Computer Applications
Excel Chapter 3 Study Guide
- What are assumptions? (EX 138)
- Why should you use cell references in formulas as opposed to constant values? (EX 138)
- What is the Range Finder? (EX 140)
- What are some suggestions for planning a workbook? (EX 141)
- Why would you use Rotated Text? (EX 144)
- What is the Format Cells dialog box launcher? (EX 145)
- What is the default angle of text in Excel? (EX 145)
- What are the different Auto Fill Options and what does each one do? (EX 148)
- What are the different Fill patterns or Series that Excel will fill in automatically for you if you use the fill handle? (EX 149)
- What is the path of the Increase or Decrease Indent button? (EX 150)
- How many spaces does the Increase Indent button indent the contents of your cell? (EX 150)
- What is the Office Clipboard? (EX 151)
- What shortcut key(s) will remove the marquee from the source area? (EX 152)
- What is an alternative to clicking the Paste button? (EX 153)
- What is it called when you use the mouse to move or copy cells? (EX 153)
- What is the path to the Insert Button? (EX 156)
- What are some of the valid formatting symbols? (EX 156)
- What does the error message #REF! mean? (EX 156)
- What does the NOW function do? (EX 159)
- What is a relative cell reference and give an example? (EX 162)
- What is an absolute cell reference and give an example? (EX 162)
- What is a mixed cell reference? Give an example of a mixed cell reference where the column changes and give an example where the row changes. (EX 162)
- What is an IF function and when would you use it? (EX 164)
- What are comparison operators? Know the meaning of each of them. (EX 165)
- What does this mean in a cell: #####? (EX 169)
- What symbol do error messages always begin with? (EX 169)
- What is a nested IF function? (EX 170)
- What is a sparkline chart? (EX 170)
- What shortcut keys open the Format Cells dialog box? (EX 176)
- What is the path to the Format Painter button? (EX 178)
- How do you use the Format Painter button? (EX 179)
- When should you use a Pie Chart? (EX 180)
- What is it called when you have a Pie Chart with one or more offset pie slices? (EX 181)
- What is a chart sheet? (EX 181)
- What is the path to the Zoom button? (EX 196)
- How many panes can a window be split into? (EX 198)
- What is the path to the Goal Seek button? (EX 200)
- What is Goal seeking? (EX 202)
- What have studies shown about businesses with errors in their worksheets? (EX 140)
- Matching:
- NOW function(EX 159)
- Fill Formatting Only(EX 148)
- Goal seeking(EX 200)
- What-if analysis(EX 199)
- Pie chart(EX 180)
- #NAME?(EX 169)
- Keep Source Formatting(EX 153)
- Fill Series(EX 148)
- IF function(EX 164)
- Absolute cell referencing(EX 162)