Notice is Hereby Given a

Public Hearing

will be held by the

Washington Parish Council

in the

Washington Parish Courthouse

Council Chambers

July 13, 2015

Monday – 5:45 PM

Public Hearing on Proposed WP Ordinance No.15-599 An Ordinance directing the renewal of the levy and collection of: (i) a 10-year, 3.11 mills ad valorem tax for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating public health units in the Parish; (ii) a 10-year, 1.03 mill ad valorem tax for improving, maintaining and operating the Parish courthouse and related public buildings in the Parish, including specifically the payment of utilities related thereto; (iii) a 10-year, 4.13 mills ad valorem tax for constructing, improving and maintaining public roads and bridges in the Parish; and (iv) a 10-year, 4.6 mills ad valorem tax for improving, maintaining and operating the public library system of the Parish and its branches, authorized under the provisions of Article VI, Sections 26(B), 30 and 32 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority as applicable; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.

Chairman Fussell asked if anyone would like to come forward to speak on Ordinance No. 15-599. No one came forward.

Councilman Johnson offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Route to close public hearing on Ordinance No. 15-599.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas and Route

NAYS: (0)



Washington Parish Council

Regular Meeting

Washington Parish Courthouse

Council Chambers

July 13, 2015

Monday – 6:00 PM

Item No. 1 - Call to Order –Chairman Fussell called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2 – Invocation – Councilman Route gave the invocation.

Item No. 3 Pledge of Allegiance –Chairman Fussell led in the Pledge of Allegiances.

Item No.4 Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Michael Fussell, Andre’ Johnson, Charles Nassauer, Greg Route, Pete Thomas, Ken Wheat and Aubrey Posey.

Item No. 5 - Approval of Minutes – Approval of Minutes dated June 29, 2015.

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Wheat to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 08, 2015.

Roll call for vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas and Route

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 6 Malinda White – Candidate State Representative –“I’m Malinda Brumfield White and I reside at 1411 Shady Pine Drive, Bogalusa, La 70426. It is an honor to be here to address this council and thank you and appreciate your work as a City Council Woman. We have a lot of work to do on the East side of the parish and appreciate all the help we can get. I’m here today to ask you for your consideration as Louisiana State Representative. I grew up at State line in the parish and my father was a union worker at the peppermill and we farmed and he thought I was a boy and I hauled hay just like the rest of them. I know the importance of agriculture and out in the parish I feel like that this is a very important part of why I’m really running. I know I can work this and deliver, my heart is here in this parish and I will let my work, my work ethics and the delivery of the things that I have started for this parish, City of Bogalusa and Franklinton speak for itself. I was a COSA volunteer and these cases were very eye opening for me and made me understand that we have a lot of youth in this parish and it is falling through the cracks and they don’t have a good foundation for them. This led me into the youth service board which is an umbrella for COSA and other services that we provide and I have been on this board for 5 years and served as secretary for 2 years and now on the executive board. There are a lot of other things that I have done to show that I have my heart in the right place for this parish. I look at business at the state level and it is not good and we want to help address those issues and mainly putting Washington parish back on the map. We certainly are going to go and fight what we can get for our parish and neighboring parishes. I just would like to ask for your consideration which will be October 24th will be the Election Day which is the day of the Fair on a Saturday and early voting will be important. We are working hard, we are going to visit we may come to your house we hope to and we are not going to leave any stone unturned. We are going to work the same in Baton Rouge. I appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you.

Item No. 7 – Jim Ryan - Adopt Ordinance 15-599 – An Ordinance directing the renewal of the levy and collection of: (i) a 10-year, 3.11 mills ad valorem tax for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating public health units in the Parish; (ii) a 10-year, 1.03 mill ad valorem tax for improving, maintaining and operating the Parish courthouse and related public buildings in the Parish, including specifically the payment of utilities related thereto; (iii) a 10-year, 4.13 mills ad valorem tax for constructing, improving and maintaining public roads and bridges in the Parish; and (iv) a 10-year, 4.6 mills ad valorem tax for improving, maintaining and operating the public library system of the Parish and its branches, authorized under the provisions of Article VI, Sections 26(B), 30 and 32 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority as applicable; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.

Councilman Thomas offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Ordinance 15-599. An Ordinance directing the renewal of the levy and collection of: (i) a 10-year, 3.11 mills ad valorem tax for acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating public health units in the Parish; (ii) a 10-year, 1.03 mill ad valorem tax for improving, maintaining and operating the Parish courthouse and related public buildings in the Parish, including specifically the payment of utilities related thereto; (iii) a 10-year, 4.13 mills ad valorem tax for constructing, improving and maintaining public roads and bridges in the Parish; and (iv) a 10-year, 4.6 mills ad valorem tax for improving, maintaining and operating the public library system of the Parish and its branches, authorized under the provisions of Article VI, Sections 26(B), 30 and 32 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority as applicable; and providing for other matters in connection therewith.

Roll call for vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas and Route

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 8 – Consideration and adopting Resolution 15-694- A resolution establishing utility standards, as required by HUD, to be implemented by the Washington Parish Section 8 Program effective July 1, 2015

Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution 15-694. A resolution establishing utility standards, as required by HUD, to be implemented by the Washington Parish Section 8 Program effective July 1, 2015

Roll call for vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas and Route

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 9- Public Participation – Chairman Fussell asked if anyone from the public would like to speak, no one came forward.

Councilman Thomas offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas and Route

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 10 - President’s Report –

Leo Lucchesi – “DOTD sent a memo to the parish with a map and total 1.47 million and means Choctaw and Dummyline will be done as planned. The Franklinton library parking lot and sidewalk has doubled in spaces. Today we have completed 42% of our road way program.”

Lavell Gerald – “Hopefully this week if weather permitting we can get 4 more roads done.

We have some working on Saturdays getting caught up which is very hard if we didn’t have to chase around signs and picking up trash. We do have a reward for taking signs because it is government property and it is a pretty good reward. Sandy Hook Mississippi called me with an Archie Simmons sign after they figured out they didn’t have this road name and come to find out it belonged to us. This sign was from Mt. Hermon area, the pole and sign was moved and put in the ground in Sandy Hook Mississippi. If you see this happening, please call 985-839-7825. Help keep our signs were they need to be for safety reasons.

Chairman Fussell – “We need to get the law enforcement on them and when they do catch them they will pay the price. We can’t monitor signs 24/7 so that’s why we need the public’s help.”

Item No. 11 - Council Discussion –

Councilman Johnson: “Lavell we appreciate the work your men are doing and please make sure they stay hydrated and understand this heat.”

Councilman Route: “This week started last night the 3rd district Bogue Chitto General Baptist Association is having a youth convention. They will be having a huge explosion Friday night at the Bogalusa High School auditorium at 7:00 pm. They have 300 children singing some good gospel music. Please come and help support these children and it is free of charge.”

Councilman Nassauer: “It is a really great opportunity to support our kids that is really positive.”

Chairman Fussell: “I just want to thank everyone for showing up; Randy Hammons it’s good to see you here, Malinda White, and Al Barron. Al you don’t have anything you would like to share?”

Al Barron: “Our summer reading program has had some pretty explosive numbers. I seen some numbers in Franklinton that I haven’t seen in 20 years in the Library service. When I was a branch manager is Slidell with a community of 70,000 we would see 60 kids. First day of Franklinton we had 160 kids and thanks for the parking lot.”

Chairman Fussell: “The road crews is doing a good job and just make sure they keep up with this weather and make sure they keep away from heat strokes. I know all crews are working hard they are in my area for sure. Thanks.”

Item No. 12 - Adjourn – No further business to come before the council, meeting was adjourned and motion by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Posey.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson, Thomas and Route

NAYS: (0)



Order of Voting:

Aubrey Posey Andre’ Johnson

Kenneth Wheat Pete Thomas

Michael Fussell Greg Route

Charles Nassauer

Next meeting will be held on Monday, July 27, 2015

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-0105 describing the assistance that is necessary.

(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985)839-0105 or

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