AnnualPerformance Review2014-15


Key successes
Key Improvements from previous year’s annual performance review
1 Sickness absence rate has improved from 2013-14 with a reduction from 9.7 days to 6.2 days which is less than the target 9.4
2 The Internal Audit plan was fully completed with 100% of planned audits completed
1 Actual expenditure less than budget by around £27k
2 For service outcome SF02 (Assurance is provided that financial and management controls are operating effectively) 6 success measures are on track or complete. Key areas include audit risk assessment completed, the annual audit plan completed, 100% acceptance of audit recommendations, compliance with Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS) and improved communication with External Audit.
3 Out of the 23 success measures for service outcome SF01 (Effective planning, reporting and management of finance, risk and money and capital market transactions) 19 are complete or on track. These include core tasks around annual accounts, revenue and capital budget preparation and monitoring, treasury management operations and risk management reporting. Specific successes include completing the improvement of financial reporting in terms of the summary accounts and a financial summary, the treasury management good practice assessment completed, developing a new financial monitoring reporting pack for revenue, capital and treasury monitoring and issuing information to budget holders timeously and consistently exceeding the target each month.
Key challenges / Key improvement actions to address challenges
Key improvements from previous year’s APR not completed / Actions to redress previous year’s incomplete improvements
1 Failed to complete improved financial reporting in respect of budget summary report / 1 The preparation of the budget summary has been included in a detailed work plan to ensure that it is embedded in the Corporate Support workplan for 2015-16 and will be delivered to
2 Out of 8 service improvement plan outcomes 6 have been completed with 2 off track / 2 Plans are in place to ensure these planned improvements are delivered together with the service improvement plan for 2015- 16
3CIPFA Financial Management Modelassessmentwas not
carried out. User satisfactionrate isbelowtarget at 77% comparedtotarget of 80% / 3A reviewofthe CIPFA modelandhowthe service collate and
use customerfeedback is beingdevelopedas part of the service improvementplanfor 2015-16
1Developand improve clientfeedbackmechanismfor Internal
Audit / 1Reviewexistingprotocolsfor issuingand collatingfeedback
with aviewtoidentifyingandimplementingimprovements

Steve Barrett, Head of Strategic Finance