Valley SchoolNursery Date: Autumn 2, 2017

This halfterm wewill be learning all about Colours and Our Senses

Literacy / Speaking and listening opportunitiesduring circle time sessions including having an adult recount their weekend newswritten in their home school books to share with the Nursery group - using a switch to trigger a “hello” message, making choices / asking for activities to continue or stop using their strongest form of communication, experiencing the colours and textures linked to the days of the week, experiencing a daily “Discovery Box activity to develop attention and engagement - using 3/4 key objects of reference / a symbol timeline to understand what will happen next
LEAP group work –taking part in listening and attention groups using songs, games and toys to develop interaction skills
Maths / The children will have opportunities toexperience sensory and practical activities linked to this half terms main maths themes.
These include being part of sensory maths activities linked to colour, some simple colour matching activities and parachute maths games linked to colour as well as counting action games and songs.
Understanding of the World
Science - RE
History/Geography / The children will be supported to;
  • take part in practical activities linked to their bodies and which body part is inked to which sense – a different sense will then be focussed on for 1 or 2 sessions
  • use simple ICT equipment including sound making technology, a mike and amplifier and the eagle paint mark making programme
Sensory play – sensory play using materials linked to a weekly focus colour
Social and EmotionalDevelopment
(PSED topic)
/ The children will be supported to;
The children will work on their individual PSED targets in class. These include targets linked to feeding, toileting and promoting independence, priority being given to those areas most important for each individual.
All the children will be part of at least two integrated sessions, sharing activities with children from other mainstream, Early Years settings.
Creative Development
Art/DT - Music / The children will be supported to;
  • take part in multisensory art activities relating to ourcolours topic using materials linked to that week’s focus colour
  • take part in music sessions focussing on body awareness songs and action songs linked to body parts
  • take part in a dance session in the hall

Including PE
/ The children will be supported to;
  • take part in indoor and outdoor play activities
  • take part in a dance session in the hall using a range of colourful materials to move to music
  • join in with Ball pool fun
  • undertake Physio and OT routines as devised by the therapy team