystery” liquids. She said the liquids were pink and blue and “weird.” She had three people on her team and they did well. She mentioned that she brought a big bag of snacks on the trip and would like to participate again. Long Beach Elementary took 3rd Place in the Glider Golf category!

Parent Don Zuern thanked Charlie and credited him with the success of the program. He said that Science Olympiad had some really great programs and that our kids’ conduct was impeccable and they really represented OSBD well!

Stonebreaker asked what the program would need to grow…so that all 48 students can participate. Huddleston said it would take more coaching and volunteer support.


Linda gave the budget status. She feels the district is still in great financial condition. She will update the Board next month with figures after closing of the 2013-14 school year budget. She said there needs to be some discussion regarding the amount that needs to be set aside for painting. Stonebreaker said she would like to see a breakdown of ASB expenses so she can understand what goes in and out of ASB. Linda will provide that next month.

Linda also reported on enrollment. Although we dropped a bit between October and November, we are still about 19 students over our projected enrollment for the year. The Board asked some questions regarding students who are choicing out of our district as well as homeschooled students. Jackie will report those numbers in December.

Linda provided the Board with an overview of what is happening in our school lunch program with Chartwells. The report highlighted a few new items that are being offered to the students as well as upcoming promotions and upcoming featured entrees. Principal Tobin stated that Chartwells had brought in breakfast smoothies, which the students loved, as well as having a “Make Your Own Waffle” station. Tobin also mentioned that Chartwells met with students last year to hear what they did and didn’t like. They also told the students what restraints they worked under and looked at recipes. Tobin said they would like to do that again this year.


All principals and directors submitted reports to the Board. The Board said they like the consistency of the reports and didn’t have any questions for the principals or directors that were present.


Just a reminder that school dismisses early on Wednesday, November 26 for Thanksgiving Break and the Spotlight School for December is Ilwaco High School.




With no further business to come before the board, President Stonebreaker adjourned the regular meeting at 6:15pm.