Bowers Music Grant
Educational Enrichment Grant*
2012 – 2013
Application Packet
This fund provides grants for educational proposals to provide funding assistance for specifically stated needs of the Brecksville-BroadviewHeightsHigh School Band and / or Orchestra and affiliated programs.
Applications are due: No later than 4:00 p.m. on November 23, 2012
Recipients will be notified: December or January staff meeting.
Final Evaluation due: Within 30 days of project completion.
*This grant is funded through the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation but is evaluated by the Bowers family.
Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation
Bowers Music Grant
Educational Enrichment Grant Guidelines
This grant is established for the use and benefit of the BBHHS Band and/or Orchestra programs. Grants may benefit the Band or Orchestra as a whole, or may be used to benefit groups within the Band or Orchestra programs; for example, Jazz Band or Chamber Orchestra.
Applications for this fund must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m. on November 23, 2012.
Grants may be requested for the following purposes:
- To purchase sheet music for the BBHHS Music Department Library.
- To pay expenses for Guest Clinicians.
- To pay fees, transportation costs or other expenses associated with participation in community events or performing community outreach. Examples would be participation in the Tri-C Jazzfest or OSU Skull Session, and performances at hospitals or nursing homes.
- To pay costs associated with hosting the OMEA Large Group Orchestra Contest at the high school.
- Maximum annual grant will be limited to $500.
- The Bowers family will evaluate all applications and choose the proposal or proposals that best fit the objectives of the grant.
In order for us to give serious consideration to your request for funding, you must:
• complete the attached application;
• mail, email or forward via interschool mail, the entire original application to:
Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation
c/o Bowers Music Grant
6638 Mill Road
Brecksville, Ohio44141
Bowers Music Grant
Educational Enrichment Grant Application
Applicant’s Name: Date
School Name:
Applicant’s Phone: Applicant’s E-mail:
Title of Proposed Project:
Grant Amount Requested: $ (maximum $500 for the 2012/2013 school year)
Grant Use: Classroom School-wide
Grade/Subject: Number of students involved:
Include the following information in your request using the headings as listed. No more than 2 pages typed (12 pt. font).
Description – Provide a paragraph describing your project.
Timeline – Specify the dates your project will begin and end and also the number of students involved
in the project.
Objectives – What are your specific objectives of your grant?
Budget – Provide a budget needed to implement your project, including a detailed description of materials needed and the individualized cost of these items. This budget should not include materials that are otherwise provided by the school system.
Supporting documents can also be attached for additional information.
*If your proposal is funded, a project evaluation form must be completed within 30 days of
the end of the project. This form will be provided to you on notification of funding.
Applicant’s SignatureDate