Bruce Deadman / John Cliff / Stephen Williams / Julie Pearson
/ / /
07752 762688 / 07704 668869




Chairman: John Cliff

Treasurer: Stephen Williams

Secretary: Julie Pearson


Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting were passed as a true record. Warley Stones


Presentation by Rachel Julian from Community Foundation of Calderdale who promote Localgiving is a national body which is run through each area community foundation. They are trying to give everyone the support they need in setting up their website. You will need to email Rachel to register. The fees are 6% - annual joining fee is £60. There are 10 places available for free fees for the year, once these places have been filled you will get the first 3 months free then there will be a fee of £60.

Online fundraisng platform for voluntary community sector – Illingworth already have a webpage where they enter what they are raising money for and hope that people will donate through this site. You can also claim gift aid for any money donated. Benefit at the moment there is a lot of match funding where the money donated through your webpage is matched by localgiving. The next match funding will be in mid February.

The Cricket Factory

Presentation by Matthew Dawson. The Cricket Factory in Sowerby Bridge is open to clubs to hold net practice. £25 per hour per lane. They are also developing cricket for juniors from U11s to U17s and U21s academy. £10 week course for £80.

Courses have been set up for each age group as follows:-

4 lanes – maximum of 6/8 in each lane with a coach for each lane.

Could coaches from clubs be able to attend a seminar regarding pitchvision so that they are aware of how this technology works. Opens first week in January so that people can look round. Matt will look at setting this up and will let the league know once it is organised.

All coaches are CRB checked and have all the required certificates and are insured as coaches. The cricket factory has its own insurance for the facility.

Further information is available on their website including the facility to pay for sessions.

Clubmark Update

Steve Williams ran through the clubmark update.

There has been a misinterpretation of the directive from the ECB that if a club does not reaccredit by their due date, they cannot reaccredit between September and April. As a result, panic has set in– at the last minute clubs due between September and April had to be reaccredited by the end of November and then the goalposts were moved again, if not reaccredited by the end of September then they could not submit it until next April. He apologised to the 4 clubs who were suspended until next April – Thornton, Illingworth, Outlane, even though their files were submitted. Each club will receive a letter about this and are entitled to reply.

Deadlines for reaccreditation will be from the beginning of April to the end of September each year.

New clubs working towards Clubmark – Old Crossleyans,

Girls Cricket in Calderdale – Helen Hoyle

Things are moving on now, launch date is Saturday 7th January – 2pm – 4.30pm at Calderdale College, Danielle Hazel will be attending. New club will be called South Halifax Girls which will have all age groups for girls - this is in addition to the mixed teams that they play in now. Will be announcing the winner of the competition to design a logo for the new club.

Coaching at Calderdale College every Monday 6pm to 7pm. Need some more volunteer coaches and managers to run the teams. If clubs have any coaches who are interested in helping with development of girls cricket please contact Helen or John Cliff.

U9s Cricket – Helen Hoyle

Club/schools links – now going to be the same as the other age groups – same rules for registration etc – they will play on a Thursday evening. In January Helen and Steve Archer are going to link a club with a school, get them some equipment and then feed the children through to the linked clubs.


Courses level 2 completed – assessment will be in February 22 people attended – 18 were from Halifax League.

Level 1 running joint with Huddersfield – Park Lane at Exley – Sundays March 4th and 11th – assessment on 2nd April – names to Dennis Verity – cost £200 includes 1st year membership to ECB. If Sky continue to support as they have for the last 3 years – each person will get back £125 when they pass. Still some room 16 places taken – maximum is 24.

First Aid and Safeguarding Children – coaches need to renew every 3 years.

First Aid March 22nd – 15 people maximum – cost £15 at Illingworth Cricket Club.

Safeguarding Children – Calderdale Council will run a course in February.

Criteria for funding is changing – in order to get funding of £2 per coach – need to have a regular AGM and keep an up to date list of coaches.

Please speak to all club coaches to ensure that they are members of the ECB Cricket Coaches Association, which costs £25 per year and ensures that they are insured. If coaches do not pay this subscription they are not registered to coach.

It was suggested by Neil Myers that the CCDG arrange 2 first aid and 2 child protection courses twice a year in March and September for the next 3 years.

Dennis and Neil to organise these and let Julie know so that these dates can be put on the CCDG website.

Wicketkeeping course in early April – please contact Dennis with definite candidates.

Coaches AGM at Blackley on Wednesday 8th February – Neil to send out email for this.

Bulk Buying

Stephen and Neil were discussing the possibility of bulk buying for junior cricket but this has now been shelved as nobody would sell the reasonable quality balls any cheaper than each club can buy it themselves.

Scorebooks – 60 innings - £5.25 plus VAT

100 innings - £6.55 plus VAT

These prices are for any numbers over 20

In Remida at approx £13

If we pay them early we can get a further 5% discount.

If you are interested please let Julie know the number of books and what number of innings so that we can get them ordered for March.

We can get a bag of 440 teabags from Lancashire Tea for £5 per bag – they will deliver to Blackley or Stephen Williams.



Meeting Closed 10.10pm

Next Meetings

21st March 2012

20th June

19th September

19th December