2012 Newsletter


The Reverend Linda Lennon – Pastor

4 North Main Street, P.O. Box 356

Richlandtown, PA 18955





November 25 Reign of Christ

2:30PM Phoebe Cantata

27 9AM WFS

28 9AM Quilters

7PM Choir

29 6:30PM NA

December 2 First Sunday of Advent

4 9AM WFS Mtg.

5 9AM Quilters

5PM Wahoo Wednesday

7PM Choir

6 6:30PM NA Mtg.

8 11AM- 2PM Quakertown Christmas Carnival

9 2nd Sunday of Advent/Congregational Meeting

7PM Cantata

11 9AM WFS Mtg.

12 9AM Quilters

5PM Wahoo Wednesday

7:30PM Council

13 6:30PM NA Mtg.

7PM Choir

14 7:30PM Summer Harmony & Cantata Choir at First Presyterian Church

15 Christmas Caroling at Phoebe

16 3rd Sunday of Advent

Children’s Christmas Play/Social Hour

18 9AM WFS

19 9AM Quilters

5PM Wahoo Wednesday

7PM Choir

20 NA Mtg.

21 Longest Night Service at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Trumbauersville at 7PM

23 4th Sunday of Advent

24 Christmas Eve

Worship at 7PM & 11PM Candlelight/Communion

25 Christmas

26 9AM Quilters

7PM Choir

27 6:30PM NA Mtg

Quakertown Food Pantry

30 1st Sunday after Christmas


30 New Year’s Eve


The following is this month’s selection of scripture passages taken from The Common Lectionary. This three year rotation of texts takes us through the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

December 2 First Sunday of Advent

Holy Communion

Isaiah 2:1-5

Luke 21:25-36

December 9 Second Sunday of Advent

Congregational Meeting

Isaiah 11:1-10

Luke 3:1-6

December 16 Third Sunday of Advent

Children’s Christmas Play

Social Hour

Isaiah 35:1-10

Luke 3:7-18

December 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 64:1-9

Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

December 24 Christmas Eve

Worship at 7PM & 11PM

Holy Communion


Isaiah 9:2-7

Luke 2:1-14, (15-20)

December 30 First Sunday after Christmas

Psalm 148

Luke 2:41-52

Greetings from the Pastor…

‘Tis the season of….overload, stress, burnout, the happy holiday season? By the time you receive this newsletter we will be entering the season of Advent. I know for lots of people, Advent has nothing to do with church – it means getting everything ready for Christmas – shopping, baking, wrapping, decorating, and on and on. But for Christians Advent is a four-week season of preparation and anticipation of celebrating the coming of Jesus. And while many of us long to move quietly through this season and center ourselves on God’s miracle of a baby in a manger who comes to save the world, most times we wind up being harassed by noisy crowds, “consumeristic” clutter and heightened expectations. What’s a Christian to do?

Let me offer a few suggestions:

1. You could simply give in to the secular wonders of Christmas and skip the advent season altogether.

2. You could ignore the secular world – scoffing at the notion that presents and cookies will satisfy you and wait in Advent expectation – pondering, like Mary, all that is in your heart.

3. You could recognize that God can be at work in all the many ways you prepare for the birth of Christ - whether it’s baking cookies for loved ones, attending worship services or exchanging gifts. It’s really up to you!

Personally I choose option number

3. Why? Because I know I will fall victim to some of the consumerism of Christmas, but I will also stay faithful to my Advent time of preparing my heart and my life for Jesus’ coming – again and again and again. How can you do this? Incorporate God into all you do. Sounds simple doesn’t it? And in some ways it is.

*The first thing you can do is to make sure you worship.

*Add an Advent devotional reading to your day so that you continue to study the word of God and what that means for your life. “Walk with” something that struck you in the reading as you go through your day.

*As you shop - pick out a small gift for someone who will be alone this Christmas. Give a silent blessing to everyone who bumps you, cuts in line or acts obnoxious so that you don’t fall prey to the frantic pace of the season.

*As you bake – say a prayer for all those people in our world who will be hungry that day. Make a plateful of cookies for your neighbor AND deliver them!

*As you wrap – ponder the gift of the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and give thanks for his birth.

*As you decorate – remember to include decorations that symbolize the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Set out your nativity set and retell the story of Jesus’ birth.

*As you listen to Christmas carols – ask God to show you how to serve God and be in ministry with others. Read the words of a carol carefully and reflect on their meaning in your life.

*As you open presents – open your heart and your life to the amazing and awesome power of God. Give yourself the gift of taking time this coming year to put God in the center of your life. *As you eat with your family or friends – give thanks for the gift of the love you share. Forgive someone with whom you are holding a grudge. Take time to share stories and memories of Christmas’ past.

*As you take down your tree and decorations – remind yourself that the season is NOT over – Jesus is someone you will walk with throughout the year!

So as you prepare this season, make a conscious choice on how you plan to handle the secular and the sacred natures of Advent and Christmas. Keep Jesus in all you’re planning and celebrate the miracle!

Blessings this Advent and Christmas,

Pastor Linda

Congratulations to Steve and Jessie Sechriest on the birth of granddaughter, Savannah Grace Pittinger.

Have you remembered

St. John’s U.C.C. in your will?


The Reverend Linda Lennon…………………….(home) 610-691-5769

Pastor Linda’s E-Mail………………………………

John Moyer - Council President…………………………….215-536-7995

Larry Benner - Organist / Choir Director………………215-536-2791

David Williams -Custodian…………………………….. …….267-377-5610

Office Telephone Brenda Kucharik, Secretary……..215-538-0875

Church E-Mail ……………………………………

Church Website……………………………………………www.stjohnsucc.org

Church Office Hours

10:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday

Congregational Meeting

The Church Council has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, December 9th to be held in the Sanctuary immediately following our Worship Service. The Proposed Budget for 2013 will be presented and following discussion, the Congregation will vote as to whether or not to approve the 2013 budget. We encourage all Members to attend this meeting and be a part of the approval process. The Budget for 2013 is enclosed in the newsletter.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Monday, December 24th

7 pm – Candlelight Family Worship Service

11 pm – Candlelight Worship Service

~ In Concert ~

Summer Harmony and St. John’s Cantata Choir

Summer Harmony Men’s Chorus of the Lehigh Valley, which appeared at St. John’s in 2007 during our 200th Anniversary celebration year, and The Cantata Choir of St. John’s will appear, along with four other choirs from the Lehigh Valley, in concert together on Friday evening, December 14, 2012 at First Presbyterian Church, Tilghman Street and Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown. Concert time is 7:30 PM. Tickets are $15 and can be obtained from Larry Benner. A portion of each choir’s ticket sales will be donated back to support their music program. So, the more tickets we sell, the greater the reward! Please come out and support our choir for this very special occasion. Perhaps we can carpool and make it a holiday “musical” outing for the members of St. John’s, their families and their friends. Spread the word. It will be an evening well spent! Deadline for tickets is December 9, 2012.

Council Minutes will hang on the bulletin board for those who wish to read them.

St. John’s Social Hours

All committees have been scheduled for their Social Hours during the upcoming year.

Dec 16th Cookies and Punch

Jan 6th Worship and Choir

Feb 10th Spiritual Life and Caring Church

March 10th WOW

April 14th Youth

May 12th Men of the Church

June 16th Christian Ed

Please note: Some dates have been updated!

Gardner’s wanted!

The garden surrounding the church is in need of some new caretakers. If you would like to help keep the garden beautiful please speak to Council President, John Moyer!

Cash Register Tape Fundraiser

The WOW group collects cash register tapes from Redner’s Warehouse Markets. Please register for a Shopper’s Card at the courtesy counter and tell them it is for St. John’s UCC. With the closing of Boyer’s we can use all the tapes we can get, so please try to remember when you grocery shop. Thank you.


True prayer is a way of life, not an emergency detour. It can be comforting to know others are praying for us or our loved ones. Our Prayer Chain is here for you. The information you give will be kept confidential.

Please contact Marcella Kulp at 215-536-5625.

The Quakertown Food Pantry

Serving God by serving those in need

(215) 536-0240

Join the St. John’s Food Pantry Team

Every fourth Thursday of the month we will be volunteering at the Pantry from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. If you would like to join the ‘FOOD PANTRY TEAM’ speak with Pastor Linda.

Need something in the bulletin which is printed on Thursdays (AM)? Call the office at 215-538-0875 or email at . For information for the Newsletter for January please call or email by 12/17/12. Other letters, printing or help, please call anytime. Thank you!

Use of the Church and/or Church Property

Any activities that need to be ‘booked’ at St. John’s or borrowing of Church Property i.e. tables, chairs, or other items

must go through the Church Office –

this is so that we have no conflict of interest.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Advent Coin Cards

Proceeds from the Advent Denial coin cards are used to pay the heating expenses of the Church. There is a wooden box in the Narthex for your convenience. Thank you!

It’s that time of year again! Each committee’s Annual Report for 2012 is due by January 1, 2013. The report will be printed by Jan. 8th and in church for pickup Sunday, Jan. 13th. Please submit a hand written copy as early as possible or a Word Document and email to the church at . Thank you!!


1 John Wassmer

3 Samantha Roberts

4 Dorothy Ewer

5 Carol Horton

6 John Gavis

7 Jamie Wassmer

8 Pastor Linda Lennon

9 Troy Jancsics

10 Kellie Crouthamel

22 Kevin Carney

29 Beverly Kuhn

Judith Roberts

Is your birthday missing from the list, please call the church office at 215-538-0875 or email at . We will be glad to add it to the birthday list.

Inclement Weather

In the event it becomes necessary to cancel Services at any time during the winter, we will notify WFMZ in Allentown. They will post this information on their website (wfmz.com) and also notify WLEV 100.7 FM in Bethlehem of the closing. Even when we have Services, we ask that you use your best judgment for your own safety when deciding to venture out in inclement weather.

Bulletin Sponsors

The 2013 Bulletin Sponsor List is posted on the bulletin board. The cost is $5.00 per week per sponsor. There is room for 2 sponsors per week. Please help us defray the cost of printing our weekly bulletins by volunteering to be a Bulletin Sponsor. If you have any questions, please contact Carla Spotts.

Time to sign up for Altar Flowers for 2013! Please see the signup sheet in the Narthex. Thanks!

Operation Santa Claus for Phoebe Richland!

St John's has received 15 names of residents at Phoebe Richland for which we would like to provide Christmas Gifts. All gifts are requested to be $15.00 or less. It is the goal to have 2 gifts per person. Someone will be handing out Angels where you will find a residents name and the gift they request. There are 2 Angels per person so you will only need to provide one gift. If you would like to purchase a gift, take an angel, buy the gift and return it wrapped with the Angle attached by Sunday Dec 2. The gifts will be taken to Phoebe Richland for distribution at their resident Christmas parties.

Thank you for your support for Operation Santa Claus as St. John's UCC shows our care during this Christmas Season.

Our New 2013 Directory

In January our Church Directory will be revised. If anyone would like to make any changes to their present listing, please let the Church Office know via telephone (215-538-0875), e-mail (), regular mail or dropping the information off at the Church Office. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Scheduled to Serve this Month


December 2 Dorothy Ewer

9 Carla Spotts

16 John Moyer

23 Jerry Lennon

30 Debbie Salomon

Lighting the Advent Wreath

December 2 Shafer Family

9 Kramer Family

16 Yerger Family

23 Carney Family


December 2 Gladys Feher & Gail Jancsics

Cantata—John & Ruth Moyer