Individual Evaluation

Name: ______/ Teacher:
Date : ______/ Title of Work: ______
Criteria for Language / Points
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Process / Student requires constant supervision, but is able to use drafting and editing to produce final product. / Student, with help from teacher and peers, uses drafting, revising and editing to produce final product. / Student, with help from peers, uses drafting, revising and editing to produce a final draft of written product. / Student uses prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and critiquing to produce final drafts of written product. / ____
Conventions / Student demonstrates little to no understanding of appropriate English conventions. Teacher input and review required at all times. / Student demonstrates a simple understanding of English conventions. There is a lack of capitalization of the beginning and end of sentences, however the basic meaning of written text is comprehensible. Frequent spelling errors lead instructor to believe that student does not have a basic understanding of content language. / Student demonstrates a solid command of grade-appropriate conventions, however capitalization, contractions, content language and spelling of grade-level vocabulary requires teacher support/revision. / Student demonstrates command of appropriate English conventions by using capital letters for beginning of sentences and names, writing contractions, identifying words that might be misspelled, correctly spelling grade-appropriate words, correctly spelling common homophones (e.g. there, their) / ____
Structures of
Language / Student fails to demonstrate a command of basic English structures through a lack of complete sentences. Division of thought is not established through use of punctuation or indentation. / Student demonstrates a very basic understanding of sentence structure. “Division” of thought, and indentation occurs only after peer and teacher support is offered. / Relies on help from peers and teacher to comply with basic English writing structures, but is able to write at least half of project independently and shows improvement in overall structural understanding. / Student demonstrates a command of the structures of English by writing a variety of complete simple sentences, recognizes complete sentences, and recognizes indentations for new paragraphs. / ____
Writing / Student’s writing lacks organization and therefore comprehension on the part of the reader is impeded. / Student is able to group information; however, there is a lack of understanding as to the order in which it should be shared, and basic transition words are few and far between. / Student’s writing shows some semblance of organization, although the division of the beginning, middle and end is blurred by a lack of transition words. / Student organizes information by grouping ideas into a beginning, middle, and end, and using basic transition words (e.g. first, then, next, finally). / ____
Reflection / Student is unable to make personal connections to the reading and therefore writing lacks voice and reflection. Final product is one-dimensional. / Student draws some personal connections to the text, however the final product lacks evidence of the transition made from thoughts to the physical act of writing. / Student makes connections to the text, and establishes a focus, however individual voice needs strengthening. There is evidence of reflection, however this could be further developed. / Student makes connections between personal experiences and ideas by using details to establish place, time and situation. Student establishes a focus and shows evidence of individual voice and exhibits techniques for reflecting on thoughts or feelings; questioning or comparing. / ____
Total----> / ____

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