MCN Nursing Simulation Lab Program Logic Model & Evaluation Plan

Clinical education is the heart of nursing education but faculty and clinical sites are scarce and consistency of learning experiences cannot be guaranteed. Clinical simulations supplement clinical site experiences and ensure that students develop professional skills and competencies.

Inputs / / Outputs / /

Outcomes -- Impact

Activities / Participation /
·  Staff [NSL coordinator, Tech staff, student workers [GAs, lab assistants]
·  Faculty [time, training, designated NSL Faculty]
·  Budgeted funds
·  Equipment
·  Materials
·  Technology & support—ISU, EMS contract
·  Research base
·  Research support
·  Partners / 1. Provide clinical education w/ simulation technologies:
·  Teach
·  Demonstrate
·  Coach
·  Assess
·  Evaluate
·  Remediate
2. Provide clinical assessment Formative: debrief, faculty feedback
Summative: check-offs
·  Skills Proficiency checks
·  Professional competency development
3. Develop products
·  curriculum & resources
·  simulation scenarios
4. Conduct research
5. Work w/ healthcare partners / Students; other programs; nursing educators
Students; other programs; nursing educators
Students; other nursing programs
Doctoral Students; other programs; nursing educators
Partners / Short-term:
[knowledge, attitudes, skills, aspirations, motivations]
@ individual student level
Skills proficiency
·  Assessment skills
·  Psychomotor skills
Professional Competencies:
·  Clinical judgment
·  Pt-centered care
·  Communication
·  Teamwork
·  Safety and quality
·  HC technology/ Informatics
Measured in NSL:
skills proficiency check
Simulation objectives / Medium term :
[behavior, practice, decision-making]
@ individual student level and @ group level :
UG--[Level 1-end yr 1; Level 2—end yr 2]
Skills proficiency
·  Assessment skills
·  Psychomotor skills
Professional Competencies:
·  Clinical judgment
·  Pt-centered care
·  Communication
·  Teamwork
·  Safety and quality
·  HC technology/ Informatics
ß plus student growth / Ultimate Impact:
[social, economic, civic, environmental]
—exceptionally prepared nurses who lead quality healthcare [MCN vision statement] –these will not necessarily have measures, though we can use some of our program outcome measures
Assumptions / External Factors
Excellence in clinical education using evidence-based best practices for teaching and assessment. Faculty and graduate students conduct research to add to the state of the science in healthcare simulation education / Continued resources from MCN, ISU, community partners
Employers hire graduates who demonstrate NSL skills, competencies