Rockville Planning Commission

April 08, 2014

Rockville Community Center

The Rockville Planning Commission will holdtheir regular meeting on Tuesday, the8thday ofApril,2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rockville Community Center, 43 E. Main, Rockville, Utah.

When you are recognized to be heard during any Town of Rockville public meeting, please come to the podium to speak to enable an accurate recording of your remarks.

The agenda will be as follows:

  1. Call to order – roll call.
  2. Declaration of conflict of interest with an agenda item.
  3. Tabled from March 11, 2014 meeting – Discussion and possible action relative to a Building Permit Application – Flyin Zion Arts LLC/Jonathan George.
  4. Discussion and possible action relative to an Application for a Home Occupation Permit for creation of art at 142 E Main St.– Eva Pelton.
  5. Discussion and possible action relative to an Application for a Business License for The Garden of Eva – Eva Pelton.
  6. Conceptual discussion relative to potential building projects and subdivision process at 620 E Main – Ken and Jen Long.
  7. Discussion concerning the Utah Geological Survey’s Report of the Investigation of the December 12, 2013, Fatal Rock Fall at 368 W Main Street.
  1. Possible recommendation to the Town Council for a Pending Ordinance Doctrine for building permits issued within the rock fall area as determined in the Rock Fall Hazard Map prepared by the Utah Geological Survey entitled State Route 9 Corridor Geologic-Hazard Study.
  1. Discussion relative toconsider amending Chapter 3 of the Land Use Code to allow for an alternate Planning Commission member.
  2. Approval of the minutes of theMarch 11,2014regularmeeting
  3. Planning Commission Administrative Business.
  4. Adjourn.
Elaine M. Harris

Town Clerk

THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL TOWN MEETINGS. If you need a special accommodation to participate in Town Meetings, please call the Town Clerk, Elaine Harris, at 772-0992 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.

The foregoing was posted in the foyer cabinet of the Rockville Town Office by ______at approximately ______AM/PM on ______, on Rockville’s Website and the Utah Public Notice Website. Faxed to The Spectrum ______.
