Sr. / Task / Priority / Status / Comments
Application Section-Academic Information:
Div/%age/GPA should be in Combo Box and upon selecting percentage, division should be calculated automatically:
1.First Division: 60 – 100%
2.Second Division: 45 - 59.99%
3.Third Division: 33 - 44.99% / Normal / Done / It is suggested to use only %age, instead of getting CGP and div/%age separately.
But this change will effect on live data so further discussion required
All qualifications from Matric onwards should be made mandatory / Normal / Done
Application Section-Professional Experience
Add a new question “Are you currently serving at NUST?”, if YES then the candidate must enter at least one record with present employment. / Normal / Done
Add combo box in front of employment (values: NUST, Other) In case of NUST organization field will be auto filled with value NUST and will be read only otherwise it will be editable. / Normal / Done
In case of last employment at NUST, system should display duration at NUST. / Normal / Done
Total Experience to be calculated in years/months/days. / Normal / Done
Application Section-For Faculty
Choices section should include all Schools/Colleges/HQ / Normal / Done
Application Section-My CV/Profile
CV Print option should be available for applicant / Normal / Done
Admin Section-Job Application Section
Last date to apply to be displayed against each job application. / Normal / Done
Calculated Age= (last date to apply - DOB) to be displayed in each job application. / Normal / Done
Date of advertisement to be displayed against each / Normal / Done
Total Duration at NUST if currently serving at NUST / Normal / Done
Total Experience in Years/Months to be displayed / Normal / Done
Admin Section-Manage Jobs Section-Active/Archive Jobs
Total No. of Positions- to be displayed against each job in Manage Jobs section. / Normal / done
Multiple BPS (e.g, 17/18/19) can be typed in Basic Pay Scale (BPS) in Add Job section. / Normal / done
Admin Section-Board Proceedings/In-House Selection Committee / Editable is not possible at this stage and alternate of this is to export in Doc is working
Editable Form and Printable Report of Proceedings/In-House Selection Committee / Normal / Done
Multiple Posts can be selected for proceeding / Normal / Done
Vacancy field should be made editable / Normal / Done
Current Employment details should be displayed / Normal / Done
Recommended By (e.g., school/college/institute) / Normal / Done
Provide an interface where HR User can provide thefollowing:
1.Remarks for Proceeding against each shortlisted applicant
2.Interview Marks
3.Board Remarks
4.Board Recommendation
5.Merit / Normal / Done
Admin Section-Faculty - Proceeding
Ranking (New Field) should be entered by the HR User in the Editable Form and should be shown in the faculty proceeding. / Normal / Done
Admin Section- ADM/Tech Staff - Proceeding
Get Data from Test Results from (Test Section->Test Result Individual->Written, Typing, Practical - Total and Obtained Marks to be displayed. / Normal / Done
Professional Qualifications to be displayed at the end of the qualification section / Normal / Done
Admin Section-Search Options-Quick Search
Search by following fields on the top of each section
1.Applicant Name
3.Post Name
4.Closing Date
6.Active/Archive Jobs
7.Job Advertisement Date / Normal / Done
Admin Section-Search Options-Advance Search
Search by all or any field. / Normal / Done / Same as above
Admin Section-Test Results Section (New Section)-Test Results Individual
HR User will select the Job and Following details to bedisplayed/entered:
Header Info:
1.Test Held Date (New Field)
2.Written Test Total Marks (New Field)
3.Typing Test Total Marks (New Field)
4.Practical Test Total Marks (New Field)
5.Total Marks (New Field-Auto Calculated Field)
6.Post Name (Display field)
7.Job Location (Display field)
Info in the Grid (All applicants’ data will be loaded)
8.Applicant ID (Display field)
9.Applicant Name (Display field)
10.Contact No (Display field)
11.Written Test Obtained Marks (New Field)
12.Typing Test Obtained Marks (New Field)
13.Practical Test Obtained Marks (New Field)
14.Total Obtained Marks (New Field-Auto Calculated Field)
15.Status (Pass/Fail) (If a candidate has failed any test then he will be considered failed overall )
16.Considered for interview (combo- Yes/No) / Normal / Done
Admin Section-Test Results Section (New Section)-Test Results Summary
HR User will select the Held Date and Following details to be displayed/entered:
Header Info:
1.Post ID (Display field)
2.Post Name (Display field)
3.Test Held Date (Display field)
4.Job Location (Display field)
5.No. of Candidates appeared in Test (New Field-Auto Calculated Field)
6.No. of passed candidates (New Field-Auto Calculated Field)
Info in the Grid (All applicants’ data will be loaded)
7.Result Received Date (New Field)
8.No. of persons to be interviewed (New Field)
9.Interview Held Date (New Field)
10.Interview Remarks (New Field)
11.Final Remarks (New Field) / Normal / Done
Admin Sections- Hard Copy CVs
User login for HR Users for entering hard copy CVs in portal / Normal / Pending / Currently not compatible with this version
CVs should be entered by HR Staff without any checks/constraints on the forms / Normal / Pending / Currently not compatible with this version
Admin Sections- Faculty Positions without Advertisement
Schools recommend some faculty for hiring. The Board proceedings are carried out through manual process. No Job is advertised against these positions. / Normal / Pending / Currently not compatible with this version
During definition of the job there should be an option to advertise/not advertise. / Normal / Pending / Currently not compatible with this version
A large number of applications fall in to this category during faculty hiring. / Normal / Pending / Currently not compatible with this version
CVs should be entered by HR Staff without any checks/constraints on the forms / Normal / Pending / Currently not compatible with this version
HR Requirements for NUST Job Portal:
#1 NG Staff Proceeding Format
(check Doc. recruitment_requirements_17-8-12) / Normal / Done
#2 Officers Proceeding Format
(check Doc. recruitment_requirements_17-8-12) / Normal / Done
#3 Faculty Proceeding Format
(check Doc. recruitment_requirements_17-8-12) / Normal / Done
#4 Test Results- Individual
(check Doc. recruitment_requirements_17-8-12) / Normal / Done
#4 Test Results- Summary
(check Doc. recruitment_requirements_17-8-12) / Normal / Done
Others Tasks
Add a new value “Under-Matric” in the area of “Qualification Requirement” while uploading new Ad as well as in the candidate’s CV form. / Normal / Done
Create multiple admin accounts within HR Dte for working on different tasks simultaneously. / Normal / Done
Option of browsing and loading data from old Ads should be provided while uploading a new Ad. It will reduce the efforts required for data entry during uploading a new ad of same posts that had already been advertised in the past. / Normal / Done
Closing date of the Ad should be displayed against the post name in the main interface. / Normal / Done
Sorting option should be provided on each column of the grid where applicants are shown against a selected Ad. / Normal / Done
Should have an option of “Rejecting” any “Verified” CV before forwarding it to respective School/College/Dte for short listing. / Normal / Done
Check boxes for selecting/verifying/forwarding multiple applications at a time. / Normal / Done
Add check boxes: Degree Completed or Degree In-Progress in area where academic qualification is entered and also add a text box where candidate can enter remarks in case degree is in progress. / Normal / Done
Add ‘Rejected’ option in area where CVs are short listed. An area for “current salary/last drawn salary” in applicants’ CV in the area where they enter professional experience. / Normal / Done.
Add skype ID in CV form where contact information is added. / Normal / Done
Add an area to indicate relatives already working in NUST in area where personal information is added. / Normal / Done
Add field for entering gender in area where personal information is added. / Normal / Done
Add field for province in area where personal information is added. / Normal / Done
Add field for entering ISSN number in area where Research Publications are added (for faculty only). / Normal / Done
Add an area for candidates to enter short job documentation in the area where they provide experience. / Normal / Done
Create a new head: Skills/Abilities/Expertise/Specialization in applicant CV form. / Normal / Done
Multiple users within a school/center/directorate should only be able to view CVs forwarded to him/her specifically. For example in case of Adm Dte, CVs which are forwarded to DD Messing for a post of Waiter should be viewed only to DD Messing user. / Normal / Done
Option for completing application should be provided in ‘application history’ to the applicants. / Normal / Done
When “Verify” button is pressed, the page should take the cursor back to same record for clear tracking. Currently, cursor remains at the top of the page after page is refreshed instead of specific record. / Normal / Done
When a candidate’s detail is viewed during short listing, a new window is opened in the main window showing details of candidates. However, when you move towards bottom of the page, the window is opened at the top of the page. So, every time user needs to move to top of the page. The new window should be opened just in front of the user instead of top of the page. / Normal / Done
Spelling of “Update Profile” is wrong in the main interface. / Normal / Done
Spelling of Directorate is written is incorrect in area for forwarding applications. / Normal / Done
Additional Points
1-Make current salary/last withdrawn salary field compulsory except for fresh candidates. Provide a check-box where candidates can mark if they are “Fresh Candidate”
2-Provide an option for locking a job so that further changes cannot be made in that specific category.