Vale of Clettwr & Llangeitho Branch of The Pony Club

Autumn Newsletter

Dear All,

It's the end of Summer everyone is back in school and now the sun shines!

Hope you all had a very successful summer with your ponies, in all your endeavours

Our Pony Club has had a very busy summer with camp, putting teams and individuals forward for all the Area 18 competitions.

We had mixed successes but for a small club like ours its great to see so many of are members succeeding and being in the rosettes or just enjoying the competition

Tetrathlon First at Pembrey Park

All who took part in the Tetrathlon had rosettes, in the Mini Mini Cerys 1st, Amy L 4th,in Junior Girls Harriet 4th, all with 1400 rides (some of them in torrential rain), Benjamin qualifying for Open Boys Championships at Bishop Burton where he came 7th.

Dressage next at Cothi Bridge, Mini team (Amy, Cerys, Erin & Nicole) had ago at Junior test, to stretch themselves and were brilliant, Harriet also did Junior as an Individual, Benjamin entered Intermediate winning and Qualifying for Dressage champs at Cholmondeley Castle, where he came 6th in his arena.

Showjumping near Pembrey, it rained and rained how anyone saw any jumps I have no idea!

Some personal success but no qualifications, Harriet came 1st in the Junior class.

Eventing at Cambrian XC beautiful sunny day a little wind

Our Mini Team ;Nicole, Amy L & Cerys, came 1st, Amy R Junior finished 5th & Harriet 2nd , Benjamin winning Intermediate, coming 8th in his session at the Championships

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Summer camp was in between Showjumping, Eventing and Royal Welsh.

Cardigan Bay Riding Centre was an excellent venue with Barry and Lienna making us very welcome.

Lots of badges and test passed, side-saddle demonstrations, show jumping and dressage competition, BBQ, Llain activities, chips and lots of pony riding and pony care instruction made the camp very enjoyable time for all member who attended. Big thank you to all involved in the organization and execution of running camp.

Shows, summer holidays, competitions, championships all make August one of our Pony Clubs quieter times.

We ended the school holidays with a dressage and Showjumping show at Llanerchaeron making £600 for our funds.(What shall we spend it on?) Again thanks to all involved in the organization (could have done with a little more help on the day!)

I am hoping to organize a Parents meeting very soon, looking to recruit new members to our committee, with new ideas to what you hope our Pony Club can put on for the members in the coming year. If you think that you may like to help contact Jackie J or myself, we will be very pleased to hear from you.

Over the past few days I have sent out an email containing dates for your diary (hope you have received), the XC rally, working rally and games at Cwm Nant have been heavily subsidized from funds made this Summer, I hope lots of members take advantage of these activities.

I look forward to seeing you all soon


Victoria Morley

DC Vale of Clettwr & Llangeitho PC