Assembly Member Blumenfield

Chairperson, Assembly Committee on Budget

Members, Assembly Committee on Budget

State Capitol, Room 6026

Sacramento CA 95814

RE: Governor’s Proposal to Include the Economic Impact Aid Program & Funds Into the

Flexibility Program

Position: Oppose

Dear Assembly Member Blumenfield and Members of the Assembly Committee on Budget,

I am strongly opposed to the Governor’s proposal of including the Economic Impact Aid Program and its funding into the existing flexibility Program!

I am very concerned about the long-term consequences on the students who are the most vulnerable and who require the most assistance if this proposal is accepted by the Legislature. Currently the Economic Impact Aid (EIA) program is the ONLY program targeted specifically to poor students and students who are English learners. Historically, the instructional needs of these students were ignored or at best provided instruction not meeting their academic needs. The EIA program was established therefore to provide support programs and activities to assist these students in meeting state standard proficiency. SUPPLEMENTAL funding is given to school districts for this purpose.

As soon as you fold the funding into the existing flexibility program, the supplemental nature of the program is destroyed. Additionally, I believe the EIA already provides maximum flexibility so long as the funding is spent on the two-targeted groups of students; economically disadvantaged and English learners. What is meant by additional flexibility unless you intend to take the money away from these two target student sub-groups?

With respect to English learners the EIA funding stream is needed to hold on to very critical protections granted under federal law such as the identification of students who are English learners (but allows states to determine the exact nature of the process) and the English learner parent advisory committees established pursuant to legislation signed by Governor Brown in 1976. These committees have been continued pursuant to specific legislation tying the funding of these parent advisory committees to the EIA program.

Lastly, I fear that without strong accountability measures, such as a mechanism to track and monitor the students/student subgroups receiving these funds and the type and extent of instructional programs provided to students, we will see once again, the neglect of our most vulnerable students.

Therefore I respectfully request that you oppose the Governor’s proposal to include the EIA program and its funding into the existing flexibility program.


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