Situation among youth, having Infringements of sight, in Polesski region in Belarus

Pinski Cultural and rehabilitation centre

The instructor in rehabilitation

Leavitski Andrei


Pinsk Cultural and rehabilitation centre is an organisation engaged in problems of the people,

having the limited opportunity of sight. The centre is created under the decision Public association "the

Byelorussian company of the invalids on sight" and has state support. It was created in 1998. The

small collective of the centre solves the following purposes and tasks.

The basic purposes of the centre are:

Decision of tasks of social - labour rehabilitation of the invalids on sight, spiritual and cultural

development of the person;

Perfection of cultural mass work;

Development of culture and sports;

Satisfaction at demands of the stone-blind, visually impaired and other citizens in the information

(various kinds of the literature, MASS-MEDIA).

The problems of centre are:

Increase of a cultural, aesthetic, general educational level. Realisation of social - labour

rehabilitation of the invalids on sight. Development of physical culture and sports among the invalids

on sight, workers and serving, working on the enterprises and in establishments Public association "the

Byelorussian company of the invalids on sight" of the Brest area.

Propagation of the achievement of the global and national culture in the field of music, literature

and art.

Creation the conditions for development of musical abilities of the invalids on sight, revealing

and development of the musical abilities at visually impaired children.

Maximal and operative maintenance of the invalids on sight. The visually impaired citizens relief -

dot, sounded and plainly by printed literature, wide популяризация of the literature on social - labour

rehabilitation of the invalids.

Collection and storage of materials, items of information and other documents about the history of

the development and activity of the Public association "the Byelorussian company of the invalids on

sight", propagation of the achievement Public association "the Byelorussian company of the invalids

on sight" in questions of social - labour rehabilitation of the invalids, culture, sports.

Development of interrepublican and international communications(connections) with a

society(community) and organisations, cultural - educational establishments for the stone-blind,

participation in interrepublican and international festivals, competitions, conferences etc.

For two years of activity of the centre the results of training of youth with infringement of sight of

orientation in open space were improved. It allows us to facilitate process of integration of such people

in societies who can see, increased the quantity of the persons who has entered the higher educational

institutions is making easy this process of integration too. One more condition for realisation of the

process of integration is the development and introduction of new systems of reception, processing and

storage of the information, i.e. using of computer technologies.

Today equally with using of the traditional methods of teaching the blind we try to adapt the

possibilities of the electronic mail and Internet.

However we have to solve some problems:

creation and equipment of the working computer places;

working up the new methods for learning the elementary computer literacy and using all

possibilities of the modern computer systems;

propagation of the possibilities of the computer network system among people having the limited

opportunity of sight in our region.

The operative access in a computer network is necessary for reception of the necessary interesting

information, and as in our region the structure of a computer network among the users with

infringement of sight is undeveloped, we would like it to correct. It can be made by популяризации

and introduction of such activity on the basis of our centre.

Besides in our region the creation of youth organisation among the invalids on sight with the

further prospect of an output(exit) for the European level is planned.

The realisation of festivals, sports competitions, conferences has given a basis for occurrence of

strong communications inside Republic. For the decision of a problem of introduction of the new

computer technologies the centre has supporting and relation with National Academy of Sciences of

Belarus Institute of Technical Cybernetics (laboratory of recognition and synthesis of speech). We

have adjusted contacts with the separate persons living in Belarus, Russia (Moscow, Nowosibirsk), the

Ukraine (Livov) for popularising and optimisation the process of the using the new computer


It is very necessary for the centre to establish the new contacts with foreign organisations to work

out the problems of the stone0blind and visually impaired people. Therefore we are interested in

participation in ICEVI.

Gogolya Str. house 29

225710 Pinsk


Tel: 375 0165 35-09-36, 35 66 65

Fax: 375 0165 35-04-20
