Ivy Academia -Business Plan Rubrics / 2016
Outstanding: Includes all components which are stated clearly, thoroughly and coherently. All areas contain relevant content and information. / Good: Includes all components whereas most components are relatively clear and coherent. Mistakes in grammar and spelling do not affect readability of work. / Fair: Does not include all components or components are unclear and do not contain relevant information. Spelling and grammar errors affect readability of work.
Cover Sheet:
*Company Name
*Company Logo
*Company contact information
*Relevant academic year
Table of Contents:
*properly numbered
*corresponds to page numbers
Executive Summary:
*A detailed description of the business and its goals
*The ownership of the business and the legal structure
*The skills and experience you bring to the business
*The advantages you and your business have over your competition
Detailed Description:
*Describes your vision for the company’s future.
Ownership and Legal Structure:
*Is the company a sole proprietorship, a partnership, LLC or corporation
*Shareholder information
Skills and Experiences
*Owners/partners experience
*Manager/Employee experience
*List the companies advantages over the competition
*Description of the products and/or services, the market, the industry, and your location
*Your product and services
*How they differ
*Unique features/benefits
*How large the market is for your product or service
*How you plan to enter the market
*How you plan to deal with competition
*Describe the location of your business
Financial Data:
*Identification of risks
*Financial statement
*Funding requests and return on investment
*Company’s operation
*Day to day operation
*Hiring/personal procedures
*Insurance, equipment
*Lease or rental agreements
Green component:
*In what way will your business positively impact the environment?
*Will business impact local environment positively and how.
*Will business impact national environment positively and how.
*Will business impact global environment positively and how
Giving Back:
*How will your business give back to the community
*Flat percentage off the top of profits to a charitable organization
*Volunteer to do community service
*Specify a portion of each dollar that goes toward a local charity
Concluding statement:
*Summary of goals and objectives
* your commitment to the success of your business
* What do you hope to accomplish
Graphs, Charts, Photos and Appendixes:
*Relevant representation of data
*Not redundant or overused
Business plan presentation:
*Logical arrangements
*Cover and binding
*Professional layout
*No Spelling errors
*No Grammar errors
Visual Presentation:
*Presentation is approximately 5 minutes.
*Presentation is visually compelling, interesting, is well rehearsed and holds the audience’s attention
*Includes power-point presentation or other form of visual presentation outlining business.
Employee Handbook
Grades 6-12 only
*Section should include the following information:
*Non-disclosure agreements/conflict of interest statements
*Anti-discrimination policies
*Work schedules
*Standards of Conduct
*General Employment information
*Safety and Security
*Computers and Technology

Useful Hints for Participants

Read the rubrics carefully and follow the procedures listed. If there is something you don’t understand, ask.

Be aware of the abilities and skills expected from you throughout the course of competition.

Practice your presentation and oratorical skills. If something doesn’t sound right to you, correct it.

Be professional. Be on time. Present your business idea with pride and enthusiasm.

Make sure you have one copy of your business plan for each judge.

If you have a sample, bring it to show the judges and the audience.

Dress professionally, be well groomed and use good posture. Enjoy yourself as this could be the door to your future.