Roseland Music Society

Registered Charity No. 1098140

President: Michael Whittall Chairman: Peter Louth

Secretary: Janet Axworthy, The Old Chapel, Churchtown Road, Gerrans, Cornwall, TR2 5DZ.

Tel: 01872 580610


ON FRIDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 2016 at 6.45pm

1. Present

President: Michael Whittall

Chairwoman & Secretary: Janet Axworthy

Treasurer: Gerry McLeod

Membership Secretary: Denise Deighton

Plus seventeen members

2. Apologies for absence - Zoe & Peter Sheppard, Peter & Diana Louth, Judith Baylis, Roger & Sarah Dettmer, Anne Shoraka, Mike & Jean Hitchings, Richard Janet Smith, Robin & Celia Flynn, Malcolm & Elizabeth Tozer, Brian & Valerie Willis.

3. Minutes of last AGM held on 13th October 2015 Minutes proposed by Michael Whittall as a true record & seconded by Barbara Bryan and approved by all present.

4. Chairman’s Report (previously circulated) Janet announced the death on 13th August 2016 of Pat Cohen one of our longest standing members who donated our Kawai piano in memory of herhusband Desmond. Janet went on to reiterate one or two points from her Report for 2016 and torepeat her thanks to our Treasurer Gerry Mcleod who is serving one more year only and, in the meantime, we need to seriously look for someone to take on this role. Her thanks also to Roger Dettmer who had organised such an interesting and varied programme for the last 4 years and would be handing over this job to Peter Louth. Similarly to Anne Shoraka, Membership Secretary for 5 years but hopesto continue as the RYM School Workshops Organiser. Also thanks to Zoe Sheppard for delivering posters and so efficiently organising the setting-up of the Hall for concerts and is prepared to continue until a suitable person is found to replace her. Finally thanks to Jenny Johnson who had so expertly acted as Minutes Secretary. Janet appealed to members to come forward to help run the Music Society as there are several jobs that can be done without actually joining the Committee, although additional Committee Members were required.

5. Roseland Youth Music Report (previously circulated) For personal reasons Anne Shoraka was unable to present at the AGM.

6. Treasurer’s Report Gerry felt that our financial position was satisfactory with a small profit of £3. He gave an overview of the Independent Examiner’s Report stating that a full report is available to read. There have been ups and downs in concert attendances this year, showing a small decline in our average attendance to 58. As far as the Roseland Youth Music was concerned we undertook three school workshops and following members’ generous donations of £597 there was a deficit of £512. The financial situation was healthy with a bank balance of £1881. Janet proposed that the accounts be accepted as a true record and this was seconded by Chris Williams and approved by all present.

7. Election of Executive Committee for 2016/17

(a) Election of Honorary Officers

Chair Janet is standing down as Chairman. Peter Louth has come forward as willing to take over this role. Proposed by Janet Axworthy and seconded by Jean Rigley and approved by all present.

Secretary Janet prepared to continue in her role as Secretary for a further year and was therefore re-elected.

Treasurer Gerry McLeod was unanimously re-elected for one more year but a replacement must be actively sought.

(b) Other Committee Members:

Future Programme Planner Roger Dettmer is stepping down and Peter Louth is prepared to fill this role along with that of Chairman and was unanimously elected.

Membership Secretary Denise Deighton has replaced Anne Shoraka and was duly re-elected to the Committee.

Assistant Secretary JudithBaylis is prepared to continue in this capacity and was duly re-elected.

  1. Any Other Business

Janet commented that she requires a new Minutes Secretary following Jenny Johnson’s resignation. If anyone interested then it was not essential for them to be on the Committee.

The Chairman also gave a further reminder that willing souls need to be sought to replace Gerry McLeod (Treasurer) and Zoe Sheppard (Concet Hall Organiser).

Michael Whittall spoke on the subject of our excellent concerts and added that if we were to continue maintaining this standard then more help is definitely required from the membership.

Our new Programme Leafletswere available for distribution in as many places as possible and the Chairman asked if people could please take some to hand out any friend/contacts interested in music.

Janet gave a vote of thanks to everyone for attending.

There being no further business the meeting closed at. 7.07 p.m. To be followed by a Concertby our pianist Samantha Ward.



held on

Friday 14th September

at Portscatho Memorial Hall


Michael Whittall PresidentRoger Detrmer

Greg Williams ChairmanAnne Shoraka

Chris WilliamsMike Lipold

Zoe SheppardStuart Hall

Sarah Dettmer

+ 20 members

Apologies for Absence

Sue Jeremy, Janet Axworthy, Gerry and Jill McLeod, Mike and Jeanne Hitchings, Bob and Ruth Warren Patrick and Jean Rigley, Pat Cohen and Peter Sheppard.

Minutes of AGM held on Friday 16th September 2011

These had previously been circulated to all members. Michael Whittall said that in the treasurer’s report 3rd line “by the Charity Commission” should be deleted as it was incorrect. Following this it was proposed by Zoe Sheppard and seconded by Anne Shoraka and unanimously approved, that the minutes be adopted as a true record of that meeting and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Report (previously circulated)

Greg Williams said his report raised several questions about the membership, the number of concerts per year and the trend of falling audiences. He reported that 2 members of the Committee, David Carlton web master and Sue Jeremy, minute secretary were standing down, although David Carlton would continue to update our web site. Greg thanked Sue and David for their valuable contribution to the Music Society and to the rest of the committee for their sterling work to put on the concerts. It was proposed by Michael Whittall and seconded by Roger Dettmer that the Chairman’s report be accepted. The vote was unanimous.

Roseland Youth Music (report previously circulated to all members)

Christine Williams reported that during the year 2 groups of artists had performed at local schools and the scheme had financially supported a major local project. RYM was now in its 10th year. She emphasised the importance of the donations of the members to the success of this scheme and she thanked those who had contributed to it.

Treasurer’s report

In the absence of Gerry McCleod Michael Whittall presented the report which was circulated to all present. He noted that the RYM finances were in a healthy position and RMS was down only by only £197. There was a small decline in membership and the reserves were down by 4%. The cost of artists was down only due to one concert being cancelled in the previous year. Michael gave a vote of thanks to Gerry for the very detailed and informative financial reports he produces and the helpful budget predictions which help the committee to make decisions for the Society. It was proposed by Briar Pomery and seconded by Stuart Hall