Orientation: August 18-19 Classes Begin: Wednesday Aug. 20th

Evening Courses

MI310 B.A.M. Business As Mission – 2 cr. (Mon. 7pm-9:10pm) –Elective

Instructor ~ Jared Stayton – Director of Brickhouse Coffee

The term ‘Business As Mission’ is the integration of a business mindset and goals along with the great commission to take the gospel message to the ends of the earth. The goal of this class will be to share how people and communities alike are both positively transformed through for-profit business activities and how we as Christians can utilize business as a platform to develop relationships with others to share our testimony through word and deed in our vocation. We will be specifically looking at ‘coffee as mission’ as the tool for this curriculum.

OT359 Minor Prophets – 2 cr. (Thur. 7pm—9:10pm) – Elective

Instructor ~ Wes Hoff – Director of Camp Indy, Associate Pastor of Horizon

This course is an over view study through the twelve Books of the Old Testament known as the Minor Prophets, Hosea through Malachi. Emphasis will be given to the historical setting of each author and the message conveyed in his writing, particularly the eschatological and Christological aspects of that message.

Morning Courses

OT372 Life of David (1&2 Samuel) – 2 cr. (Mon.10am—12:10pm) – Elective

Instructor ~ Paul Lange – Director of CCBCi, Associate Pastor Horizon

King David is well known for being called “a man after God’s own heart” and for being chosen by God to be king. This class will examine the life of David using primarily 1 & 2 Samuel and some of the Psalms in order to learn about that heart and to see the qualities formed in him that made him a great leader and king. We will also examine David’s successes and failures and see how God shaped his character and deepened David’s relationship with Himself.

TH101 Principles of Ministry – 2 cr. (Tue.10:50—1:00pm) – Required

Instructor ~ Bill Goodrich -- Senior Pastor of Horizon

Each week a lecture will be given that focuses on key ministry principles found within scripture. The goal will be to learn the characteristics that God seeks to develop in servant leaders that minister for Him. In addition, local guest pastors from other Horizon and Calvary Chapel churches will visit and share their unique ministry lessons and experience.

NT397 I & II Thessalonians – 2 cr. (Tue. 8:30am—10:40am) – Elective

Instructor ~ Paul Lange – Director of CCBCi, Associate Pastor Horizon

Key lessons on the Rapture and 2nd Coming of Christ are examined as well as other end-time events so that believers would live and be ready when Christ returns. Also key ministry lessons from Paul’s life will be explored as he shares about his ministry and life to the Thessalonian church.

NT377 Revelation – 3 cr. (Thurs. 9:15am-12:30pm) – Required

Instructor ~ Dave Kosobucki -- Senior Pastor of Horizon Central.

Can you see the signs that are in our world today? This course will be a verse-by-verse study through the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The course will be studied from a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational point of view. Emphasis will be on the sequence of prophetic events and the consummation of this age.

CL301 Foundations of Christian Living – 2 cr. (Fri.10:50am-1:00pm) - Req.

Instructor ~ Tracy Gray -- Associate Pastor & Counselor of Horizon

This class seeks to lay a solid biblical foundation for the believer’s victorious walk in Christ. We will study the dual aspects of the Cross of Christ and the implications of its message in the life of the believer. God’s Ultimate Purpose for Man and the Blood of Christ will lay a firm foundation for the “other-half” of the Gospel – the truth that the Cross of Christ sets the believer free from the power of sin and makes possible a victorious Christian life.

NT352 Gospel of Mark – 2 cr. (Fri. 8:30am—10:40am) – Required

Instructor ~ Rich Day -- Senior Pastor of Horizon Westfield

Where do you fit in the World – Evangelize It! This course will be a verse-by-verse study through the entire Gospel of Mark. Emphasis will be on Jesus’ evangelistic strategy. It was not with programs to reach the multitudes, but with whom the multitudes could follow. Men were to be his method of winning the world to God and you are a part of that strategy today.

Other Requirements

CL105 Chapel Services – 1 cr. (Sun & Wed. Services) –Required

Each Wednesday and Sunday throughout the semester students attend church service for a time of worship, teaching, communion, and service to the body. This will allow the students to find where they fit into the church body. Students are to attend services here at Horizon, but may attend another church with notification to CCBCi leadership.

CL101 Morning Devotions – 1 cr. (M-F, 8:00am-8:30am) –Required

The entire student body meets daily throughout the week for group devotions. This time allows each student the voluntary opportunity to minister the Word to his or her peers while learning the spiritual graces of prayer, worship, meditation (reading the Bible), and developing personal public speaking abilities.

CM199 PracticalChristianMinistry – 2 cr. (Wed. 8:30-12:00pm) – Required

Students will put into application what they are learning in the class each week in our local community. Students serve assisted living homes, juvenile detention center, homeless shelter, street evangelism and churches. In addition, students are required to clean and care for the campus and area that they live in. Weekly checks are given to see and grade their progress.

Old & New Testament Survey – 3 cr. (checked each Thur) –Required

This course is a verse-by-verse study of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. It is an audio course in MP3 format taught by Chuck Smith. This survey of the Bible is taken in four parts/semesters totaling 12 credits