Minutes of a Meeting of Little CoxwellParish Council

at the Village Hall on Tuesday 9th October 2012

Present:N J Mattingley (Chairman), D R Erskine, D New, F Woodd G Yarwood (Councillors),

Cllr J Heathcoat (District Council), D J Lines (Clerk)

In attendance:A Benford, J Simpson, K Simpson

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr R Cox (VWHDC).

  1. The minutes of the meeting held on 27th June 2012 were approved.
  1. Matter arising from the minutes of the meeting on 28 March 2012:
  2. IHSP

The clerk had sent an email to interested parties giving the link to the VWHDC re IHSP. The opposition seminar on IHSP had taken place. The clerk commented that IHSP was history but the Vale’s problem re the short term delivery on its housing requirement remained. It was now endeavouring addressing this within the new NPPF.

Action: Cllr Cox to be asked for an update on the issue at or before the next meeting.

  1. West Green
  2. Planning consent has been received. The Chairman explained that Bill Clay had previously provided a very reasonable quote. The meeting discussed whether it would be necessary to obtain competitive tenders. Given the desire to get on with the work the decision was taken to proceed with Bill Clay.
  3. Given the time of year the meeting concluded that turf should be used rather than re-seeding the Green.
  4. The residents to be sent a letter advising what is happening, including a copy of the plan.
  5. A sign to be erected asking people not to park on the green itself.

Action: Chairman to contact Bill Clay. Clerk to send letter to residents and arrange sign.

  1. County Councillor’s report
  1. Code of Conduct

Cllr Heathcoat pointed out that under the newly adopted Code of Conduct Declarations of Interest should be a standing item on the agenda.

  1. Cllr Heathcoat explained that under the boundary reviews her OCC seat had been revised, so that it now includes Littleworth, Buckland and Hinton Waldrist. Much as it used to be before the last review, when it was made smaller.
  2. Cllr Heathcoat alerted the meeting to the existence of the County Councillor’s “Highway’s Fund”. £175,000 has been allocated to her and 2 other councillors for small highways projects, such as road safety signage.
  3. Cllr Heathcoat also has funding available under the Councillor Community Budget. This is to help communities with local projects.
  4. On the question of highways Cllr Yarwood raised the issue of vehicular access off the A420 into the Little Coxwell Estate Riding Stables. Drivers attempting to turn right off the A420 into the stables have to wait in the middle of the road, close to a bus stop. In his opinion it is an “accident waiting to happen”. Cllr Heathcoat not optimistic that anything could be done. The meeting noted it was very sad that an accident has to happen before action is taken. There is an alternative access to the yard off the Fernham Road.

Action: Clerk to write to Cllr Heathcoat on behalf of the Parish Council about this access.

  1. Planning Applications

A revised planning application for a new access to Manor Farmhouse has recently been circulated for comment. There were no other current applications.

  1. Finance
  2. The 2nd instalment of the Precept of £625 had been received.
  3. Roger Baker had been paid £578 for preparation and submission of the West Green planning application. BDO had been paid £60 for the external audit.
  4. Projects to be included as a regular agenda item under finance for future meetings.
  5. The restoration of the water pump and surrounding area is one such project
  6. The improvement of the footpath from the Church towards Faringdon, which is overgrown in summer, is another.

Action: Clerk to write to Cllr Heathcoat regarding the footpath.

  1. CCTV
  2. It was noted there have been no crimes in the village in recent months and the closed road was tidier, as it is no longer used as an illicit meeting place. Thus it appears the CCTV is having the intended deterrent effect.
  3. The meeting reviewed its CCTV policies, as required under data protection legislation. No changes were made.
  1. Any other business
  2. Dog’s mess

Jeremy Simpson informed the meeting that this was again a problem around West Green and the Playing Field. Several dog owners allow their dog’s to roam freely around the village.

Action: Clerk to send an email and note around the village. The dog warden to be asked to carry out a series of visits.

  1. OCC Armed Forces Community Covenant

The Council had received information about the above initiative and funding for projects benefitting both the local and Armed Forces Community.

Action: Clerk to ask Jon Townsend for suggestions as to what the military might have in mind.

There was no other business. The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th January 2012 at 7.30pm