Because of Mr. Terupt


1. How does Peter put Mr. Terupt “to the test”?

Peter felt since Mr. Terupt was a new teacher he could get away with things the old teachers would “squash you” for. Peter decided to go to the bathroom often to get out of doing work. (p.1)

2. What does Peter like about Mr. Terupt?

What Peter likes most about Mr. Terupt is he let Peter know he knew what Peter was doing without making a huge stink about it. (the bathroom situation…p.3)

3. Where has Jessica and her mom just moved from? Where are they moving to? What school is she going to be attending?

Jessica just moved from the Pacific Ocean (California) to the Atlantic Ocean (Connecticut). She will be attending Snow Hill School. (p. 4)

4. Where was Jessica’s dad and what was he doing?

Jessica’s dad was still in California. He is a play director. (p. 5)

5. What is the book that Jessica has that Mr. Terupt says he likes? Have you ever read it? If so, did you like it? Why or why not?

The book Jessica has that Mr. Terupt says he likes is A Wrinkle in Time. No, I have not read that book. (p. 6)

6. Why does Luke like school?

Luke likes school because he is good at it and gets it. (p. 8)

7. How does Alexia get the girl war started?

Alexia gets the girl war started by telling Jessica that Danielle called her names (Miss Goody Two-shoes and snooty book-worm). (p. 14)

8. Why does Mrs. Williams wink?

Mrs. Williams winks whenever there is a big surprise coming. (p.19)

9. Why does Danielle stick up for Lexie?

Danielle sticks up for Lexie because she said the drama is being caused by the new girl, is isn’t Lexie’s fault. (p. 17)

10. Why doesn’t Anna want to be noticed?

Anna doesn’t want to be noticed because people can be really mean. (p.19)

Because of Mr. Terupt


1. What was the plant experiment Mr. Terupt had the class do?

Mr. Terupt had the students see which different ways plants can grow. They put their plants inside of a box with small holes, put their plants lying down, and then experimented with different homemade plant foods.

2. What were the variables the class studies during the plant experiment?

The experimental variables the class used during the plant experiment included darkness, lying the plant on its side, and then different homemade concocted plant food.

3. How did Luke cause the explosion? How did Mr. Terupt react?

Luke caused an explosion by combining/mixing chemicals from his home chemistry kit and his dad’s garage in the classroom (that was his plant food). Mr. Terupt reacted by taking the blame for it when the principal and Fire Marshal asked.

4. Why was Anna upset and crying over the plant experiment? What does this tell us about her?

Anna was upset and crying over the plant experiment because she didn’t want to hurt the plants. This tells us that she is sensitive.

5. Which girls were excluded from routine activities and why?

Danielle and Anna were excluded from routine activities. Danielle was excluded because Alexia is always very mean to her and has turned other girls against her. Anna is excluded because she is shy and would rather be left alone.

6. Why does Danielle’s family think Anna will be a bad influence? Is this a fair label of her? Why or why not?

Danielle’s family thinks Anna will be a bad influence because Anna’s mom had her when she was only 16, and Danielle’s family disagrees with that behavior/lifestyle.

2nd question: opinion answer.

7. How does Alexia treat the other girls? Why do you think she acts like this?

Alexia is mean to the other girls, often starting girl drama. She is friends with you one minute, the next she is your enemy. She probably acts that way because she is insecure of herself and likes to cause issues between friends.

8. Why does Danielle plan to be friends with Anna only in school?

Danielle plans on being friends with Anna only in school because she knows her parents will not agree with them being friends.

9. Who makes Danielle start crying? How?

Alexia makes Danielle start crying in the bathroom by telling her that Jessica was talking bad about her.

10. Why do you think the girls are still friends with Alexia even though she is so mean to everyone?

Opinion: I think the girls are still friends with Alexia even though she is so mean to them because the girls are probably afraid to be on Alexia’s bad side in fear of what she will say or do to them.

Because of Mr. Terupt


1. What was the grass activity that Mr. Terupt has the class do?

Mr. Terupt is having the students use sampling to estimate the number of blades of grass on the soccer field. The students will be using 10cm x 10cm cardboard squares to help them count. (p.52)

2. What book does Mr. Terupt introduce to the class? Who is the author? Have you read this book? Did you like it? Why or why not?

The book Mr. Terupt introduces to the class is The Summer of the Swans by Betsy Byars. I have not read this book, however knowing what it is about, I may now. (p.57)

3. Why is Mr. Terupt having his class work with their Collaborative Classroom?

Mr. Terupt is having the students work with their Collaborative Classroom because in the novel, The Summer of the Swans, the main character Sara has a brother with Down syndrome, Charlie. They will get to spend time with children with special needs and see what they do. (p. 58-59)

4. Describe a few of the children in the Collaborative Classroom.

Joey: face covered in boogers, waves, smiles, enjoyed playing with Jeffrey

James: “looks normal” but does look at the students or speak to them, amazing with numbers (can identify number of spoons, forks, knives in a box), autistic, enjoys farms

Emily: very cute, covered in drool, moaned a lot, communicated with sign language

(p. 60-62)

5. Why does Jeffrey distract and surprise Jessica in the Collaborative Classroom?

Jeffrey distracts and surprises Jessica in the Collaborative Classroom because he worked so well with the students in there. He was very comfortable in that setting. (p.62)

6. What amazing things can James do?

James can see a pile of something, and identify how many objects are in that pile. He has yet to be wrong. (p. 61)

7. Why were Anna and Jessica astonished at Miss Kelsey’s reaction to James?

Anna and Jessica were shocked that Miss Kelsey believed the number James mentioned when he saw the spoons, forks, and knives. She said James hasn’t been wrong yet. Miss Kelsey was happy James made eye contact.

(p. 62)

8. “Our very own Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” What does this mean?

“Our very own Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” means that Jeffrey was such a happy person while working in the Collaborative Classroom, yet when he got back to Mr. Terupt’s room, he was back to being his normal grumpy self. (p. 62)

9. Who do you think Michael might be?


10. What is Jessica’s secret?

Jessica’s secret is that she moved to Connecticut without her father because he met another woman while doing a play and wanted nothing to do with her or her mother.

(p. 65)