Lesson context: Watch film trailers (Annie and Big Hero 6). Discuss the characteristics of a ‘hero’. Write descriptions and create a comic strip for either Annie or Big Hero 6.

Suitable for 7-9 years.


1.  Watch each trailer.

2.  Discuss characteristics of Annie and Big Hero 6 as ‘heroes’.

3.  Write sentences using –ing words describing what ‘real’ heroes can do, and then what Annie and Big Hero 6 can do.

4.  Write a description of either Annie or Big Hero 6.

5.  Develop the description into a comic strip.

Lesson objective:

Discuss characteristics of a ‘hero’ and write about a film hero descriptively.


Ask: ‘what is a hero?’

Share ideas.

Now watch the trailers for Annie and Big Hero 6. Are they heroes? Why? Why not?


Starting with Big Hero 6, write 5 sentences using words ending in –ing that describe the heroic deeds he can and cannot do – e.g. He is good at filling a space because he is big. He is not good at picking up a ball! Ask for pupil suggestions and model writing them.

Teaching and learning activity

1.  In pairs, children are to come up with five ‘what can she do?’ sentences for Annie. Share these with the rest of the class.

2.  Choose either Annie or Big Hero 6 and write a character description, using adjectives to describe how they look, behave and what their personality is like. Share these with the rest of the class.

3.  Finish the activity by planning and creating a comic strip that shows the chosen hero (either Annie or Big Hero 6) fighting a super-villain and winning.


By the end of the lessons, all pupils will know that words that end in –ing can be used to describe what characters can and can’t do.

Most pupils will understand that films show us that there are many types of heroes.

Some pupils will be able to create and present a comic strip showing how they imagine film heroes in action.


Share character descriptions and comic strips. Revisit the question: ‘what is a hero?’