Year 9 Reading Unit

Seas and Skies

A two week unit using reading resources and use of the Booster Kit material

The following six lessons (Seas) can be expanded and differentiated for different classes by individual teachers.

Lessons 1 – 4 of the Booster Kit (Skies) can be used before or after the Seas lessons.

* Use Conventions of Writing Aide Memoirs to design appropriate Word Level Starter Activities for your classes.

Unit: Seas
Week:1 / Objectives:
Word: Word Level work from the Aide Memoirs of Writing Conventions
Reading: R12 Rhetorical Devices
R7 Compare presentation of ideas, values or emotions
Speaking & Listening and Drama:
SL12 work in role to explore issues, ideas and meanings / Resources and differentiation:
Card Sort of Writing Conventions of In/Ex/De
Card Sort of Reading Level Cards
Reading Levels OHT
Reading Level Stickers
‘Sinking Ship’ student copies and teacher OHT
‘Sinking Ship’ Interpreting the text questions
‘Sinking Ship’ Language and structure questions
Class set of ‘South of Limpopo’
Describe Aide Memoir
Starter: / Introduction: / Development: / Plenary: / Homework:

Lesson 1

/ q  Introduce idea of triplets of types of text.
q  Card sort of Writing Conventions of Inform/Explain/Describe / q  Shared reading of first paragraph of ‘Sinking Fast’. What kind of text is this? Evidence?
q  What is the effect of the last sentence of the first paragraph? / q  Shared Reading commenting on weather conditions at the beginning and Steve’s emotions. Discuss writer’s use of rhetorical questions. Annotate OHT
q  Ask students to make a list of the writing conventions to describe and work together to find evidence. Use Describe Aide Memoir / q  What advice would you give to a dramatic writer about the use of :
q  Very short/long sentences? Mixing statements and questions? / q  Write up your advice in neat.
Lesson 2 / q  Students look at Reading Level Cards (with question Mark rather than number). Identify their level.
q  Rank order levels 4-7
q  OHT correct answers
q  Students/Teacher decide which Levels to aim for. / q  Guided reading re-cap of ‘Sinking Fast’ with weaker students.
q  Teacher models answer to first question on ‘interpreting text’ and students look for features of Level 7/6/5/4
q  / q  Students work in groups to answer ‘interpreting text’ questions
q  Students work in pairs to see which level their answers are and make decisions about which level they’d like to aim for. / q  Students write a statement about which level they would like to aim for
q  Teachers can give out reading level stickers for students / q  Students answer 1-3 ‘language and structure’ questions then tick off boxes on the sticker to prove level.
Lesson 3 / q  In pairs, do the ‘Level Challenge’ on last lesson’s homework. Each student looks at another student’s sticker boxes and has 3 ‘Show me where you’ve used…’ challenges. Students validate the levels given to each other’s work / Shared Reading of OHT 16 from Literacy Kit (InExDe) ‘South of the Limpopo’ Identify text type and give out Aide Memoir – annotating text in accordance with teacher’s notes. / Group work: Give out ‘Sinking Fast’ again and comment on how the two texts are both dramatic writing but the presentation of emotions and descriptions of the writers are different.
Make notes. / Pairs or Whole Class: Hotseat or interview Callahan and Murphy to find out their emotions and values. / What is the difference between dramatic experience and dramatic description?
Unit: Seas
Week:2 / Objectives:
Word: Word Level work from the Aide Memoirs of Writing Conventions
Sentence:S4 Integrate quotation effectively into writing
Reading:R1 Locate and extract relevant information
R5 Evaluate own critical writing about texts
R7 Compare the presentation of emotion in texts
Writing: W5 Explore different ways of opening narrative (varying sentences for effect)
Speaking & Listening and Drama: SL10 help solve problems in a group – card sort. / Resources and differentiation:
Class Copies of OHT 18
OHT 18
Reading Levels OHT
Explain Aide Memoirs
Copies of Sinking Fast
Inform Aide Memoirs

Class Set Lambert’s Bay OHT 17

Center Parcs OHT2
Persuade Aide Memoir
Writing Stickers (If required)
Graham Norton OHT10
River Deep, Tempers High.

Lesson 1

/ Skim/Scan Speed Challenge
Give out Copies of OHT 18 Face down on desks. Look for.... then turn paper face down to show you’ve found example. Teacher choice:
Scan E.g. First name, Surname, Quotation, Place name.
Skim E.g. What does the word ‘drifting’ create an image of? / Shared reading of OHT 18 of Literacy Kit (InExDe) What text type? Give out Explain Aide Memoirs. What level would you give this writing? Why?
Annotate OHT according to teacher notes.
Give out copies of ‘Sinking Fast’ / Shared writing of first paragraph to ‘Explain how Steve Callahan describes his feelings about his experience’
Students finish off using their advice notes from previous lessons – using OHT 18 as their model and Explain Aide Memoir. Remind students of their target stickers. / Draw a six-point star of things you’ve learned about explanatory texts. / Complete the task in neat. ‘Explain how Steve Callahan describes his feelings about his experience’
Lesson 2 / Hand in Explanation text and in pairs test each other on the features of Explain texts and Inform Texts using the Aide Memoirs. / Group reading of Lambert’s Bay – identify type of text. Note that the text starts to advise and persuade towards the end. Annotate as per teacher notes.
Do the same for Center Parcs and note differences using Persuade/Inform Aide Memoir. / Task is to use features of writing to make Lambert’s Bay into more effective Persuasive text. What do we need to do first?
Note take key points from L’sBay Text then rank them in order of importance for the purpose of new text.
Students choose own note taking style. Begin to write new version of Lambert’s Bay. / Take example of conventions of writing from Persuade aide memoir and student’s read out their examples that match a convention. / Finish persuasive text.
(Writing stickers can be used here if teacher wishes to introduce them)
Lesson 3 / Card Sort of Explore/Imagine/Entertain / Shared Reading of OHT 10 and annotation with student contribution.
Small group investigation into the ways which Norton begins his sentences. / What are the additional features of writing to entertain – use aide memoir if necessary. / List three ways of varying sentence starters. / Use these three plenary techniques to write the opening paragraph of a trip you took. Your purpose is to entertain!

Seas and Skies Resources

1.  Card Sort of Writing Conventions of In/Ex/De

2.  Card Sort of Reading Level Cards

3.  Reading Levels OHT

4.  Reading Level Stickers

5.  ‘Sinking Ship’ student copies and teacher OHT

6.  ‘Sinking Ship’ Interpreting the text questions

7.  ‘Sinking Ship’ Language and structure questions

8.  Class set of ‘South of Limpopo’

9.  Describe Aide Memoir

10.  Class Copies of OHT 18

11.  OHT 18

12.  Reading Levels OHT

13.  Explain Aide Memoirs

14.  Copies of Sinking Fast

15.  Inform Aide Memoirs

16.  Class Set Lambert’s Bay OHT 17

  1. Center Parcs OHT2
  2. Persuade Aide Memoir
  3. Writing Stickers (If required)
  4. Graham Norton OHT10