THIS ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT is effective this ______day of ______, ______, by and between the undersigned RESIDENT and LANDLORD.

The following additional Lease provisions are incorporated in full in the Lease between (LANDLORD), and (RESIDENT) for the following leased premises: ______.

In case of any conflict between these and any other provisions of the Lease, these provisions shall prevail:

To minimize the occurrence and growth of mold in the Leased Premises, Resident hereby agrees to the following:

1. MOISTURE ACCUMULATION. Resident shall remove any visible moisture accumulation in or on the Leased Premises, including on windows, walls, floors, ceilings, bathroom fixtures and other surfaces as soon as reasonably possible including keeping the entire interior window area clean and dry such as the sill, glass, return, frame, head and mullions. Resident shall mop up spills and thoroughly dry affected area as soon as possible after occurrence. Resident agrees to turn on any exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen before showering or cooking with open pots. Resident agrees to keep blinds 1 to 2 inches above the windowsill to allow air circulation behind blinds and use ceiling fans, if present. Resident shall keep climate and moisture in the Leased Premises at reasonable levels.

2. APARTMENT CLEANLINESS. Resident shall clean and dust the Lease Premises regularly, and shall keep the Leased Premises, particularly the kitchen, the bathroom(s), carpets and floors clean. Regular vacuuming, mopping and using household cleaner to clean hard surfaces is important to remove the household dirt and debris that harbor mold or food for mold.

3. CLIMATE CONTROL. Resident shall provide appropriate climate control and take other measures to retard and prevent mold and mildew from accumulating in the leased premises. Resident agrees to use all air conditioning in a reasonable manner and use heating systems in moderation, and to keep the leased premises properly ventilated by periodically opening windows to allow circulation of fresh air during dry weather only. Resident agrees not to block or cover any of the heating, ventilation or air-conditioning ducts in the leased premises.

4. NOTIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT. Resident shall promptly notify management in writing of the presence of the following conditions:

A. A water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water inside the Leased Premises;

B. A water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water in any storage room or other common area;

C. Any evidence of mold or mildew-like growth in or on the Leased Premises that can not be removed by simply applying a common household cleaner, such as Lysol or Pine-Sol disinfectants, and simply wiping the area;

D. Any failure or malfunction in the heating, ventilation or air conditioning system in the leased premises;

E. Any inoperable doors or windows in the leased premises.

5. LIABILITY. Resident shall be liable to Owner for damages sustained to the Leased Premises or to Resident’s person or property as a result of Resident’s failure to comply with the terms of this Addendum.

6. VIOLATION OF ADDENDUM. Resident further agrees that Resident shall be responsible for damage to the Leased Premises and Resident’s property as well as personal injury to Resident, any member of the Resident’s household, employees, guests, or invitees resulting from the Resident’s failure to comply with the terms of this Addendum. Noncompliance includes, but is not limited to, Resident’s failure to notify immediately management in writing of any mold, mildew or moisture problems. A default under the terms of this Addendum shall be deemed a material default under the terms of the Lease, and Owner shall be entitled to exercise all rights and remedies at law or in equity. Resident shall indemnify and hold Owner and Owner’s agents harmless from and against all damages and injuries to person or property as a result of Resident’s failure to comply with the terms of this Addendum.

7. ADDENDUM SUPERSEDES LEASE. In case of a conflict between the provisions of this Addendum and any other provisions of the Lease, the provisions of the Addendum shall govern. This LEASE ADDENDUM ON MOLD is incorporated into the lease between the Owner and Resident.

8. TERM. The term of this Addendum shall be the same term as Agreement of any renewal or extension of agreement.

I acknowledge I have read this addendum and it places a duty upon me to minimize the occurrence and growth of mold and mildew in Leased Premises and to report the presence of any excessive moisture to management in writing. This is a binding and legal document. Read carefully before signing. The following undersigned accept this agreement:


BY: ______

Signature Date Signed


Print Name of Resident

BY: ______Sign Signature Date Signed


Print Name of Co-Resident


BY: ______

Signature Date Signed


Print OR Type Name and Title

“This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer”


Revised 07/2014