2004 Chicago Open

Editor Packet 4 – Tossups by Subash Maddipoti and Ezequiel Berdichevsky

1. Those involved in this scheme were inspired by ideas set forth in the journal Pigs Meat and all of them were members of the Society of Spencean Philanthropists. The government had already become aware of the plan because they had infiltrated a spy, John Castle, into the organization. It took shape once the plotters became aware of a planned party at Harrowby House. The plan, as hatched by Arthur Thistlewood, was to murder the ministers of the Crown at a cabinet dinner. FTP, identify this 1820 conspiracy to take over the British government, named for the road on which the conspirators met.

Answer: Cato Street Conspiracy

2. In its Broadway debut this play featured Paul Newman in the role of a young man betrayed by his fiancee. Poopdeck McCullough is the only character mentioned who does not appear on stage. Another minor character is Bomber, a teenage boy who appears in the beginning to make fun of the younger Owens girl. A side plot concerns Rosemary Sydney’s attempts to tie down Howard Bevans, but the primary story focuses on Alan Seymour, his fiancée, and her attraction to another man. Said fiancée, Madge Owens, finally succumbs and sleeps with said other man, Hal Carter, while everyone else is away at the title event. FTP, name this play by William Inge.

Answer: Picnic

3. One of its viral forms is caused by a small RNA virus belonging to the picornavirus class and is spread by the oral-fecal route. The most recently recognized type is caused by a defective RNA virus known as the delta agent. The drug-induced variety is easily curable and like all forms of this disease is characterized by Kuppfer cell enlargement and proliferation. Existing in several varieties, including A,B,C, and D, this is FTP, what generic name given to an inflammation of the liver?

Answer: hepatitis

4. One used his position as correspondence secretary to the emperor Claudius to become, in effect, a minister of state. His power was weakened when he backed Brittanicus for succession instead of Nero, and he commited suicide shortly thereafter. The other was the son of Cephissus and Liriope. In one version of his tale he rejects the love of Ameinias but in all versions his punishment is due to the wrath of Nemesis. He more famously meets his fate while looking for the nymph Echo. FTP, name this Greek youth renowned for his beauty and for being enamored with his own reflection.


5. The bearded figure on the bottom right of this painting is chewing off the thumb of a man in his embrace and the somewhat succubus-like figure on the bottom left is chewing off his own thumb. Only one woman appears in this painting, and she is being kicked in the stomach by one of the group of naked figures that lie along the bottom. The title character stands looking to the left and is distinguished by his red wrapped headdress. To his right, and also in the titular structure, is an orange robed man, who is presumably Virgil. FTP, name this painting of three men in a boat, one of whom is the titular Italian poet, a work by Eugene Delacroix.

Answer: The Barque of Dante

6. This city sank into decay after it was captured, pillaged, and burned by the Saracens in AD 878. Its first great ruler was Gelon, who relocated his capital from Gela to this city. Public liberty was restored in 343 BC after the unsettled reign of Dion, who failed to live up to the powerful rule of Dionysus the Elder. Perhaps the city’s greatest rulers are Hiero I and Agathocles, both of whom ruled as tyrants. The latter came to power well after the two-year Athenian siege of this city during the Peloponnesian War. FTP, name this powerful ancient city of Sicily.

Answer: Syracuse

7. This writer had a considerable fortune but spent most of it equipping volunteers to fight Napoleon in Spain. He lost the rest of it after purchasing his extravagant estate of Llanthony Abbey. He discussed the libel charges against him in his reminisces, Dry Sticks Fagoted, which also mentions his lifelong friendship with Southey that began with the publication of this man’s exotic poem Gebir. During a long stay in Bath he produced his major works, including his drama Pericles and Aspasia and his elegy “Rose Aylmer.” FTP, name this English writer best known for two volumes of dialogues between famous figures entitled Imaginary Conversations.

Answer: Walter Savage Landor

8. It offers a direct relationship between “L sub Z,” the intensity of light at depth “Z” and “L sub zero,” the intensity of light at the ocean surface. Thus, when used in conjunction with the Secchi disk, this law can allow for a measurement of the light attenuation of a body of water. In colorimetry it is often combined with Lambert’s law for purposes of utility. The simplest statement of it might be that the absorptive capacity of a dissolved substance is directly proportional to its concentration in a solution. FTP, identify this chemical law useful in spectrophotometry experiments.

Answer:Beer’s law

9. Its shortest track is the seventh one, “I Would Die 4U,” and the eclecticism only begins with the robotic jamming of “Computer Blue” and the hard grind of “Darling Nikki.” The artist explored psychedelic music in two other songs on this album, the string-laden “Take me With U” and the pure rock of “Baby I’m a Star.” It’s nine tracks end with the title one, and though it is the sixth song that proved the biggest hit, the first track, “Let’s Go Crazy,” was also a huge hit. FTP, identify this album that also features “When Doves Cry,” a work of Prince created for a movie of the same name starring Prince.

Answer: Purple Rain

10. Among the concepts elucidated in this work is the “fusion of horizons,” which attempts to explain how people of different eras can comprehend things with their own specific “effective historical consciousness.” It begins with the grasping of works of art, which its author later examined in The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays. However, the primary gist of this 1960 work is clarify the difference between Erklaren, or explanation, and Verstehen, or understanding. FTP, name this work that expounded up on the interpretive, or hermeuntical, aspect of the philosophy of its author, Hans-Georg Gadamer.

Answer: Truth and Method

11. He was so mortified by his killing of U.S. attorney Charles Lucas in a duel that he vowed never to duel again. Of course one of his brothers had already shot and almost killed Andrew Jackson in a tavern brawl. More than sixty years later he completed his valuable memoirs, Thirty Years View, which cover the period from 1820-1850. In the Senate his support of “hard money” became so legendary as to earn him the nickname “Old Bullion.” After leaving office, he campaigned against his own son-in-law, John Fremont, in the presidential election of 1856. FTP, name this Jacksonian Democrat and longtime senator from the state of Missouri.

Answer: Thomas Hart Benton

12. In this novel though Monsieur Grassins ostensibly goes to Paris take care of the family name, he becomes so enamored of city life that he never returns. Earlier a visitor had arrived at the residence with a letter announcing the death of the patriarch’s brother, Guillaume, who asks that his son be taken care of. That son later marries Mademoiselle D’Aubrion even though he has declared his love for the title figure, who helps Charles travel to India by giving him her savings and alienating Nanon and her father in the process. Eventually, she marries Monsieur Cruchot and resigns herself to living loveless in Saumur. FTP, name this novel about the unfortunate daughter of a miser, a work by Honore de Balzac.

Answer: Eugenie Grandet

13. In communications technology loading is defined as the addition of this property to an antenna or transmission line to improve operating characteristics. Its “mutual” variety is exemplified in a transformer, and it can greatly be increased by the introduction of an iron core in a soft coil. Joseph Henry first recognized its “self” variety and his name identifies the magnetic type of this property. FTP, identify this property defined as the value of the electromotive force created in a conductor divided by the magnitude of the rate of change of the current causing the emf.


14. The fourth movement is pastoral in mood featuring a 3/4 meter with arpeggiated string figures. That section, How amiable are thy tabernacles, is followed by a rhapsodic setting for solo soprano and chorus that ends with the words “I will see you again.” Upon first hearing this seven-part work Clara Schumann remarked that she was filled by it and the memory of the composer’s mother to whom it was dedicated. FTP, identify this reverential work based on a Lutheran rather than a Latin mass for the dead, a composition by Johannes Brahms.

Answer: A German Requiem or Ein Deutsches Requiem

15. His only collaborative effort with his wife Frances was the Dahomean Narrative. In The Dilemma of Social Pattern he argues for traces of the older folkways in the most “complete acculturation.” All of these works may be found at his namesake library at Northwestern where he became the first chair of African Studies in the U.S. His most famous work argues that contrary to popular belief, blacks had a viable and vibrant culture before their exposure to Westerners. FTP, identify this one-time disciple of Franz Boas and sociologist author of The Myth of the Negro Past.

Answer: Melville Herskovits

16. The year after he took over, he founded the Patriotic Union Party as a front and two years later he organized another puppet organization, the National Consultative Assembly. He initially pledged to rule only for 90 days, yet he was forced to resign after seven years, with the king appointing General Berenguer to succeed him. Berenguer had commanded him during the Rif War and had given way when this man was asked to replace Prime Minister Marquis of Alcuhemas. His most disastrous measure was the adoption of a corporate economy modeled on that of Italy. FTP, name this man who ruled, from 1923 to 1930, as dictator of Spain.

Answer: Miguel Primo de Rivera

17. It was so popular that a hundred years after it was written, Hannah More claimed that millions felt the grief the protagonist felt. Like its author’s The Fatal Marriage it was adapted for the stage by Thomas Southerne. Though helped by Aban and Onahal in his campaign against the King, the young title warrior soon finds himself on the way to Parham House where Mr. Trefry renames the former Prince of Coromantien, Caesar. It begins with the narrator’s tale of witnessing the title figure finding and killing his beloved Imoinda, after which he is executed by Governor Byam for leading a revolt. FTP, name this work set on Suriname, a 1688 novel subtitled “The Royal Slave,” written by Aphra Behn.

Answer: Oroonoko

18. Nidaba and Memphis Facula are two notable palimpsests on this satellite’s surface, though Gilgamesh is the largest one. In October 1995 the Hubble Space Telescope detected ozone there and it has recently been shown to possess a magnetosphere embedded inside its planet’s larger one. Its icy shell exterior has also been slightly differentiated from neighboring Callisto. FTP, name this third Galilean moon, the largest moon of Jupiter and the solar system.

Answer: Ganymede

19. Human communities in and around it include Palm Island and Bamaga, while a modern laboratory on Heron Island continues the scientific work done on it by a namesake 1928 expedition. Its characteristic purplish red rim is formed by the Lithothamnion and Porolithon algae. It is an important nesting site for the green sea turtle and its extensive seagrass beds further inshore provide grazing for dugongs. This largest UNESCO World Heritage Site extends to Papua New Guinea and is composed of 2100 individual structures and 800 fringe formations. FTP, name this system of coral reefs found off the northeastern coast of Australia.

Answer: Great Barrier Reef

20. The ACLU filed an amicus curiae brief in this case and was represented by Bernard Berkman. In delivering the majority opinion Justice Clark cited both Weeks v. U.S. and Boyd v. U.S., but it was Wolf v. Colorado that the court overturned much of. The issue at hand was a call placed to the defendant’s attorney, whose presence Cleveland police ignored in conducting their immediate investigation. FTP, name this landmark 1961 case dealing with illegal search and seizure.

Answer: Mapp v. Ohio

2004 Chicago Open

Editor Packet 4 – Bonuses by Subash Maddipoti and Ezequiel Berdichevsky

1. Name these non-Chinese works featuring Chinese characters, FTP each:

A. This collection of 119 letters is purportedly written by Lien Chi Altangi. Their true author, Oliver Goldsmith, was revealed upon a third publication in 1762.

Answer: The Citizen of the World

B. This is the alternated title of Bret Harte’s comic poem, “Plain Language from Truthful James,” about an easterner who cheats at cards.

Answer: “The Heathen Chinee”

C. Subtitled “His Fake Book,” this Maxine Hong Kingston novel describes a few days in the life of a struggling Chinese American playwright in Berkeley in the late 1960s.

Answer: Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book

2. Name these figures involved in the Filipino revolt against the U.S., FTP each:

A. This Philippine leader had aided the U.S. during the Spanish-American war but took over the insurrection in 1899. He led the revolt until his capture in March 1901 at which point he took an oath of allegiance to the U.S.

Answer: Emilio Aguinaldo

B. This brigadier general took Manila, Luzon, and Malalos in succession in the late months of 1899. In 1901 he became military governor and commander of the Division of the Philippines, but he might better known for a son who also made his name in the Pacific theater.

Answer: Arthur MacArthur (prompt on last name)

C. This historian chronicles the Filipino revolt and its impact on American foreign policy in his In Our Image: America’s Empire in the Philippines, which won a Pulitzer in History in 1990.

Answer: Stanley Karnow

3. Give these terms used to designate various elements on the periodic table, FTP each:

A. As the Greek roots would imply, this is the name given to elements normally found in combination with iron, nickel, or magnesium.

Answer: siderophile

B. Nickel, palladium, and platinum are sometimes referred to as this type of metal because they exhibit the s2d8 to s0d10 hybridization.

Answer: noble metal

C. It is a member of a B subgroup in the periodic table which exhibits metallic bonding characteristics similar to its A group counterparts.

Answer: congener [KON-jeh-nurr]

4. He is considered the founder of the Scottish, or common-sense, school of philosophy. FTP each—

A. Name this 18th-century author of Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principle of Common Sense.

Answer: Thomas Reid

B. Thomas Reid was an outspoken critic of this author of Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, A Treatise on Human Nature, and a six-volume History of England.

Answer: David Hume

C. One 19th-century disciple of Reid was this French philosopher and educator and founder of eclecticism. His philosophy was skewered in Hippolyte Taine’s Classic French Philosophers of the 19th-Century.

Answer: Victor Cousin

5. Name these pre-18th-century Dutch artists, FTP each:

A. This 17th-century artist is best-known for humorous interior scenes, as in The Cat Family and The Morning Toilet.

Answer: Jan Steen

B. He often performed his commissions under the name of Mabuse. The best-known of his early 16th-century works include Saint Luke Painting the Virgin and Jean Carondelet Adoring the Virgin and Child.

Answer: Jan Gossaert

C. This 17th-century artist pioneered the genre of portraiture with such works as The Merry Toper and The Laughing Cavalier.

Answer: Franz Hals

6. Name these Tennyson poems with female title characters, FTP each:

A. It begins with a quote from Measure for Measure, from which the title character’s name was taken. The poem proper begins, “With blackest moss the flower-pots / Were thickly crusted, one and all:”

Answer: “Mariana”

B. The title character of this poem has “grown so dear, so dear” that the speaker “would be the jewel / That trembles at her ear.”

Answer: “The Miller’s Daughter

C. It begins “On either side the river lie / Long fields of barley and of rye,” and pertains to a legend that the poet would treat differently in the “Lancelot and Elaine” section in his Idylls of the King.