How to Send a LOR from Interfolio to Your Credential Assembly Service Account.

1.  The LSAC does NOT accept electronic transmission of letters from third parties, so your LOR MUST BE SENT VIA POSTAL MAIL FROM INTERFOLIO.

2.  Remember that the LSAC requires that a unique LOR form (the one you generate from your Credential Assembly Service account) accompany each letter. You will need a separate form for each letter. Each form will contain the name of the corresponding writer.

3.  Since this LOR form is non-confidential, you may upload it directly to your Interfolio account yourself. [Your letter-writer does not sign the form; in fact, s/he does not ever need to see it.]

Before you start: if you haven’t done so already, you will have to upload all LSAC LOR forms to your Interfolio account—one for each letter you want to send. Doing so is quick and easy. See the document “How to Upload Your Credential Assembly Service LOR Form to Interfolio” at

To start a delivery:

1.  Click “New Delivery” from your Documents section.

2.  Start typing Law School Admission Council into the search box. It should appear on your screen. If it does not, you can specify this address:

Law School Admission Council

662 Penn Street

PO Box 8508

Newtown, PA 18940-8508

3.  In the “Mail Documents” box, click “Create Delivery”.

4.  Complete all address information; click “Continue.”

5.  From your list, select the Documents you would like to include with this delivery. Remember that each LOR will require its own separate, unique LOR Form. Click “Continue.”

6.  Review your delivery information for accuracy. (For example, is the shipping address correct? Have you included all required documents?)

7.  [In the “Documents to be Sent” section, you have the option to drag and drop your documents to change the order they will appear in the document delivery packet.]

8.  Select your Shipping Method. Note that FedEx will not deliver to P.O. Boxes.

9.  When you’re ready, click “Confirm and Checkout” to pay for the delivery.

That’s it! Congratulations!