August 28, 2012 – 7:00 P.M.
South Parlor
Rev. Michael Ludwig opened with prayer, and called the Session meeting to order in the South Parlor.
Action Taken:
Treasurer’s Report:
It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the July Treasurer’s report as submitted.
New Business:
Mission: The motion passed to give an additional $375 from the Mission Fund to Glen Echo Presbyterian Church to support the joint sponsorship of a minister from Taiwan through the Mission to the USA program.
The motion passed to make a $500 donation for the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida, to come from the Mission Fund.
Worship: It was moved, seconded and passed to as to ask the Worship committee to work with the Property committee to form a task force to study the cost and logistics of moving the Contemporary service to Fellowship Hall, and to return a recommendation to Session.
Membership: It was moved, seconded and passed to remove Tom Sloan and Elizabeth Carter from the active roll at their request.
Greeters: The issue of greeters at the Contemporary service is referred to the Worship committee.
Girl Scouts: It was moved, seconded and passed to allow the Girls Scouts to have an open campfire in a portable metal fire pit during their recruiting event to be held on the parking lot.
Stephen Ministry: The motion passed to authorize the Stephen ministers to purchase books at a cost of $211.25.
Guest Minister: It was moved, seconded and passed to invite Rev. Don Dawson to preach on Sunday September 2, 2012.
Session Minutes
August 28, 2012: pg 2
Preschool Policy Council: It was moved, seconded and passed to elect Paul Hambrock to serve on the Preschool Policy Council.
Confirmation Class: The following schedule has been created for Elders to assist Bill Burchfield as he teaches this year’s Confirmation Class:
Sept: open Jan: Elaine Nordstrom
Oct: Pat Soderholm Feb: Dave Hinkle
Nov: Harlan Bockbrader Mar: Pat Soderholm
Dec: Brian Shaw Apr: Charlie Lemon
Nominating: Chair Brian Shaw will provide a list of officer candidates in time for the Congregational meeting on Sept. 30, 2012.
Staff: Rev. Ludwig provided a written report of his activities for review.
The Town meeting previously scheduled for September 16 has been changed to September 9 and will be held between the two services during the Stewardship brunch.
Neighborhood Network Sunday as scheduled for September 9.
The Congregational meeting to elect officers will be held Sunday September 30.
The installation of Rev. Bill Gause will take place during the service, provided that Presbytery Moderator Janice Hilkerbaumer will be available, and the date will most likely be October 21 rather than the previously schedule date of October 14.
Session Minutes
August 28, 2012: pg 3
Clerk's Statistical Report: July 1, 2012 to July 31, 2012
Active –
Inactive –
Non-member –
Active – Shirley Husted ~ July 6, 2012
Jack Brown ~ July 13, 2012
Inactive –
Non-member –
Infant Baptisms
Active –
Inactive –
Non-member –
Adult and/or Confirmation Baptisms
Member – Christian Hilditch & Michael Rice – July 7, 2012
Non-member –
Total Active Membership June 30, 2012 512
Total Inactive Membership June 30, 2012 32
Total Baptized Members June 30, 2012 236
Active – -2
Inactive –
New Members
Affirmation of Faith –
Profession of Faith –
Letter of Transfer –
Confirmation –
Adult Baptisms
Baptized Infants
Baptized Children of New Members
Affiliate Members
Request for Transfer
Active –
Inactive –
Reinstated to Active Roll from Inactive Roll
Transfer from Active to Inactive Roll
Remove from Roll by Request
Active – Thomas Sloan – July 10, 2012 Verbal request -2
Elizabeth Carter - July 30, 2012 E-mail request
Inactive –
Total Active Membership: July 31, 2012 508
Total Inactive Membership: July 31, 2012 32
Total Baptized Members: July 31, 2012 236
Total Adherents as of: July 31, 2012 776
It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the July statistical report as amended.
Session Minutes
August 28, 2012: pg 4
Committee Minutes: It was moved, seconded and passed to receive meeting minutes from Christian Education, Mission, Property, Stewardship and Wellness committees.
Listening Elder: Listening Elder for July was Harlan Bockbrader and he heard two concerns: a negative reaction to the letter from Dick Sensenbrenner to the congregation, and a concern that some people are bringing food and drink into the sanctuary for the traditional service.
Verification of Quorum: The clerk verified the presence of a quorum.
Corresponding Member: It was moved, seconded and passed to enroll Karen Freudenreich, representing Mission, as a corresponding member with voice but not vote for tonight’s meeting.
Agenda: The adoption of the August 28, 2012 meeting agenda was moved, seconded and passed.
Communications: A letter from Sally Weber and the previous month’s Steven Ministry report were circulated for review.
Minutes: It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the minutes from the July regular meeting as submitted, and the August Congregational meeting as amended.
Deacons’ Report: It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the minutes from the Deacons’ July meeting.
Moderator: Rev. Michael Ludwig
Elders Present: Harlan Bockbrader, Edsel Cotter, Richard Dietrich, David Hinkle, Michael Johnson, Charlie Lemon, Elaine Nordstrom, Richard Sensenbrenner, Brian Shaw, Patricia Soderholm, Jan Williams
Absent: Dave Dobos
Upcoming Schedule: Ed Cotter is Listening Elder on Sunday September 23. Our next meeting is Tuesday September 25.
Clerk: Harlan Bockbrader
Adjournment: The adjournment of the meeting at 8:40 p.m. was moved, seconded and passed. Rev. Ludwig closed the meeting with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Harlan Bockbrader, Clerk
Patricia Soderholm, Recording Clerk