2010 New Year’sProphetic Word
Raise a Generation who hears God
God has a plan and a purpose in our lives.
In I Samuel Chapter 1, there was a woman named Hannah, who was barren. Her husband Elkanah has two wives- Hannah & Peninnah. Peninnah had children but Hannah did not have children as the Lord had closed her womb.
As per the scripture in I Samuel chapter 3, in those days the word of the Lord was rare.
The reason for rare word of God was disobedience of people. In those days Eli and his sons were ministering in the tabernacle of Moses, but they were selfish and not keeping the word of God.
Scripture says if you are obedient to God, God speaks to you, but if you are disobedient to God stops speaking to you.
That is why God’s word was rare in those days because of disobedience of people towards the word of God. In fact the word Hannah means favored grace, but she was Barren & her husband Elkanah was very gracious to her and gave her double portion to satisfy her but she was not happy with that, she was always longing to get something from God. Her rival (Peninnah) kept provoking her and this made her life more miserable. When things go wrong in our lives we get frustrated. Even Hannah was very distressed.
Her Husband Elkanah said – “Am I not better than ten sons to you?” But Hannah did not take these words into her heart because she didn’t want to settle for a substitute nor was she willing to get second best. Hannah knew God has kept best for her.
God has also kept best for your life. God has plans for your life.
At one point of time Hannah went to the tabernacle and poured out herself before God. She made a Vow before God because all things were going against her. God wanted to hear a word from Hannah’s mouth. That is why he allowed provocation and closed her womb. If Hannah had a child already the story would be different but as God has closed her womb, now there is a chapter after chapter and a phase after phase in Hannah’s life.
Then Hannah made a vow before God. She said “If you remember me and will give your maid servant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life and no razor will ever be used on his head.” This is what God is expecting from Hannah.
God is seeing how desperate you are when you are dealing with Him; your commitment to Him and your passion towards God. When you look back at 2009. What was your testimony? How was your Christian life? Can people say that you were on fire for God? How much time did you reach for God? How many people have you prayed for? Can you say that 2009 was a year of revival or is it a struggling life or a survival life?
Even Hannah was struggling to be fruitful. So she made a vow before God. She said – if you give me a male child, he will serve you all the days of his life. This was for the first time a woman is speaking to God about her son serving Him all the days of his life. In the law of Moses, Levites will serve from the age 25-50years. But Hannah says not just 50yrs but till his last breath.
Today, can you make a vow to the Lord and say ‘Lord not just 2010 but I want to serve you all the days of my life.
Hannah also said – “No razor shall come upon his head.” That means he is special and set apart for God.
Hannah was not satisfied with the double portion nor did she succumb to the pressure. She was pressing on through the situation and was holding on to God, as she wanted the best from the Lord. She was making a way into the situation just as a caterpillar makes a way to become a butterfly.
If you open a cocoon, caterpillar will die. It has to open itself and come out. We want immediate answers to our problems but God has a plan and timing God wants to strengthen you while you are going through problems. If you want best from God don’t settle for substitute. A substitute life will bring a substandard life.
Hannah was blessed with the child (Samuel) and left the child with Eli to minister before the Lord. When Samuel was with Eli, God called Samuel for three times, Samuel had no clue about what was happening because Eli never told him that God is a speaking God nor did he ever saw God speaking to Eli. Samuel doesn’t know the voice of God.
Do you know the voice of God? Are you hearing His voice? Is the next generation hearing when God is speaking to you? God wants us to raise a generation who can hear God; not one or two but a generation, a multitude who obey the word of God. 2009 is gone but today make a vow before the Lord to raise next generation as people who can hear God, obey God, Speak oracles about God, stand by purposes of God as special people who will impact this world.