Pupil Premium Funding


The amount of funding for pupil premium received by RNIB Pears Centre fluctuates annually. Due to our non-maintained status the 21 local authorities we currently work with can vary on how they devolve the fund.

LAC (Looked after Children) Pupils

Funding is agreed on an individual basis with virtual school heads in line with an individual young person’s PEP (Personal Education Plan)

Non-LAC Pupils

We currently don’t receive any pupil premium for our day students.

Using devolved funds

Any use of pupil premium is mutually agreed by attendees to a young person’s annual review or EHC (Education, Health & Care) meeting. The young person, where possible, is involved in the decision about how funding will be used. This is documented in the meeting notes, which are latterly distributed to attendees.

Tracking devolved funding

Where local authorities do devolve funding they are expected to inform us of the amount, date of transfer and a reference allocated to the payment. We can then track this payment and allocate it to the appropriate protected cost centre.

Monitoring the impact of devolved pupil premium funding

Due to the differences between our young people funding can be used for a myriad of interventions and is not used for a cohort wide or school wide project. However we have a number of young people now accessing music therapy through their pupil premium fund, having not previously qualified to receive it according to their statement of S.E.N (Special Educational Needs). A full and thorough report is provided for such interventions. Where outcomes are linked to other areas of learning and development e.g. the purchase of AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication ) devices, staff monitor progress using attainment data or other measures as appropriate and report back to stakeholders through PEP monitoring or review meetings and documentation.

January 2015