SoMM Alumni Academy Minutes

Thursday, April 19, 2007, 12:30 p.m.,

Havener Center, Missouri/Ozark Rm.


Chairman Kent Weisenstein opened the meeting by welcoming everyone to the meeting and asked for introductions around the room.

Those attending were:

John Bartel

Jerry Bersett

Del Day

Avery Drake

Ed Goetemann

David Grimm

Bud Hacker

Bill Horst

Wayne Huebner

Orville Hunter

Donald Kummer

Tom O’Keefe

Mike Party

V. Lee Powell

Chris Ramsay

Ted Ruppert

Greg Skannal

George Taylor

Dianna Tickner

Keith Wedge

Kent Weisenstein

Marvin Zeid

Representatives of UMR:

Lynn Bennett, Development Officer

Mariesa Crow, Dean, School of Materials, Energy and Earth Resources

Linda Guyton, Administrative Asst., Dean’s Office

Robert Laudon, Chairman, Geological Sciences & Engineering

Trudy Pischer, Senior Development Officer


A motion was made by Ted Ruppert to accept the past minutes of the homecoming meeting as submitted; it was seconded by Avery Drake and passed unanimously.


A motion was made by John Bartel to accept the agenda as submitted; it was seconded by Ted Ruppert and passed unanimously.


Dean Crow gave an overview of the State of the School. Her presentation is attached. She announced the new appointments of the Vice Provost positions and the restructuring that is currently underway on campus. At this time, a motion was made by Ted Ruppert to have Wayne Huebner prepare a letter to Dr. Robert Schwartz, VP for Academic Affairs, requesting that administrative support for the Academy continue to be handled by Linda Guyton. The letter is to be signed by the membership before leaving today. The motion was seconded by Jerry Bersett and the motion carried unanimously.


Greg Skannal reported that new executive members will be voted on under new business. A slate of the candidates is attached. He announced that the new members to be inducted tonight are: Dee Hinkle, Mike Party, and Chris Ramsay. V. Lee Powell was reinvited and accepted and will also be inducted. Bruce Doe was reinvited and declined. This was his third invitation; therefore he is now ineligible for five years. Similarly, Steve Wunning will no longer be a candidate for consideration.


Bill Horst reported that there will be two new Academy scholars inducted tonight as well. The Academy Scholars are, Lindsey Campbell, a ceramic engineering student and Adam Kresler, a mining engineering student. He reported that Ted Ruppert will take over as new chairman of the scholarship committee along with Tom O’Keefe as co-chair. Wayne Huebner will be a new member on this committee.


Dr. Huebner gave a brief report on Jackling. The endowment has reached the $1 million mark. He read the wishes of Mr. Jackling from the original board papers dated June 1929.


Greg Skannal reported that per the slate of nominations (attached) for new members, Kent Weisenstein has resigned and Dianna Tickner has been nominated and agreed to serve as chairman of the academy. He opened the floor and called for nominations three times. The nominations were closed. A motion was made by Avery Drake to accept the nomination; it was seconded by Ted Ruppert. The motion carried unanimously.

Greg opened the floor for vice chair. Jerry Bersett was nominated for vice chair. Greg called for nominations three times. Greg entertained a motion that nominations be closed; the motion was seconded by Ted Ruppert. The motion carried unanimously.

The nominations for Members-at-Large are Greg Skannal, John Bartel, Keith Wedge, and Tom O’Keefe. Greg called for nomination for members-at-large three times. Avery Drake made a motion that the nominations be closed; it was seconded by Ted Ruppert. The motion carried unanimously.

The Dean is a standing member of the executive committee. Greg entertained a motion that the secretary cast one vote in lieu of the whole; it was seconded by Avery Drake, the motion carried unanimously. Linda cast a vote of yes.


Dean Crow reported that the admissions office is asking the six academies for money for meals for prospective students. A motion was made by Ted Ruppert to give $1,000 from the academy general operating account to the admissions office for our share of the cost. It was seconded by John Bartel. The motion carried unanimously.


Lynn Bennett and Trudy Pischer gave a presentation on tax efficiency for making current gifts, the capital campaign, and fundraising. Their presentation is attached.


The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.