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Honorary Secretary

Raymond Lloyd

A Woman Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2008-2011

extracted from Lists 1-89 (16.8.1982 - 4.6.2004) naming 4900 able women from 131 democracies

39 names 5 July 2004 www.shequality.org @ Raymond Lloyd

Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination

or Administrator as Executive Head of:

List 87 27 January 2004

United States Pamela Conover President & COO Cunard Line IMO 2008-11

List 85 12 July 2003

Germany Angelika Mertens Parlt Secretary Transport, Construction & Housing IMO 2005-08

Netherlands Karla Peijs Minister of Transport, Public Works, Water Management IMO 2005-08

List 84 16 May 2003

Finland Leena Luhtanen Minister of Transport & Communication IMO 2005-08

List 82 24 September 2002

Netherlands Melanie Schultz van Haegen State Secretary Transport, Public Works & Water IMO 2005-08

List 76 21 March 2001

Trinidad & Tob Jearlean John Minister of Transport IMO 2005-08

List 72 24 May 2000

Australia Sue Napier Deputy Premier Tasmania 1996-98 IMO 2001-04

Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko Deputy Prime Minister; Minister of Fuel & Energy IMO 2001-04

List 71 21 February 2000

Denmark Lone Fonss Schroder Deputy Director A P Moller shipping company IMO 2004-07

Japan Shizuko Kamei Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Transport IMO 2001-04

List 66 29 January 1999

Latvia Ingrida Labucka Minister of Transport IMO 2001-04

List 52 15 March 1996

Belgium Sybil Gosselin Chair Independent Tankers Association IMO 1999-2005

Norway Anette Olsen Head Olson international shipping business IMO 1997-2000

List 44 18 December 1994

United Kingdom Joan Walley Shadow Shipping Minister IMO 1997-2000


In the past 22 years, in 89 lists sent to foreign ministers and other nominating bodies, lists downloadable from www.shequality.org, the writer has proposed some 4900 able women of the calibre to head international agencies with distinction. The women come from the following 131 democracies. National lists exist for the 37 countries marked by an asterisk *, while 51 countries marked # are included in regional lists for Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Pacific or E Europe. The 9 countries between ( ) are no longer considered democracies.

#Albania 15 (Cent Afr Rep 4) Ghana 13 (#Kyrgyzstan 15) #Mongolia 11 *Poland 37 #Sri Lanka 20

Andorra 10 Chile 13 *Greece 44 *Latvia 33 Mozambique 3 *Portugal 61 (Sudan 3)

Antigua & B 9 Colombia 71 #Grenada 21 Lesotho 11 #Namibia 15 *Romania 25 Suriname 3

Argentina 38 Costa Rica 46 Guatemala 33 (Liberia 3) #Nauru 1 *Russia 38 *Sweden 127

#Armenia 2 #Croatia 10 Guinea-B 8 Liechtenstein 6 #Nepal 13 #St Kitts-Nevis 3 *Switzerland 34

*Australia 88 Cyprus 5 #Guyana 9 #Lithuania 24 *Netherlands 84 #Saint Lucia 14 Taiwan 2

*Austria 46 *Czech Rep 38 (Haiti 14) *Luxembourg 17 *New Zealand 58 #St Vincent & G 19 #Thailand 10

#Bahamas 24 *Denmark 86 Honduras 34 #Macedonia 16 Nicaragua 17 #Samoa 3 Timor Leste 7

#Bangladesh 15 Djibouti 1 *Hungary 34 #Madagascar 26 Niger 6 San Marino 14 (#Tonga 8)

#Barbados 13 #Dominica 11 *Iceland 21 #Malawi 11 Nigeria 15 #Sao Tome & Pr 15 #Trinidad & Tob 39

*Belgium 48 Dominican Rep 34 *India 123 #Mali 20 *Norway 106 Seychelles 3 #Tuvalu 2

#Belize 12 Ecuador 33 Indonesia 6 Malta 6 (#Pakistan 21) #Senegal 31 Turkey 41

#Benin 17 El Salvador 23 *Ireland 58 #Marshalls 1 Palau 3 Serbia & Mgro 8 #Ukraine 10

Bolivia 18 *Estonia 22 *Israel 24 #Mauritius 7 (Palestine 2) Sierra Leone 2 *United Kingdom 454

#Botswana 17 #Fiji 17 *Italy 118 *Mexico 32 Panama 25 #Slovakia 20 *United States 428

*Brazil 45 *Finland 105 #Jamaica 31 #Micronesia 3 #Papua N G 10 #Slovenia 32 Uruguay 9

*Bulgaria 38 *France 166 *Japan 78 #Moldova 21 Paraguay 12 #Solomons 2 #Vanuatu 3

*Canada 212 #Georgia 8 #Kiribati 7 Monaco 1 Peru 35 *South Africa 49 Venezuela 62

#Cape Verde 16 *Germany 227 #Korea 25 *Philippines 58 *Spain 91 (#Zambia 20)

These lists, and special ones for the *agencies, have named the women to fill some 102 top UN and other posts, as follows:

Caricom 62 IPU 82 *UN 218 ESCWA 4 UNEP 167 Unitar 9 *ICJ:15 375 *ITU 53 WIPO 8 *IBRD 60

CoE 70 *Nato 35 ECA 125 Habitat 139 UNFPA 21 UNRWA 12 *FAO 204 Unesco 462 WMO 2 IFC 109

*EBRD 123 OAS 124 ECE 132 Unctad 7 UNHCR 64 UNU 90 ICAO 50 *Unido 108 IAEA 17 IDA 14

*EU:25 265 *OECD 21 ECLAC 152 UNDCP 13 *UNHCHR 65 WFP 5 *ILO 245 *UPU 36 WTO 53 *IMF 88

EP 12 PIF 51 ESCAP 134 UNDP 39 Unicef 142 ICC:18 5 *IMO 39 *WHO 268 WTOU 124 *IFAD 24

Democracy Minister, Scientist Some Recent Experience Potential Nomination

or Administrator as Executive Head of:

List 37 31 August 1993

Greece Koula Aspiotou Managing Director Seastar Group Athens IMO 1994-97

List 32 2 October 1992

Bahamas Teresa Moxey Minister of Transport IMO 1994-97

List 31 10 September 1992

Canada Jane Elizabeth Frost Vice-Chair Vancouver Port Corporation IMO 1994-97

Sweden Antonia Axson Johnson Chair Axel Johnson (multinational shipping) Group IMO 1994-97

List 30 8 March 1992 - International Women's Day

Colombia Maria Lanzetta de Pardo Representative to IMO London IMO 1994-97

United States Ming Hsu Federal Maritime Commissioner IMO 1994-97

List 28 24 October 1991

New Zealand Naomi James Writer; round-the-world yachtswoman IMO 1994-97

List 24 30 June 1990

Belgium Eliane Achten Chair Board of Directors Antwerp Port Services IMO 1994-97

Norway Kaci Kullman Five Minister of Trade & Shipping 1989- IMO 1994-97

United States Jennifer Joy Wilson Assistant Secretary Oceans & Atmosphere IMO 1994-97

List 23 10 June 1990

United Kingdom Tracy Edwards 1989 Yachts(wo)man of the Year IMO 1998-2001

List 22 22 April 1989

Colombia L Priscila Ceballos Ordonez Minister of Works & Transport IMO 1990-93

List 21 31 January 1989

Canada Shirley Martin Minister for Transport IMO 1990-93

List 20 4 October 1988

United States Lillian Liburdie Director Port of New York and New Jersey IMO 1990-93

List 18 14 February 1988

Norway Monica Kristensen Antarctic explorer IMO 1994-97

United States Lynn Martin Congresswoman from Rockford Illinois IMO 1990-93

List 17 9 October 1987

United States Cardiss Collins Chair House Subcommittee on Transportation IMO 1990-93

Uruguay Ofelia Murguia Maritime trade unionist; Blanco Party leader IMO 1990-93

List 14 28 December 1986

France Annette Roux President Beneteau yacht manufacturers IMO 1990-93

List 12 9 May 1986

Italy Liliana Rossi Carleo Professor Maritime Economics Naples IMO 1986-90

United States Jean Ingrao Executive Sec-Treas AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Dept IMO 1986-90

List 7 28 July 1984

Norway Karen M Bruzelius Shipping lawyer ex-Chair Norw Women's Assn IMO

United Kingdom Clare Francis Economist world sailor IMO

List 6 14 May 1984

India Sumati Morarji Chair Sindia Steamship Co IMO

List 4 23 August 1983

United States Elizabeth Dole Secretary of Transportation 1983- IMO 1989-92


* Bodies currently with a woman head, or including a woman governor, judge or commissioner

Numbers 1-36 before acronyms indicate chronological order for 36 new appointments or elections

except that some current terms, which are not made public, are based on past examples

1: ECA 1/1/2005-08 (4) Economic Commission for Africa Addis Ababa 19: FAO 1/1/2006-11 (6) Food and Agriculture Organization of UN Rome

: Unitar 1/1/2005-08 (4) UN Institute for Training & Research New York 20: ICAO 1/8/2006-09 (3) International Civil Aviation Organiz Montreal

: IMO 1/1/2008-11 (4) International Maritime Organization London 21: UN 1/1/2007-11 (5) United Nations Secretary General New York

:*ESCWA 1/1/2005-08 (4) Econ & Soc Commission for Western Asia Beirut 22: WFP 5/4/2007-11 (5) UN/FAO World Food Programme Rome

:*UNFPA 1/1/2005-08 (4) UN Population Fund New York 23: UNDP 1/7/2007-11 (4) United Nations Development Programme New York

: UNHCR 1/1/2005-08 (4) UN High Commissioner for Refugees Geneva 24: UNU 1/9/2007-12 (5) Rector United Nations University Tokyo

: UPU 1/1/2005-09 (5) Universal Postal Union Berne 25: WMO 1/1/2008-11 (4) World Meteorological Organization Geneva

8: IFAD 1/4/2005-09 (4) Interntl Fund for Agricultural Developmt Rome 26:*UNHCHR /3/2008-12 (4) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva

9: IBRD 1/6/2005-10 (5) World Bank Washington 27:*ECE 1/6/2008-12 (4) Economic Commission for Europe Geneva

: IDA 1/6/2005-10 (5) Interntl Development Association Washington : ESCAP 1/6/2008-12 (4) Econ & Soc Commission for Asia & Pacific Bangkok

: IFC 1/6/2005-10 (5) International Finance Corporation Washington 29: WHO 21/7/2008-13 (5) World Health Organization Geneva

12: WTO 1/9/2005-09 (4) World Trade Organization Geneva 30:*Habitat 1/9/2008-12 (4) UN Centre for Human Settlements Nairobi

: Unido 1/9/2005-09 (4) UN Industrial Development Organization Vienna 31:*Unicef 13/9/2008-13 (5) United Nations Children's Fund New York

: WTOU 1/9/2005-09 (4) World Tourism Organization Madrid 32: UNRWA 20/1/2009-13 (4) UN Relief & Works Agcy Palestine Refugees Vienna

15: Unesco 15/11/2005-11 (6) UN Educational Scientific & Cultural Org Paris 33: ILO 4/3/2009-14 (5) International Labour Organisation Geneva

16: IAEA 1/12/2005-09 (4) International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna 34: IMF 19/4/2009-14 (5) International Monetary Fund Washington

17: ECLAC 1/1/2006-09 (4) Econ Commission for L America & Carib Santiago 35: ITU 19/9/2009-14 (5) International Telecommunication Union Geneva

: UNEP 1/1/2006-09 (4) United Nations Environment Programme Nairobi 36: WIPO 1/12/2009-15 (6) World Intellectual Property Organiz Geneva