Vincent VITA (See:

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E-mail: Jack Vincent <>

Dr. Jack E. Vincent

Present position: Retired Borah Professor Emeritus, University Of Idaho, Moscow Idaho, 83843

Place and date of birth: Portland, Oregon - December 26, 1932

Universities and Degrees

Portland State College, 1952-1956

University of Oregon, summer 1957 and 1958; 1959-1962.

B.S. in General Studies from Portland State College, 1957.

M.S. in Political Science from University of Oregon, 1960.

Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Oregon, March, 1964.

Professional Experience

1 Year as Co-Teacher at University of Oregon (1960-1961).

2 Years and 1 Summer Session at Oklahoma State University (1962- 1964).

1 Year at Central Michigan University (Mt. Pleasant) 1964-1965.

DON Research Associate, University of Hawaii (January-June 1971).

Professor (Visiting) of National Security Affairs, Maxwell Air Force

Base (1977-78).

Florida Atlantic University (1965 to 1994)

Director of the Martin Institute (1994 to 1996)

Borah Professor, University of Idaho (1994 to present)

Courses Taught: American Government, International Relations,

World Politics, American Foreign Policy,

Intro. to Social Science, Governments and Politics

of Asia, International Politics, History

of Political Thought, International Organization,

International Law, European Political

Theory, United Nations (Field Survey in New York),

Caribbean America (Team Taught), Communism vs.

Americanism (Administered Only), International

Relations Theory, Research in International

Relations (University of Hawaii), War and

Peace, The International System- Contemporary

Problems, Managing World Problems: Population,

Pollution, Energy and Conflict, Research Methods,

Quantitative Methods, Western European Politics,

Investigating International Relations,

International Organization and Law,

World Politics and War


Cum Laude, Portland State College

International Scholars Directory

Personalities in the South

Who's Who in the South

American Men of Science

Who's Who in American Education: Leaders in American Science

Outstanding Achievement Award for Research (FAU Provost Office 1990, for previous 2 years)

FAU College of Social Science nomination for the University Outstanding Research Award (total record considered), 1991

FAU Social Science Outstanding Scholar Award, 1992

FAU Social Science Nomination for Distinguished Teacher Award (1990, 1991, 1994)

FAU Nomination by College of Social Science Committee on Undergraduate Awards for a University Advising Award, 1992

Numerous TV appearances (S. Florida) on Channels 5, 7 and 12 on topics such as US Elections Iran-gate, Conditions in the USSR, Iran-Iraq War, Noriega, Iraq-US War and Bosnia as well as speeches on such topics to community groups in settings such as the Jewish Community Center, Burt Reynolds Institute and Unitarian Church.

Financial Support, Research

Research Advisory Committee, Central Michigan University, for

Attitude Patterns in the United Nations, Questionnaire

Construction and Preliminary Investigation (1965).

NSF Subvention Funds (Florida Atlantic University), Attitude

Patterns in the United Nations, Computer and Travel Costs


NSF Subvention Funds (Florida Atlantic University), The Growth

Dimensions of American Cities (1968-1969)

NSF Subvention Funds (Florida Atlantic University), Restraint

Patterns in the United Nations, (1970-1971).

Advanced Research Project Agency, Half-time, as DON Research

Associate, January-June, 1971, University of Hawaii.

Institute of Transnational Studies, University of Southern California, for travel (1974).

Peace Research Institute- Dundas, Canada, (1975-1977).

US Air Force (1977-78), Intergovernmental Exchange Program.

Prospects for Peace Conference (summer, 1979), Florida Endowment for the Humanities. (A cross-disciplinary conference of noted national political scientists, economists, philosophers, historians and government officials). Dr. Vincent acted as Director and coordinator.

FAU Energy Retrofit Project, Statistical Consultant (1981-82).

FAU Social Science QUIP Funds, I.R. Data Bank (1981-82).

Census Project, FAU/FIU Joint Center, (1985-86

Support Patterns at the United Nations, Martin Institute, (2000)

Educational Support

Korean GI Bill, Portland State College, 1952-56

National Defense Fellowship, 1959-1962 (University of Oregon)

Scholarly and Service Activities: FAU

Note: Key Assignments are flagged by a ***.

Featured Speaker, Newman Club, Politics at the United Nations,

Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1962.

Advisor to Delegate Group from Oklahoma State University for Model

UN - 1963.

Social Science Representative to IBM Seminar at Oklahoma State

University on Application of Computers to University Research

(Selected by William Granet, Head of Computing Center, 1963).

Coordinator and Principle Speaker in Methodist Church Foreign

Policy Series, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, 1965.

Faculty Advisor to Central Michigan University Student Group

Attending the National Conference of Christians and Jews,

Michigan College Workshop, Battle Creek, Michigan, 1965,

Faculty Representative.

Speaker, Palm Beach County Teachers Orientation.

The Principles of the United Nations System. West Palm Beach, Florida,


Co-advisor to International Relations Club, Florida Atlantic

University, 1965-67.

Political Parliamentarian for Model United Nations, Florida

Atlantic University, 1966.

*** Secretary, Florida Atlantic University Senate, 1967-70.

*** Secretary, Steering and Policy Committee, Florida Atlantic University, 1967-70.

*** Secretary, Senate By-laws Committee, Florida Atlantic University, 1967.

Featured Speaker, FAU Faculty Wives, 1967.

*** Chairman, Publications Committee, Florida Atlantic University,


Productivity Manager, College of Social Science, Florida Atlantic

University, 1966-1968.

Schedule Deputy, College of Social Science, Florida Atlantic

University, 1966-67.

Fulbright Program Advisor for Florida Atlantic University, 1967.

Featured Speaker, Kobeck Center, Miami, 1968.

*** Assistant to the Dean, Faculty Affairs, Florida Atlantic University, 1967-68.

*** Chairman-elect, Florida Academy of Sciences, 1969-70.

Coordinator of Social Science Debates 1968-69.

*** Chairman, Social Science, Florida Academy of Sciences, 1970-71.

*** Graduate Council Representative, Social Science, 1970.

*** Promotion and Tenure Committee, Social Science, 1970-73,

Re-elected 1973-77.

Ad Hoc Committee on College Governance, Chairman, 1969-70.

Panel Chairman, ISA South, 1970.

UN Round Table, American Political Science Association (Chicago)


Panel Chairman, IR Section, Florida Political Science Association,


Chairman, College Major Committee, College of Social Science, 1972- 73.

AAUP Representative, College of Social Science, 1972-73.

Member, College Promotion and Tenure Revision Committee, 1973.

*** Vice-President, Peace Science Society (International) 1973-74.

Member, Publications Committee, 1972-73.

Member, Committee on Teacher Evaluation, FAU Senate, 1972-73.

Speaker, Debates, College of Social Science, 1973.

*** AAUP Executive Committee, FAU, 1972-73.

Chairman, United Nations Association, 1972-73.

Organizer and Moderator, FAU Arab-Israeli Debates, 1973.

Board of Directors, Open Ocean Association, 1973.

Invited Speaker, I.R. Seminar, University of North Carolina, 1973.

*** Chairman, I.R. Theory Section, International Studies Association, St. Louis, 1974.

*** Invited Participant, Conference on Cumulation in Scientific Inter-national Relations Research, Los Angeles, 1974 (Support By the Institute for Transnational Studies, University of Southern California).

Governing Council, Interpolimetrics Society, 1974-75.

*** Associate Editor, Review of Peace Research, 1974-75.

*** First Vice-President, United Faculty of Florida, FAU (1975).

*** President, United Faculty of Florida, FAU (1976).

Reviewer, at various times, for International Studies Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Journal of Politics, Political Methodology, GPSA Journal, Journal of Peace Research, Comparative Political Studies, Behavioral Science, Western Political Quarterly, American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science.

*** Panel Chairman, IR Models, ISA, Toronto, 1976.

*** Chairman, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Col. of Soc.Sci. 1975- 1977.

Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, University 1972-1977.

Computer Committee, University Level, 1976-77.

Graduate Faculty, University of Florida, Joint University

of Florida-Florida Atlantic University PhD Program.

PhD Committee, University of North Carolina, International Relations.

Canadian School of Peace Research, lecturer (1976-77).

*** President and Program Chairman, Peace Science Society

(International) 1977-78 (hosted at Florida Atlantic University,

April, 1978).

*** Vice-President and Program Chairman, International Studies

Association/South, 1978-79 (hosted at Athens, Georgia).

Social Science Committee on College Requirements (1979).

*** Senate Committee on Committees (1979-83).

Senate Physical Facilities Committee (1979-80).

FAU Senate (1979-80).

*** Director, Prospects for Peace Conference, FAU, 1979.

Social Science Committee on Faculty Development 1979-82.

*** President ISA/South 1980-82.

Invited Speaker, National Security Seminar, Duke U. Feb. 1980.

Political Science Graduate Admissions Committee (1982-83).

*** Chair, Dean's Evaluation Committee (1981-82).

FAU Foundation Grant Committee (1982).

Reviewer NSF Proposals (1983, 1986)

*** Executive Council ISA/South (1982-83).

*** Social Science Promotion and Tenure Committee (1980-89), Chair (1983-85)

Senate Committee on Committees (1983-85).

Chair, Dean's Committee on Journal Rankings (1984).

*** University Research Committee (1985-88)

University Computer Committee (1988-90)

*** Research Associate, College of Social Science (1988-1990)

*** Chair, Dean's Committee on Computer Requirements (1989-1990)

Chair, Political Science (1990-94)

College Committee on Statistics Requirements (1991)

Brenn Green Scholar Committee (1992)

*** Eminent Scholar Review Committee (1992)

*** Member BOR SUS Review Team Site Visit Program (1993)

*** Outstanding Scholar Committee (1993)

*** Ad Hoc Committee on CLA Relations (1993)

*** Chair, Graduate Studies Committee (1993-94)

Graduate Council, (1993-94)

*** Planning Committee for IPSA Conference (held Jan. 1994 at Florida University) involving 58 academics from through out the world- see papers delivered section)

Member, Directors Project Committee, Martin Institute, 1994

*** Chair, Strategic Planning Committee, Martin Institute, 1994

*** Chair, Martin Institute Planning Group, 1994

Member, Borah Foundation Committee, 1994

Member, International Affairs Committee, 1994

***Editor, Martin Archives, 1994 to present

*** College of Arts and Sciences, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1997-2000

Scholarly Work

Books, Texts

The Handbook of International Relations (New York: Barron's

1969). 455 Pages.

United Nations Handbook (New York: Barron's 1969). 210 Pages.

United Nations Handbook (New York: Barron's, Revised Edition,

1976). 280 Pages.

Understanding International Relations (Washington: University

Press of America, 1979). 453 Pages.

International Relations: Law

(Washington: University Press of America, 1983). 78 Pages,

International Relations: Structures

(Washington: University Press of America, 1983). 118 Pages,

International Relations: United Nations

(Washington: University Press of America, 1983). 151 Pages,

Books, Research Related

The Caucusing Groups of the United Nations: An Examination

of Their Attitudes toward the Organization. (Stillwater:

Oklahoma State University Press, 1965). 152 Pages.

Factor Analysis in International Relations: Interpretation,

Problem Areas and An Application (Gainesville: University of

Florida Press, 1971). 143 Pages.

Project Theory: Interpretations and Policy Relevance

(Washington: University Press of America, 1979). 338 Pages.

International Relations: Theory

(Washington: University Press of America, 1983). 253 Pages.

Support Patterns in the United Nations

(Washington: University Press of America, 1991) 300 Pages.


The United Nations and Disarmament, 1960-1975, (General

Electric) with Charles P. Schleicher. 40 Manuscript Pages.

Factor Analysis as a Research Tool in International Relations:

Some Problem Areas, Some Suggestions and an Application,

presented at the 1969 Meeting (New York) of The APSA. Published

in Proceedings. 43 Pages.

A Factor Analytic Approach to Air Pollution Damage Functions,

Environmental Economics Research Report No. 2 (Florida Atlantic

University, Boca Raton, Florida, Department of Economics), 83

Pages. (with Robert Fabian and Joan K. Moore).


Note: All journals articles designated as first rank by the FAU Department of Political Science are flagged by ***. In this connection, the American Political Science Review is the premier U.S. and "world" journal for Political Science. The Journal of Politics stands just below the American Political Science Review in this respect. International Studies Quarterly is the premier journal for I.R. research specialists in the U.S. The Journal of Peace Research is considered a significant "world" journal (based in Norway) for I.R. scholars.

*** National Attributes as Predictors of Delegate Attitudes at

the United Nations, American Political Science Review 62

(1968) 916-931.

*** Systematic Analysis of National Attributes, Comparative

Political Studies (1968) 431-435.

*** The Convergence of Attitude and Voting Patterns at the United

Nations, Journal of Politics 31 (1969) 952-983.

*** Alternative Cooperative Strategies in a Bargaining Game,

Journal of Conflict Resolution 13 (1969) 494-510. (with

James Tindell).

An Analysis of Attitude Patterns at the United Nations,

Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 22 (1969)


*** An Analysis of Caucusing Group Activity at the United Nations,

Journal of Peace Research 2 (1970) 133-150.

Scaling the Universe of States on Certain Useful Multivariate

Dimensions, Journal of Social Psychology 85 (1971) 261-283.

*** Predicting Voting Patterns in the General Assembly, American

Political Science Review 65 (1971) 471-498.

*** Generating Some Empirically Based Indices for International

Alliance and Regional Systems Operating in the Early 1969's,

International Studies Quarterly 15 (1971) 465-525 (with

Joseph Falardeau, Edward Schwerin, Barry Bozeman, and Robert


The Effects of Different Ratios of Force on Aggression: An

Experiment, Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of

Sciences 33 (1970) 294-320 (with James Tindell).

*** Ratios of Force and Escalation in a Game Situation, Journal

of Conflict Resolution 15 (1971) 489-511 (with Edward Schwerin).

*** An Application of Attribute Theory to General Assembly Voting

Patterns and Some Implications, International Organization 26

(1972) 551-582.

*** Empirical Tests of Attribute, Social Field and Status-Field

Theories on International Relations Data, with Roger Baker,

Susan Gagnon, Keith Hamm, and Scott Reilly, International

Studies Quarterly 17 (1973) 405-443.

*** The Properties of the Distance Metric in Social Field Theory,

International Interactions 1 (1974) 255-258.

A Critique of Social Field Theory and Some Suggestions for

Further Elaborations, Political Methodology 2 (1975) 151-188

*** Explorations in D-space, Comparative Political Studies 9 (1976) 107-135.

*** Reinterpreting "Repredicting Voting Patterns in the General Assembly" International Studies Quarterly 20 (1976) 325-330.

In Defense of "A Critique of Social Field Theory..."

Political Methodology, 6, 1977, pp. 207-212.

*** Analyzing International Conflict and Cooperation Flows: An Application of Attribute Theory, Social Science Quarterly, 1977, 58,

pp. 111-120.

Attribute and Attribute Distance Theories in International Behavior;

An Overview, Political Methodology, 4, 1977, pp. 461-491.

Exploring Delegate Attitudes at the United Nations,

Peace Research Reviews, Vol 7, 4, (1978) 1-79.

Delegate Orientations Toward the United Nations: A Ten-Year Perspective, Peace Research Reviews, Vol 7, 4, (1978) 80-119.

Quantifying and Predicting Delegate Behavior at the United Nations,

Peace Research Reviews, Vol 7, 5, (1978) 1-50.