Name of the member AID-ONG - Agency for Information and Development of Non-governmental Organizations
Address OP 1, CP 191, Timisoara,Romania
Phone +40.256.433.943 cell: +40.722.218.204
Fax +40.256.492.352
E-mail ,
Name of the Director Mihai Lisetchi
II. Organisational Details
Date of registration 17 June, 1997
Number of offices 1
Number of staff: 3
Number of volunteers directly involved in core services of the organisation (including members of Boards of directors or your organisation’s Councils, if applicable) 10
III. Mission
Description of mission:
To contribute to the development of the NGOs, by increasing their capacity to participate in the process of solving community problems
IV. Core Services
1. Information Services and NGO database
Types of information services:
1. Administering data bases relevant to NGO activities
A: Compensation:
Free of charge
B: Provision of the service on Internet
2. Organizing various NGO events (including the local NGO forum)
A: Compensation: A:
Partial contribution X
B: Provision of the service on Internet
3. Updating information concerning activities developed within the Romanian non-governmental sector
A: Compensation: A:
Free of charge X
B: Provision of the service on Internet
4. Administering e-mail groups on various topics of interest to NGOs
A: Compensation:
Free of charge X
B: Provision of the service on Internet
5. Providing consultancy on various topics: organizational management, project management, financial management, legislation, etc.
A: Compensation: A:
Free of charge X
B: Provision of the service on Internet
B: Database on NGO's
No. of records in 2003: 983
C: LIbrary
No. of publications : 90D: Own publication activities
A. Books
A. No. of produced books in 2001 ___-____ , 2002 __4____, 2003 _____1____
A. Main titles: 1 Timis county NGOs’ activities calendar (Febr-June 2002)
ns:Main titles: 2. Romanian NGOs’ activities calendar (May-June 2002)
Main titles: 3. The NGO guide for small communities
B. Periodicals
Main title 1. Timiş County NGO Directory
A. No. of issues per year ____1_____
A . Main title 1. “Volunteering Opportunities in Timişoara”,
A. No. of issues per year ___12______
2. Training and other educational activities
Types of training
1. Legal frame concerning NGO’s activities
2. Organizational management
3. volunteer management
NGO management training (tick the one(s) applicable to you)
1. / No. of training sessions in 2001___19___, 2002 ____5_____, 2003 ___1____
1. / No. of participants in training sessions 2001 __80___, 2002__55____, 2003 __8__
1. / No. of trained organisations in 2001___40____, 2002___15____, 2003 ___5____
21. / Management and legal consultancy (consultancy services provided for NGOs
on a long-term basis)
1. / No. of consulted organisations in 2001__47___, 2002 __58___, 2003 __23___
1. / No. of consultancy hours provided in 2001 _29__, 2002 _19_, 2003: 11
3. Intrasectoral activities and networking
Types of activities
1. NGO Forum
2. Round tables
3. NGO social meetings
4. Working groups on various topics
5. Public debates
No. of organised conferences/ seminars in 2001__21_____, 2002 ____22___, 2003 ___15____
No of participants in conferences/seminars in 2002 __over 200__, 2003 _over 200___
4. Partnership building - cooperation with public authorities and corporate sector
1. / Cooperation with national and local governments
1. / Cooperation with corporate sector
1. name of the project/ type of activity:
“Feasability study for a community development foundation in Timisoara”
implementation period: 2004
2. name of the project/ type of activity:
“Promoting the concept of community development foundation in Romania” (national conference)
implementation period: ____2004______
5. Other NGO projects and services
1. name of the project/ type of activity:
Volunteer Center Timisoara
Implementation period: permanent5.
2. name of the project/ type of activity:
“The financial impact of the NGOs in Timis county ”, research
implementation period: ______July-Oct. (every year)______5.
6. International Activities
5. ------
7. Other services
IV. Main activities in 2003
5. 1. Management of various NGO list serves.
2. Information distribution.
5. 2. Consultancy and technical assistance activities.
5. 3. Training activities:
v „NGOs - mass-media relations”, Seminar, Timisoara, 24-25 octombrie 2003
4. Activities dedicated to the NGO sector:
v NGO social meeting. Guest: Jon Edwards, Allavida (Great Britain), - 2 iunie 2003;
v Timis NGO Forum, Timisoara, 21-22 noiembrie 2003;
5. Development of the intersectoral relations:
v “NGOs - mass-media a partnership for the community benefit”, round table,Timisoara, 23 octombrie 2003 and Lujoj, 17 decembrie 2003;
v „NGO-Government relations and freedom of association”, round table,Timisoara, 30 octombrie 2003
v “Public information and participatory democracy”, round table, Timisoara, 16 decembrie 2003
6. Improving the NGOs operating environment:
v the campaign on the Phare multianual programing process 2003 – 2007;
v Public debate on governmental ordinance draft on social services, Timisoara, 14 august 2003
v Campaign on regulating raising funds in public places, Timisoara;
7. Research:
v March-April: Reflecting NGOs activities in local media;
v April – The jurnalists perspective on NGOs;
v Nov 2003 - Reflecting NGOs activities in public opinion.
V. Membership in Organisations, Networks, etc.
· Romanian Network of Resource Centers for NGOs
· Orpheus Civil Society Network
VI. Major Funders:
· The Embassy of Netherlands in Bucharest
· World Bamk
· Allavida
· C. S. MOTT Foundation
VII. We Are Most Proud of...
Date of updating the information _27 July 2004__