Robinson 1

Tamaira Robinson

Mr. Kozak

i-Search Paper

14, December 2011

Part 1

Cosmetic surgery:

Is when you get surgery to reconstruct a part of your body. Sometimes used for actual health problems but most of the time for beauty.Lots if celebrities get it. Only because its very expensive.


Caused by factories that let out smoke and stuff. Also from smokers who smoke out in the air.Pollution in the ocean causes fishes and sea animal to die and hurts the environment. From people throwing trash in the ocean.


Abortion is when you get rid o a unborn child, for whatever reason it is you don’t want it. Last time I checked it was not illegal to have an abortion. It is a medical procedure and at the end your not pregnant anymore.

Eating Disorders:

There are 3 eating disorders which are anorexia, bulimia, and obesity. Anorexia is when you starve yourself and hide food. Bulimia you eat a lot of food then you throw it up to lose the weight you gained. Eating disorder can happen to girls and boys. Especially ones who do sports and need to lose weight.


Racism is when you discriminate towards a certain race. It really took place back in the day but still goes on today. Discrimnation toward someone for their race,genderis illegal so racism would be illegal.

Part 2

Cosmetic Surgery:

I want to find out what statistics says is the main reason people get surgery. Also, I want to find out what is the extent of surgeries you can have, and which ones are more fatal then others. Which ones are more dangerous and which ones are no danger at all. Then I want to know which surgeries are most common among women and which are common among men and which are just common.

I also want to research stories of cosmetic surgery and how they went. I want to find out how many times a surgery like this has went wrong and why.


What I want to find out about pollution is how it started and how we can prevent it from happening. Also I want to know how it affects us and how it effects the earth. In the future will the amount of pollution have anything to do with the earth functioning.


I want to know if getting an abortion can affect your health. And if it can affect your chances of having a baby later on in life. I also want to know statistically what is the main reason women get abortions.

I want to know more about the fight to have it become illegal.

Eating Disorders:

I want to know the causes of eating disorders and the effects. I want to know which age group and which gender are more likely to have an eating disorder and why. Also I want to know all the symptoms for all the disorders. Finally I want to know which is the beat way to recovery.


I want to know about the law against racism and when it was passed. Then I want to know how common it is and how it effects us.

Part 3

  1. "Eating disorders, a dangerous trend among youth." Kuwait Times 16 Mar. 2010. Business and Company ASAP. Web. 5 Dec. 2011.

Lots of college students struggle with eating disorders when they get to college because it spreads the most around colleges and women in late teen years to mid 20s. Mona Al-Shaheen, a 19-year-old, suffer from anorexia for two years and from weakened bones and tissue loss all over her body. Hammad Bohammad said he picked up the trick from a friend of his in college and another one from the gym. "Throwing up can be quite painful when it's being forced. Once you start seeing results though, you overlook all the hair and tooth loss," he said.

  1. Lave, Tamara Rice. "The dark secret: eating disorders plague young distance runners." Running Times Nov. 2010: 20. Business and Company ASAP. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.

Laura Grignano's story is very common. A star athlete that fall into bad, unhealthy habit. Majority eating disorders ins among women there are some among men too. They think it helps them because they get results at first but then it catches up with them. With an assortment of symptoms including stress fractures, depression, tooth decay, heart damage, and even death. According to the National Eating Disorder Information Center, anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric illness. It's estimated that 10 % of those with anorexia will die within 10 years of the disorder.

  1. Kreimer, Susan. "More kids hospitalized for eating disorders: better programs urged for those affected; a growing number are boys, young men." H&HN Hospitals & Health Networks Mar. 2011: 18. Business and Company ASAP. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.

Eating disorders are becoming a problem for children and hospitalsbattling thisillness. According to AHRQ eating disorders in males went up to 10%. Eating disordersare missedbecause doctors don't notice the signs.

  1. "Eating Recovery Center Opens New Behavioral Hospital." Entertainment Close-up 30 Jan. 2011. Business and Company ASAP. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.

A recent report revealed that0.5 percent of girls in the United States have anorexia, and that 1 to 2 % meets diagnostic criteria for bulimia. To address this growing trend, Eating Recovery Center ( for eating disorders recovery, has opened Eating Recovery Center to help kids and their families with the effects of the illness.

  1. "Effects of binge eating can be felt in the workplace, but hope is available through employer-sponsored programs." Managed Care Outlook 15 Mar. 2011: 1+. Business and Company ASAP. Web. 7 Dec. 2011.

Part 4

Five to ten million people have eating disorders. Over half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, smoking cigarettes, and vomiting. This illness is spreading quickly and the question is what we can do about it? How can we prevent this disorder and help the ones who have already fallen into the habit.


Eating disorders are complicated disease and no one can really figure out why a person decides to harm their body in that way. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) says it may start with food and weight but it is usually much more than that. It can be a combination of psychological, personal, biological, and social factors (“What Causes…”).


There are plenty of symptoms to recognize eating disorders. The symptoms all vary with a different type of disorder. Anorexia has symptoms like fear of gaining weight, refusal to eat, or exercising obsessively. Also there’s social withdrawal, lack of emotions, and dizziness or fainting.

Although bulimia is similar and most people may not even know the difference they have many different symptoms. Bulimia involves someone always leaving after meals, eating fattening food until almost uncomfortable and constant dieting. Then there’s sore throat, damaged teeth and gums, and scars on the hands.

Another type of disorder is binge-eating disorder. This is when you eat excessive amounts of food. A person with this disorder may eat even if not hungry. Symptoms include eating to a point of pain, eating faster than normal, eating alone, and felling depressed or about how much was eaten ("Eating disorders…”).


No many people recover from eating disorder.Only 1 in 10 men and women with eating disorders receive treatment (ANAD). But there is hope. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, most teenagers can fully recover from eating disorders with appropriate, comprehensive treatment("Eating Recovery Center…”) All you have to do is follow certain steps to recovery.

First, you have to recognize the problem. If the person with a disorder can admit he or she has a problem she can be on his or her way to recovery. Then after admitting the problem, the next step is to seek professional help. Seeking help can be critical in the recovery from eating disorder. For example, a therapist can help overcome the underlying emtions that triggered everything. Also a seeing a nutritionist will help. This step would be helpful because they can help plan healthy, tasteful meals, which would get them on the right track of eating food. Step four, getting support, can be vital. It is helpful if someone with eating disorders can turn to family or friends. Support groups can be helpful too if they are afraid to be judged or to let people down. Then the last step is to find other outlets. This may involve adopting new hobbies, going out, or just taking a walk ("5 Steps…”)

Five to ten million people have eating disorders, and only 1 in 10 men and women actually recover. It can be a hard time for both the person with the disorder and for the people close to them. But the important thing is to know the signs, and be informed on how to seek recovery.

Work Cited

National Eating Disorder Association. "What Causes Eating Disorders."NEDA. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2011.

"Eating disorders: Symptoms -"Mayo Clinic. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2011.

"5 Steps to Eating Disorder Recovery | 3FC."3 Fat Chicks on a Diet! famous weight loss support. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2011.

"Eating RecoveryCenter Opens New Behavioral Hospital."Entertainment Close-up30 Jan. 2011.Business and Company ASAP. Web. 14 Dec. 2011.

Part 5

My process for the isearch paper was not hard at all. I think the hardest part was part one and after I got through that, it all came easily to me to do everything else.

Part 1 was most difficult for because I had to come up with ideas that were interesting to me but ones that I could also do a whole paper on. My first thought were things that reflected my hobbies and things I like to do but I really couldn’t find any so I moved on to things that were familiar to me instead. In the end I ended up with five very common and familiar topics. There were two that really interested me, which was cosmetic surgery and eating disorders. I knew that I would probably choose one of those topics in the end.

Part 2 was less difficult, although I didn’t really know a lot about what I wanted to learn I just wanted to know more. The only subject I didn’t really know a lot about was cosmetic surgery and all the other I had to dig deep to figure out things and questions about things I might already know the answers to. I wanted to know more about the things I already knew, I just had to figure out what more there was to know.

Part 3 was the easiest to me. Maybe that was because I found all my sources easily. Or because they weren’t long and already had citations with them. All I had to do really was the summaries. This was the most difficult part for me, because I am terrible at summarizing big works like articles because they contain so much information.

Part 4, the essay itself was pretty hard. It definitely took longer thanthe others to do. The main reason was because I needed to find other sources for the information I wanted to know. Then I had to do in text citation and since all my sources were online I had to check it on Bibme. And then I had to put it all together.