Curriculum for Excellence – The purposes(2001)
The 4 capacities of Curriculum for Excellence:
To develop our young people as:
•Successful Learners
•Confident Individuals
•Effective Contributors
•Responsible Citizens
The 6 Entitlements:
Every child and young person is entitled to experience:
•a curriculum that is coherent from 3 to 18
•a broad general education (from early years to S3)
•a senior phase (S4-S6) where he or she can obtain qualifications
•opportunities to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work, focusing on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing
•personal support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities that Curriculum for Excellence can provide
•support in moving into positive and sustained destinations beyond school.
To Raise Standards in Scottish Education
To improve Learning and Learning Experiences for all young people
The National Improvement Framework – Excellence and Equity
4 Priorities
•Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;
•Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;
•Improvement in children's and young people’s health and wellbeing;
•Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people
What do we need to do – For Holyrood
•Deliver our Vision Statement – fullest potential; better lives for all
•Excellent Attainment Levels – More Qualifications at higher levels for every individual young person
•Close the Holyrood Attainment Gaps -SIMD and others as they apply to our school.
•Increased achievement – for all young people
•Provide experiences and support which develop Employability skills
•100% positive destinations
What does this mean for young people going in to S3?
•Their Curriculum will meet the aspiration set out in the Vision of our School
•All young people will stay in every curricular area until the end of S3
•We will ensure that there is progression for every young person throughout their Learner Journey
•Courses will be developed that allow young people to progress to the highest possible level and to ensure the transition into the Senior Phase
•Each young person will gain a meaningful experience at every stage
•There will be flexibility within the curriculum
•There will be opportunities for Personalisation & Choice
The S3 Curriculum
The Curriculum for S3 Young People will be:
English X 4
Maths X 4
Languages X 3
Sciences X 3
Social Subjects X 3
Technologies X 3
Expressive Arts X 3
RE X 2
Plus 2 electives
The Elective
What is in the Elective Columns?
All Sciences
Expressive Arts
Duke of Edinburgh
BGE LevelsS4 LevelsS5 Levels
Level 2National 3National 4 or Different National 3
Level 3National 4National 5 or Different National 4
Level 4National 5Higher
We would encourage progression from S3 into S4 where possible but this may not always be the best option.
What might this look like?
Learner Journey 1
Caroline wants to go to Art School but is in our School band and loves Music
In S3 Caroline studies:In S4 Caroline may study:
English Level 4English N5
Maths Level 3Maths N4
Spanish Level 3
Biology Level 4Biology N5
History Level 4History N5
Computing Level 3
Art Level 4Art N5
Core PECore PE
Her Electives are:
DramaDrama N5
MusicMusic N5
Learner Journey 2
Sofia wants to go to University but is not sure what to study, she enjoys both Science
& Languages
In S3 Sofia studies:In S4 Sofia may study:
English Level 4English N5
Maths Level 4Maths N5
Spanish Level 4Spanish N5
Biology Level 4Biology N5
Geography Level 4History N5
Technical Level 3
Music Level 4
Core PECore PE
Her Electives are:
Chemistry Level 4Chemistry N5
Italian Level 4Italian N5
Learner Journey 3
Jack is part of the SFA Programme and wants to be a footballer.
He is keen to keep his options broad incase this does not materialise.
In S3 Jack studies:In S4 Jack may study:
English Level 4English N5
Maths Level 3Maths N4
French Level 4
Physics Level 4Physics N5
Modern Studies Level 4Modern Studies N5
Business Level 4Business N5
Drama Level 4Drama N5
Core PECore PE
His Electives are:
PE Level 4PE H
What now?
•Careers input
•Glasgow University
•Second Tracking goes home to you on the 23rd March
•Pupil Assembly
•Learner Journey Forms distributed
•Meeting with Leadership Team
•Process completed by Thursday 29th March
The Form