Subject / Learning Area / Assessment Task / Awarded Grade
ENGLISH / Unit 3: Examining media texts
In this unit, students listen to, read, view and interpret a range of news articles and reports from journals and newspapers to respond to viewpoints portrayed in media texts. Students apply comprehension strategies, focusing on particular viewpoints portrayed in a range of media texts. They create a digital multimodal feature article, including written and visual elements, from a particular viewpoint.. / Assessment Tasks
• Exam/Test - Comprehend a feature article -
• Multimedia - Create a multimodal feature article
Unit 4: Examining characters in animated film –
In this unit students listen to, read, view and interpret a range of animations including film and digital texts. Students present a point of view about personal conflict and ethicaldilemmas faced by fantasy characters through a panel discussion. They produce an animated story exploring a character’s behaviour when faced with an ethical dilemma. / Assessment Tasks
Multimedia - Short story animation
Through the proficiency strands - Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning - students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
• Number and place value - round and estimate to check the reasonableness of answers, explore mental computation strategies for multiplication and division, solve problemsusing mental computation strategies and informal recording methods, compare and evaluate strategies that are appropriate to different problems and explore and identifyfactors and multiples
• Fractions and decimals - make connections between fractional numbers and the place value system, and represent, compare and order decimals
• Location and transformation - investigate and create reflection, translation and rotation symmetry, transform shapes through enlargement and describe the feature of transformed shapes
• Shape - apply the properties of 3D objects to make connections with a variety of two-dimensional representations of 3D objects. / Assessment Tasks
• Monitoring - Delivering decimals
• Monitoring - Mastering multiples and factors
• Monitoring - Sailing throughsymmetry
• Monitoring - Shaping up
Unit 4:
Through the proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning, students have opportunities to develop understandings of:
- Geometric reasoning - identify the components of angles; compare and estimate to establish benchmarks; construct and measure angles;
- Location and transformation - describe and create transformations using symmetry;
- Shape - identify representations of three dimensional objects; link two dimensional representations with 3D objects
- Number and place value - multiply and divide using a range of strategies; apply estimation and round to estimate answers and check answers; apply mental computation tomultiply and divide; solve multiplication and division problems
- Patterns and algebra - create and continue patterns involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals; explore strategies to find unknown quantities
- Data representation and interpretation - explore methods of data representations to construct and interpret data displays; reason involving data. / Assessment Tasks
Short answer questions -Generation Geometry
Written - Chance and datamathematical guided inquiries
SCIENCE / Unit 2: Our place in the solar system
Students will describe the key features of our solar system including planets and stars. They will discuss scientific developments that have affected people’s lives and describe details of contributions to our knowledge of the solar system from a range of people. With guidance, students will pose questions, plan and conduct investigations to answer questions and solve problems. They will decide on variables to change and measure to conduct fair tests. Students will communicate their ideas in a variety of multimodal texts including recording in data sheets and as a report for popular media. / Assessment Tasks
Assignment/Project – Assessment task - Assessment template: Exploration of the solar system
• Monitoring - Apollo 11 (Lesson 9: Exploring the Earth's Moon)
• Monitoring - Planetary Data: Recording sheet (Lesson 3: Focusing on planetary data)
• Monitoring - The transit of Venus (Lesson 6: Explaining the importance of Earth-based observations)
HISTORY / Unit 2: Investigating the colonial period in Australia
In this unit students will investigate the following questions:
• What were the significant events and who were the significant people that shaped Australian colonies?
• What do we know about the lives of people in Australia’s colonial past and how do we know? / AssessmentTasks
Assignment/Project - Assessment - Research: The gold rush
ART / Space Troopers
While some parts of the story are planned, there is no script (and none is ever written) and everyone can help contribute to how the story ends. / Assessment Tasks
They work in teams to make decisions and problem solve in response to a mission brief. / Throughout the semester
Students are familiar with bags for the carrying of various objects, such as books, personal belongings, sporting equipment and food. Students will use this prior experience, as well as research of bags from home and school, to inform their design ideas, production procedures and manipulation techniques / Assessment Tasks
In pairs, Students design, make a bag and evaluate for a specific purpose with set materials. / Throughout the semester
HPE / Unit 2
iRun, iJump, iThrow / Assessment Tasks
MUSIC / Unit 2
Students will learn learn to read, write and perform repertoire containing the rhythm ti-tika. Students will continue to read and play from the treble clef. They will continue to perform songs in canon, partner songs and write rhythmic compositions. / Assessment Tasks
- Teacher checklist and observation
- Written assessment
- Perform known songs on tuned instruments
- Sing known songs with an accompaniment
- Rhythmic Composition