Summer 2017 TRIO Upward Bound at USM, located on Gorham Campus

Guide - 5 positions

June 18thto August 9th

This is a full time, residential, temporary position including 6 weeks of programming and 1 week of training.

Required Qualifications:

  • Completed at least 2 years of college and currently be in good academic standing
  • Demonstrated strong academic and leadership skills
  • Have valid U.S. driver’s license and clean driving record; any job offer is contingent upon the University’s approval of the applicant to drive

Preferred Qualifications:

  1. Bachelor’s degree
  2. Experience with low-income and/or first generation college-bound high school students
  3. Camp counselor or residence hall leadership experience
  4. At least 21 years of age

Job Description:

In collaboration with Upward Bound year-round staff, the Guidewill provide leadership in creating and maintaining a high quality living and learning experiencedesigned to educate, challenge and develop 55Upward Bound students entering the 10th and 11th grades who are attending a 5-week residential summer program on USM’s Gorham campus, along with 38 students entering the 12th grade who will attend a one-week independent shorter session. The Guide establishes and maintains a positive and safe residence hall atmosphere that is sensitive to the diverse cultures, traditions, lifestyles, and beliefs of Upward Bound students and staff.The Guidewill communicate and maintain program expectations, guidelines; and take responsibility for University of Southern Maine and Upward Bound property.


  1. Consults and coordinates with Lead Guide and Upward Bound staff in all areas of the summer program.
  2. Implements opening and closing of the UB residence hall including room inventories, keys and cleaning.
  3. Assists in weekend student check-in and check-out procedures.
  4. Initially respondsto students who do not meet program expectations and guidelines or who experiencepersonal crises and issues. In consultation with Lead Guide and UB staff, responds to students using a strength-based problem solving model.
  5. Maintains safety and security in the residence hall, including taking responsibility for USM and Upward Bound property.
  6. 5 guides will serveas teaching assistants in academic classes (English, Mathematics, Lab Science), SAT Prep, Foreign Language, and Career and College classes as scheduled.
  7. 1 guide will not be assigned to classes and will instead be responsible for transporting interns to and from their internship sites.
  8. Implements elective programs,leading and supervising small groups of students interested in specific electives.
  9. Implements guided study program, tutoring and supervising small groups of students in the completion of independent academic, career, and college work.
  10. Supervises students on field trips as scheduled.
  11. Transports students to and from internship/field trips/activities in UB van as requested.
  12. Assists with summer food service program compliance.
  13. Interacts with students during both structured and non-structured UB activities.
  14. Develops positive and supportive relationships with Upward Bound students, mentoring them on personal, social, and college/career concerns and maintaining student confidentiality as appropriate.Establishes and maintains appropriate professional boundaries with students,Guides, Lead Guide, teachers and UB staff.
  15. Models appropriate behavior at all times when students are present, recognizing the ways in which a Guide serves as a model for UB students.
  16. Willing to complete van driver certification through the University.
  17. Performs other tasks as reasonably assigned by UB supervisor and year-round staff.

Days and Hours:
Hall opens for staff move-in:June 18Sunday (afternoon)
Staff training begins:June 18Sunday (evening)
Residential program begins:June 25Sunday
Residential program ends:August 4Friday
Staff close-out:August 7&8Monday/Tuesday

Hall closes - staff move-out:August 9Wednesday

Generally each week students check-in on Sundays and are in residence until late Friday afternoon. Staff are expected to spend most of their time with students including eating all meals in the dining hall, supervising and being involved in student activities, and being present in the residence hall. Hours for training and when residential staff are specifically on or off duty during the days students are in residence will be provided during staff training.

Staff will be off Tuesday, July 4th and will have some additional scheduled time off during each week.

Stipend:$2550 PLUS ROOM AND BOARD (no meals are provided when students are not in residence; all meals during staff training will be provided)

How to apply:

Sendcover letter, resume, and contact information for three professional references to .

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