1. Obstetric statistics.The neonatal mortality rate. The maternal mortality rate. Methods to establish gestational age.

2. Prevention of HIV – infection.

3. Placenta and its function.

4. Study about critical periods of embryons.

5. Anatomy of the normal female pelvis.

6. The pelvis in obstetrics.

7. Anatomy of the fetal skull.

8. Methods of examination of pregnancy.

9. Diagnosis of early pregnancy.

10. Abdominal obstetrical examination.

11. Vaginal obstetrical examination.

12. The cause of the onset of labor.

13. The stades of normal labor.

14. The first stade of labor.

15. Methods of fetus condition in labor.

16. The second stade or labor.

17. Mechanism of labor with vertex presentation.

18. The third stades of labor. Sings of placental separation.

19. Postpartum period. Clinic. Management and prevention of complication.

20. Apgar score.

21. Routine care of the newborn.

22. Breast – feeding.

23. Breech presentation.

24. Face presentation. Brow presentation.

25. Multiple pregnancy. Diagnosis. Intrapartum management.

26. Acute and chronic infections diseases in pregnancy.

27. Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy.

28. Renal disease in pregnancy.

29. Hypertensive disordes in pregnancy.

30. Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy. Management of labor and delivery.

31. Anaemia during pregnancy.

32. Heart disease in pregnancy.

33. Disordes of the thyroid gland in pregnancy.

34. Morning seecnes, nausea.

35. Oedema during pregnancy. Aetiological factors. Degrees of oedema. Clinic, diagnosis. Treatment.

36. Eclampsia. Clinic, diagnosis. Condition of fetus.

37. Haemorrhage in the first half of pregnancy.

38. Antepartum haemorrhage. Abruptio placentae.

39. Placenta praevia.

40. Management of the third stade of labor. Delivery of the placenta.

41. Postpartum haemorrhage. Uterine atony.

42. Manual removal of the placenta. Indications. Anaesthesia. Technique.

43. Coagulopathy. Clinic, diagnosis. Treatment.

44. Rupture of the uterus. Clinic. diagnosis. Treatment.Prevention.

45. Distocia and cephalopelvic disproportion in labor and delivery.

46. Fetal macrosomia in modern obstetrics.

47. Laceration of the cervix.

48. Perineotomy. Episiotomy. Indications. Technique. Complications.

49. Laceration of the perineum. Repair of laceration of the perineum.

50. Haematoma of the vagina.

51. Birth trauma of the newborn.

52. Caesarean section.

53. Outlet forceps. Indications, conditions, anesthesia necessary for the application of forceps. Technique. Complications.

54. Postpartum infection.

55. Postpartum mastitis. Diagnosis, treatment, prevention.

56.Infection in the newborn.

57. Postterm pregnancy. Etiology diagnosis . Management.

58. Preterm labor. Etiology and prevention.

59. Management of preterm labor.

60. Hypoxia of the fetus. Diagnosis, freatment.

61. Hypoxia of the fetus anol asphyxia of the newborn.

62. Pregnancy and genetic counselling.

63. Haemorrhage shock in obstetrics.

64. Abnormal pregnancy, Miscarriage.

65. Menstrual cycle.

66. Differential diagnosis between placenta previa and abruptio placenta?

67. Manual removal of placenta.

68. Vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistulae.

69. Fetal malposition and malpresentation.

70. Prolonged labor.

71. Pelvic abnormalities. Platypelloid pelvis.

72. The pelvis floor.

73. Maternal physiology.

74. Analgesia in labor and delivery. Analgesic and anaesthetic agents.

75. Reproductive cycle.

76. Breech presentation. Management. Birth of the after coming head.

77. Anaesthesia during labor.

78. Differential diagnosis of pregnancy.

79. Estimation of the expected date of delivery.

80. Advice to the patient during pregnancy.

81. Harmful effects on the fetus during pregnancy.

82. Characteristics of placenta.

83. Diagnosis of pregnancy.

84. Differentialting contractions of true and faese labor.

85. Postpartum endomentritis.

86. Prolonged labor.

87. Health care for women.

88. Repair of laceration of the perineum degree I – II.

89. Degree of severity of oedema, proteinuria, hypertension in second half of pregnancy.

90. Care of sutures after caesarean section, episiotomy.

91. The very small infant. Principles of special care.

92. Anatomy of femal genitals.

93. Treatment of haemorrhage shock.

94. Obstructed labor. Symptoms and signs.

95. Obstructed labor. Fistulae formation.

96. Maternal sepsis in obstetrics.

97. Prenatal diagnosis.

98. Classification and evaluation of conditions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

99. Anomaly of the labor.

100. Bleeding in early pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy.

101. Anatomy of the newborn.

102. Haemolytic disease in the newborn.

103. Hyperactivity contraction in labor and delivery.

104. Contracted pelvis.