17th October 2012 at 12pm in K13

475. Present

Emma Caille, Mel Carter, Sum Sum Chan, Colin Freeman, John Harding, Vsevolod Kachanov, Elizabeth Kapasa, Ailsa Kiely, Theodoros Laftsoglou, Adrian Leyland, Louise Mason, Steve Mason, Mark Rainforth, Dharaminder Singh, Michaela Tracy

476. Apologies

Sarah Haine, Mopa Nyabam, Richard Thackray

478. Welcome and introductions

All committee members were introduced and new members were welcomed including Oliver Allchin from the library

479. Minutes of SSF77

Minutes of SSF77 were approved

480. Matters Arising

464 459(i) Science and Engineering Champions

Details of student ambassador opportunities were circulated with the agenda and further information can be found online.

472 (i) Feedback

Feedback on practicals is now given on MOLE and will be available within 2 days, extra comments will be entered in the lab book. 1st Years informed the committee that they could not see any comments online just a grade. It was agreed that an email will be sent to all 1st years explaining where they can find feedback. ACTION Mel to discuss with Julian

481. Notification of business not on the agenda that does not fall under item 10.

(i) Library news

Oliver Allchin from the library introduced himself and provided information on the new catalogue “starplus” (document circulated) further information and tutorials can be found on the library homepage. A drop in service is available in the Skills Suite on level 1 of the IC. It was agreed that the document circulated will be posted on MOLE and any issues should be sent to ACTION LCM to post document on MOLE

(ii) MOLE

IMR asked whether 1st years had had a tutorial on how to use MOLE. Students haven’t had a tutorial but didn’t feel it was necessary as it is quite straight forward to use. IMR informed the committee that if there are any issues with MOLE then they should be reported so that they can be resolved. There was an issue with Dan’s practical but this has now been resolved.

(iii) Faculty Staff Student Forum

JHH informed the committee that we need to select 1 UG course rep and 1 PGT rep to sit on the Faculty Staff Student Forum. It was agreed that Dharaminder Singh and Theodoros Laftsoglou will both sit on the Faculty Forum.

(iv) Final Year Project Diaries

IMR informed the committee that all final year and PGT students will shortly be provided with a project diary for you to record all meetings with your supervisor and will include your project synopsis. Meetings will be recorded and signed off and you will hand it in with your interim report and again with your final year report.

482. Remit of the Committee

All members of the committee were asked if they agreed with the remit of the committee statement. All agreed expect Steve who asked if a sentence could be included about safety issues. It was agreed that Steve would send a sentence to Louise and then the new remit would be circulated. ACTION SM and LCM

Revised remit to the Committee

To provide a forum for students and staff to raise matters of mutual concern and interest. It is concerned with, but not limited to, matters concerning your course such as course organisation and delivery, practicals, tutorials, feedback, assessment organisation and procedure. It also discusses issues relating to post-graduate research students. The forum is an important means of communicating changes in health and safety law, University policy and Departmental processes to the whole student body, and for collecting information about the safety concerns of student

483. Student Chair

A student needs to be elected to chair the meeting and assist with putting together the agendas. Vsevolod Kachanov put his name forward, this was agreed.

484. Communication and dissemination of information

JHH informed the committee that we are looking at ways in which information provided in the meetings can be passed on to all students. The webpage is currently being revised and will be available under the current students tab and will include minutes and agendas. Also a poster will be displayed in the Museum. The poster was circulated and approved but should include a photo of Mel, Louise and Steve.

Facebook was suggested but 1st years did not feel that this was appropriate and they suggested having a comments sheet that could be circulated at the end of tutorials and then the reps can raise the issues at the next meeting.

3rd and 4th years felt that they know each other well enough and that they all talk so issues can be raised then. It was felt that it would be a good idea to circulate the link to the website.

485. Presentation by Professor Rainforth

Professor Rainforth gave a short presentation, including the history of the department, new staff and students and plans for refurbishment.

486. Matters raised by student representatives

JHH explained that the agenda will be circulated 2 weeks before the meeting and course reps will be asked to email Louise 1 week before the meeting with any issues so that they can be dealt with at the meeting and if necessary the appropriate staff can be invited. If issues are raised at the meeting we will do our best to answer them during the meeting but this is not always possible so the answer will be included in the minutes.

(i)  Hepatitis B

Elizabeth Kapasa raised the issue that some students have been delayed starting their practical work as they did not have the Hepatitis B vaccination. There does not seem to be a departmental procedure. It was mentioned during the 1st year but was not enforced. We have been expected to find out the information ourselves however the department has paid for it. It was agreed that this will be discussed with SMN and Steve Mason. ACTION Steve to discuss with SMN

Current Hepatitis B immunisation policy


If you are to handle human tissue and primary human cells as part of your research project, you must have completed the Hepititis B vaccination programme BEFORE you begin this work. (It involves a series of 3 vaccinations and a final blood test.) Please contact Mark Wagner () for further information. All those who have been with us for a number of years should ensure they receive blood tests and or booster vaccinations as necessary.

If you are fully vaccinated and handling human tissue in a Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet, please ensure anyone else using the cabinet at the same time is also immunised

Undergraduates are not normally permitted to handle human tissue or primary human cells as their practical work is normally over by the time the course of vaccination is complete.

487. Thank you to HK

JHH thanked HK for chairing the previous meetings

488. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on 21st November at 12pm in the Hadfield Room