Minutes Kinnersley Group Parish Action Plan Working Party meeting held at Dairy House at 7 pm, Tues. 28th June, 2016
Present. Roger Marshall. (chair), Stephen Turner, David Scott, Kate Garrett Adams,
Derys Maddox
Apologies: Richard Betterton, Peter Plunkett, Sophie Plunkett.
Resignation: Heloise Kirby. RM explained that pressures of work and family commitments were Heloise’s primary concern; hence her resignation. Thanks were expressed for her involvement.
2. Minutes: 13/5/16 adopted as a fair record.
3. Matters arising: None
4. Report from Parish Council Meeting held on 24.05.16:
- Norton Canon School Site. Planning application received for housing development on site.
- Enlarged car park for Kinnersley church: application kindly received. David Scott (DS) reported he understands HC are minded to issue licence.
- Parish Council website. Development still in progress for more interactive style.
5. Update on Proposal for appointing a Parish Tree Warden:
RM reported that from discussion at the most recent PC meeting it was evident the possibility of appointing a tree warden as part of the action plan will need compelling arguments.
KGA presented an information document from West Sussex Council.
Actions: i KGA to circulate to other members
ii. Proposal to be prepared by KGA for next action plan meeting by 23.08.16
iii. To be brought forward at a time convenient to PC. Action RM
iv. Objective 18 to be moved to 'live'. Action ST.
6. Update on Lengthsman Scheme 2017: The Hereford Council anticipated Lengthsman Scheme budget grant-funding is still only a proposed figure. Implementation would mean a 70% increase in local precept Actioni. RM: Proposal to parish council to be prepared by 23rd August 2016 outlining options for 2017.
DS suggested relevant minutes may be available through Hereford Council.
Action ii. RM to seek further information.
7. Finance Report: No finance report available in treasurer's absence.
8. Community email initiative update: ST reported Norton Canon and Sarnesfield now have 80%+ of local addresses. Letton have contacts to be added and still several empty properties. Kinnersley have had a smaller response.
ST suggested the Norton Canon fete and the Kinnersleychurch flower festival ( both on weekend of July 9th) be used to collect further email addresses.
Action: i RMto provide gazebo for Kinnersley.
ii. DS to work to collect addresses at Kinnersley.
iii. After these events any further absentees need a personal visit.
9. W.P. Action Plan report on live objectives.
Objective 2: Widen access to local printed magazines and Parish Council website:
Action: Ongoing. RM to continue.
Objective 3. Affordable Faster Broadband :
Action: DS & RM to discuss Ookla and how best to access relevant information from parishioners
Objectives 4&5:
The Action Plan objectives to attempt to increase use of the Norton Canon village hall as the only community facility for the 4 parishes failed to recognise the sense of ownership and independence felt by NC officers and parishioners associated with the hall's provision and activities.
Action:RM to attend the next meeting on 18th July as an observer.
Our grateful thanks to ST for his input to these objectives.
Objective 6: To establish a community open space in Norton Canon, Letton and Kinnersley. The land in Letton is on the main road. The cost is £10,000 per acre. The costs of getting planning permission and establishing acceptable access before beginning to think about the costs of equipment would be significant. On the other hand there is no public park or safe play area in Letton or Kinnersley apart from the Sturts. Ideally a donation of land might make this a feasible objective. Pending DM.
Objective 12: Community Lunch. Ongoing in Portway but further development needs to be considered as well as a possible evening event for those working during the day. Action: DM
Objective 13: Role of the Parish council: An executive summary prepared by Rosie Davidson (RD) is on the website; PC should now consider it’s insertion on The Signal and Offa Tree News.
Action: RM with RD and PC.
Objective 19. Installation of benches. Two have now been placed in Kinnersley.
Actions: i. In order to advertise the factDS to put an article in in Signal and Offa Tree News on website with photographs and requesting suggestions for other sites.
Action ii. KGA to do site visit re: seating in Nature reserve and contact English Nature about possibility of a natural bench, e.g tree trunk being made available in the Sturts.
Objectives 34. Opening up of Old Hay Railway Line: There are obvious difficulties in opening the whole line but it is worth pursuing if only to open parts to link up with existing footpaths. This is not a short-term objective.
Action: Continue survofland-owners as far as possible. Ongoing…RB with PFOs.
9 & 10. AOB:
A. Young People. ST noted there are over 20 young people identified in Norton Canon and the Action Plan working party need to revisit the objectives for Young People.
B. Information Stands. The Action Plan Working Party will have an information stand at the Norton CanonVillage Fete on July 9th 2 pm - 5 pm. Large format Parish Review, maps of footpaths, footpath books, copy of Action Plan, Copies of the Action Plan update, and forms to join the community email to be available.
Material to then be available at the Kinnersley Hog Roast in the evening.
Action: i. DS/ RM To pursue production of laminated maps for exhibition.
Action ii. RM to inform Parish Councillors by email
C. Volunteer Promotion for Action Plan Group: All members to engage and interest others to become involved in Action Plan Group at fete and hog roast.
D. Annual Review of Objectives: to be combined with a social event.
Action: RM. Take soundings to find a date to combine the review with a social event
Volunteers will be welcomed with a summer Pimmsevening/ anarchists picnic to review objectives in a date August/September.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday August 30th, 2016 at 7pm. Venue TBA