Dr. Franklin H. Mayberry School
Governance Council
Minutes of the March 30th, 2017 meeting
Present were: Teachers: Melissa Mayo, Victoria Marshall, Amanda Miser. Parents: Donna Belske, Natalie O’Connor. School Psychologist: Marisa Davis. Community Members: Pastor Gary Richards, Marianne Bleszinski. Principal: Anne Axton-Jones.
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. The minutes of the November 30th meeting were approved pending a typo change and addition of Natalie O’Connor to the attendance list. Changed the year from 2017 to 2016.
The principal’s report touched on the following:
· Jed Upson has introduced the “Golden Keyboard Award” and has been giving certificates at monthly assemblies for students who master typing goals.
· Mid Year Data:
o Reading Star: Our school goal is to reach 75% of students reading 1 years growth on reading star. We have 60% currently.
o Math Star: The school is at 54% of students reaching proficient— this number is not accurate because of a technical difficulty with Renaissance, the program. Lost scores have altered our data; the district and Melissa Todd are in touch with them trying to figure this out
o Fastt Math: we are tracking FASTT Math fluency. Goal is all kids have 1 operation mastered. So far, 61% of students have mastered at least one operation.
o Interim SBAC assessments: students go on an practice assessments on the SBAC website. We had technical difficulties getting started, but classes are now getting started. This check in with kids with give us individualized information on what students need individualized instruction and a target to focus on.
· Vocabulary Goal: 25% increase. 56% have increased from pre-post test.
· Tiger Prides: Have been suspended until 3/10 because of LAS Links testing (snow days altered the schedule); each adult has 8 students each in their pride; creates a sense of belonging. Every adult in the building participates except for the 5 critical staff in case of emergencies.
· Dr. Seuss/Spirit Week is coming up. This includes stop and Read time for students and guest readers on 3/9 within the classrooms.
· Protectors of Animals: two gifted and talented students have created a fundraiser for this animal shelter in East Hartford. They will also visit the high school and NYC on 5/4.
· Community Garden: has been very successful; beds will be built on April 22nd (Earth Day); Molly will be here with her boyfriend to help plant and all classes will be able to plant in part of this garden; extra help with be from Big Brothers, Big Sisters
· Health and Wellness Fair: need a date; Pastor Gary has 3 bikes to possibly give away; focus on bike safety and sunscreen; talk to Sherri about this (i.e. food)
· Enrollment: numbers are climbing; not as many students are exiting and we continue to enroll new students. 72 students so far this year have enrolled within the school year— this makes it hard to track data.
· U for Youth: this is our last one for this school year. Teaches families what to do at home. iPads are given away as incentives for families to participate.
· 3/13 begins our Student-Led Conferences: these conferences are where students have a conversation about their learning and goal set. The conferences are led by the students; this year we are completing surveys for both the student-led conferences and climate surveys
· SERC grant: we have two more years— been working on Tier I work and we will move into Tier II. Create plans off of our data and will start inviting teachers to meetings.
· Workshop Model: goal is a complete workshop model for reading, writing, and math
o Writer’s Workshop- had all year through
o Reader’s Workshop is coming through new program called Schoolwide
o Math workshop- partially in place
o promotes higher order thinking
o Teachers are more facilitators and let children learn from one another
· School Improvement Plan: all mid year information is on track
· does Stefanie need more help from parents; is it hard for parents to come back after school hours to help?
· Mayberry Mingle (ideas for next time/year): how do we keep parents; do we set up books this time; parents are in a rush to get home because of the long day; Mayberry Mingle only on W/Th this time?; place books in the hallway? Maybe email Monte and O’Connor to hang out in the cafe; smoothies again?
· Give rewards to parents who stay and fill out surveys (raffle?); use money from McDonald’s Night to buy Gift Cards— Marianne will take care of this
· Uniform drive/ donations of uniforms. We are out of them officially for older children and almost out of stock for younger students. Victoria sent DOJO blast in meeting.
Career Day:
· Date has been chosen as May 31st
· More parental involvement with more trade jobs this time before choosing outside people.
· Natalie O’Connor and Pastor Gary offered to come present
School Compact
· School compact is all set; sent to BOE and it’s 1/2 way translated
McDonald’s Night:
· Made $161
· What is the protocol for SGC funding used for school events
· Email Paul Menuli— do we have a protocol between SGC/PTA and funds
Meeting was adjourned @ 6:31.