Audition Information
1. Where are the auditions?
All auditions are in the Music Room (212).
2. What to prepare and/or bring with you:
Below you will find audition information that is also posted on my website within the Information on RCHS Music Courses chart:
For Choral Students (10th – 12th grades): No audition material required, but you may choose to bring a one minute selection to sing. The audition will include a warm-up, a one minute vocal selection and an aural rhythmic exercise. Entering 9th grade singers should sign up for Chorus.
For Band Students:
Woodwinds and Brass - bring a one minute selection to play that illustrates your best playing level. You will also play the District Scales (you may play the Middle School scales). Scales can be found at; Central District; All-District Solos and Scales.
Percussion - bring one minute literature selection for mallet keyboard. You will also play from the District Rudiments for Snare (; Central District; All-District Solos and Scales)
3. Helpful Information for Choral Students:
a. Priority is given to RCHS Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors in the honors groups. Freshmen will be placed in Chorus (a really great class that enables you to learn my classroom style and offers a more complete foundation in music history, theory and vocal development). Following a year in Chorus, Freshmen will then have priority for the honors ensembles (with no audition required) in the next academic year.
b. Specific placement in the auditioned honors ensembles (Women’s Ensemble or Mixed Ensemble) is at my discretion. Assignments take into consideration the voicing needs of the existing choral group.
c. Both honors groups require the purchase of formal wear (approximately $98 for women and $115 for men). Should this pose a financial burden, please speak with Dr. Brown.
d. We have two concerts per year (Winter and Spring). We participate in state and local choral activities such as: Music Performance Adjudication (formerly called Festival), NC Honors Choir, NC All-State Choir and the UNC-CH All Male Invitational Choral Clinic.
e. Come to our Spring Concert. It is free and open to the public. It is always better to hear who we are in person.
4. Helpful Information for Band Students:
- Seating is often limited for “high demand” instruments: trumpets, alto saxophones, flutes. If you are auditioning for any of these sections, please consider whether or not you would play “lower” in your instrument family (trumpets could easily move to baritone or tuba; alto saxophone could move to tenor or baritone; flutes could consider alto flute) OR take up a new instrument (trumpets could possibly think about trombone or French horn; alto saxophones might consider the clarinet family; flutes might consider French horn). At this time, the band will need more percussionists and low brass in particular.
- Do audition for your instrument of choice! If the need arises, I will talk with you about the possibilities that are raised above. I simply wanted you to be aware of a possible situation and have you start thinking “out of the box”.
- We do employ the use of Smart Music in the band program – for playing tests and rhythm assignments. If you aren’t familiar with this great program, check it out as a virtual tour:
- You will be auditioning for the Intermediate Concert Band (642). As Juniors and Seniors you will be eligible for the Advanced Intermediate Concert Band (645). Look at the Band Handbook on my website for a description of the requirements for honors credit (Advanced Intermediate Concert Band).
e. We have two concerts per year (Winter and Spring). We participate in state events: Central District All-District Auditions and Clinic, Central District Music Performance Adjudication (formerly known as Festival), District and All-State Jazz and the All-State Auditions and Clinic. Come to our Spring Concert. It is free and open to the public. It is always better to hear who we are in person.
5. Helpful Information for all Freshmen
- Take 7th Period Health. There is a cost for this class; however, it will preserve your arts electives for the 4 years.
- Know that all music classes have a more global approach at RCHS: performance/literature, Music History and Appreciation and Music Theory.
Looking forward to hearing and seeing you!
Dr. Brown (DB)