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§  Actividad 1

§  Actividad 2a, 2b

§  Actividad 5

If you have any questions or messages for your teacher this week, type them here:

Type only in the yellow boxes – they will expand as you type.

Please DO NOT type anywhere else in the document,
and DO NOT change any format settings in the boxes unless asked to do so.

This document contains only the activities you need to send to your teacher.
You will need to refer to the complete Workset (online or in your Workbook).


Excellent shows that you have consistently understood the work and have completed all activities carefully with virtually no errors.

Very Good shows that you have nearly always understood and carefully completed the work but made a few minor errors occasionally.

Good shows that most of the work has been understood and completed but there were occasional gaps in understanding requiring revision.

Fair shows understanding and completion of some aspects of the work, but indicates that some other aspects need attention and revision.

Satisfactory shows that although you have completed the work to the minimum standard required, there is considerable room for improvement. Immediate revision is required.

Unsatisfactory shows that you had major problems in understanding and completing the work and have not yet reached the required standard. You should contact your teacher at once to discuss how you can work towards overcoming these difficulties.

Ungraded shows that insufficient work was submitted to be assessed.


Actividad 1

(Send this activity separately as a PowerPoint presentation.)

Actividad 2a

Completa las siguientes frases con los elementos de comparación (tan/tanto/de tal…que/como).

Complete the following sentences with comparisons. Type your answers between the square brackets.

1 La buena educación es [] necesaria para los niños [] para los jóvenes.

2 Cuidar el medio ambiente es [] una necesidad [] un deber.

3 No importa [] su pasado [] su futuro.

4 Es [] importante [] necesario.

5 La música es [] agradable [] paso horas escuchándola.

6 Los indígenas eran [] pacíficos [] buenos trabajadores.

7 Se preocupa por el bienestar de sus amigos [] por su propia familia.

Teacher’s comments:

Actividad 2b

Traduce estas frases al inglés según el modelo.

Translate the following phrases according to the model.

Puede ser frío o caliente. It could be cold or hot.

1 / Puedes llegar por la mañana o por la tarde.
2 / Las condiciones del trabajo pueden ser buenas o malas.
3 / Puedo decírtelo de palabra o por escrito.
4 / Puede ser bueno para tener buena salud.
5 / Pueden ir al hotel o a una casa.
Teacher’s comments:

Actividad 5

Estudia el mapa con cuidado y señala los países que hablan español y algunas lenguas indígenas y haz una lista de todos los países.

Look at the map of the world on page 8.12 of your Workbook and indicate all the countries where Spanish is spoken and also the Spanish-speaking countries where an indigenous language (or languages) is spoken. You can do this by shading and labelling the map, and post the page to your teacher if you wish. Then type a list of the countries below.

Countries where Spanish is spoken / Spanish-speaking countries where an indigenous language is spoken
Teacher’s comments:

end of Workset 8

VCE Spanish, Unit 4, Workset 8

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