Tees Local Pharmaceutical Committee Meeting

22nd July 2015. 09.30-17.00

Pharmacy 365


Officers Present:

Jay Badenhorst, Chair (JB)

Pete Horrocks, Vice Chair (PH)

David Jarvis Treasurer (DJ)

Brent Foster (BF)

Members Present:

Sarah Ramshaw (SR), Elaine Ballantyne (EB), Paul Pendergood (PP), Yasmeen Afar (YA)


Nima Rae (NR), Michael Maguire (MM), Andrea Wilde (AW)


Enalda Hamde

Employed Officers present:

Sandie Hall, Chief Officer and HLP Project Manager (SH)

PSNC Regional Representative:

Mark Burdon (MB)


Philippa Walters – Tees Valley Shared Service (PW)

Lorraine Crawford – CPPE Tutor

Jaqueline Bones - TEVA

1. Chair’s Introduction – Pete Horrocks chairing meeting.

Introductions to all including new members.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Accuracy – No points of accuracy highlighted prior to the meeting

Action points – Still require one lpc nomination preferably – CCA reps to feedback and also SH to invite individuals as a guest.

SAS – Regional Update to potentially look at Minor Ailments.

Transfer Of Care – Both north and south are now live. Philip Dean contacted regarding lack of referrals from North Tees/Hartlepool.

MOU – Discussion re current MOU situation and how information is used from pharmoutcomes and also discussion regarding ongoing rolling programme of 12 month MOU.

Action points: JB to sign and get back to Phil Ray.

Healthy Start – Now full scheme has been implemented via a full pharmacy service.

Media campaign for flu – Regional team not to engage as a whole. PSNC marketing and media advice has been sent out with that. PHE did some publicity during last year’s season. PHE don’t share any plans with anyone. Uptake of vaccines would dictate whether any funding would be available.

NHS England message – campaign information sent by SH

AGM – EPS sessions to be booked. PH has sent details through regarding EPS presentation.

3. Treasurer Update

Budget provided based on last years information to inform future. HLP income reads wrong figure. Quarterly updates will be provided. Last years accounts should be complete in next 2-3 weeks. Currently the accountants use SAGE – an alternative package is available which is internet based. It will be an easier system to produce reports, this is cost neutral as far as the LPC is concerned.

Action points: DJ to send accounts beginning of August then to be sent with AGM information by end of August.

Action points: SH to include a budget allocation on expenditure.

Reserves in account are reasonable for both HLP and LPC. Brent Foster is now able to pay online and a signatory for the accounts.

4. HLP Update

Peer Champions – Lindsay Clode, Jane Harvey

Accreditors – Moira Willows, Brent Foster, Pavla Zalesakova

HLP budget is being closely monitored. SH and JB will meet with Phil Young on a regular basis to look at finance. SH will also meet with Philippa Walters and Jo Linton for HLP drive to then focus the Community Pharmacy Development Group on future of pharmacy rather than current position.

5. Transfer of Care

North and South Tees are now live but no referrals have been received in Community Pharmacy.

In Sheffield there have been expression of interest regarding Community Pharmacy working within GP Surgeries.

Action: JB to contact the LPN, John Stapleton and Philip Dean

Action: BF will upload a page for support of Transfer of Care for reference

6. PSNC Update

Mark Burdon gave an overview.

Mark chairs the resource and finance committee. PSNC is now split into three divisions.

Director of Pharmacy Services – Alistair Buxton

Director of Regulation and Support – Steve Lutner

Director of Pharmacy Funding – Mike King

Check 34 development – pricing audit dashboard toolkit – Dashboard of FP34 data which has previously been in paper copy. This provides trend data and comparative data. Auditing occurs in a statistically significant batch of prescriptions. 1600 individuals are live currently (independents, some AimP). CCA companies are looking at the system. There may be a subscription fee in the future but not indication as yet as to what that fee would be as yet. Currently in year 1 all NPA members can use the system for free, subscription fee should be raised with NPA.

Funding – final situation is not known currently. 3.3pence per item has been awarded.

NPA and many other national groups – provider company. National option has been looked at to identify what is required by individual LPCs. Plans to press ahead to form a contractual arrangement. Local provider companies have been a challenge with regards to the larger companies. Nationally either a support function or a tender based company. All pharmacies must be involved in a national scheme. Plan for NPA to lead on this as they have a trading history. Potential for to NPA to front the scheme. Negotiations have started for next year.

Unless there is a pipeline with tenders to bid for then there would be a caution.

Action: SH to contact CPWY regarding how their constitution is different.

?work with FTs on tenders to provide a community arm to any AQP applications.

Prescription direction – cold calling. A letter seen by MB identified a 12 month contract. If you break the agreement you must pay a fee. Consent is verbal. There are issues with changes to nominations which is causing confusion to patients.

EPS Release II planned roll out planned for April 2017 which will change the consent model. Plan to have all practices live by end of existing financial year. Regular meetings with HSCIC and pharmacy representatives. HSCIC are keen to resolve issues. System suppliers remain an issue. Controlled Drugs remain an issue but should be resolve by end of financial year. PSNC have a workstream looking at the cost of EPS. Workload costings have never been quantified. Commitment now from NHS England to provide a joint study. Alistair Buxton leads on EPS. Not pharmacies obligation to give right side of script.

Philippa Walters joined the meeting. Lorraine Crawford joined the meeting.

Further PSNC Update to be included later in the meeting.

7. Shared Service Update

MOU update – this will be forwarded today.

Action: SH to invoice the four authorities for HLP additional funding

Services updates – HSV phase II 15/16 is up and running. Pharmoutcomes activity provides real time data. It allows correction of incorrect data entries if required. 70 providers across Tees currently. There will be some outreach sessions. SH has offered Pharmoutcomes training to any pharmacy requiring support.

Weight Management – 16 live pharmacies in Stockton. EB gave an overview of how she does it well. GP communications will happen in the near future. Directorate of other providers to be provided especially around free services provided. Local Authorities have a mandate to keep service provision up to date.

Middlesbrough have a public health campaigns group. Plus life and Extra life (Middlesbrough college, university and hospital) are workplace based. Pharmacy service provision would be useful for this kind of group.

There will be a cervical screening partnership at Middlesbrough 10k with 45 total places for screening runners.

Sexual health campaign will follow which is a further opportunity to drive forward Cervical Screening. Becky James to be contacted to order. Screeningsaveslives.co.uk is site to order. Survey will be sent out also and pharmacy could drive uptake of survey completion. LPC to nominate individual to take on board the campaign group.

Action: SH to mention ordering screening materials in Newsletter

Alcohol – 6 pharmacies in Middlesbrough

What can we do to drive rapid infiltration of a service as Community Pharmacy need to demonstrate they are an effective site for service delivery.

Request for LPC to support the process.

1:1 training in pharmacy may support the staff to implement. ?is there an opportunity to provide some peer to peer support.

Action: SH and Philippa Walters to discuss further support of pharmacy staff.

JB suggestion to provide league table with regards to lifestyle services ie alcohol, weight management. Active recruitment. All in favour.

DOC: CPPE must link to Pharmoutcomes. Only those with a DOC could then put data onto outcomes. This remains on for Supervised Consumption. Pharmacist or Registered Tech. Third level which is pharmacist authorises another individual to complete data.

Action: LC to contact CPPE with regards to pulling DOC reports or including non registered individuals.

Minor Ailments: consultation regarding urgent care currently. Pharmacy to be included in the consultation. LC GP practices have referred patients for minor ailments.

Smoking Cessation: Varenicline prescribing pilot. Should this be a PGD aswell in the interim. Talked about possibility of a pharmacist doing sessions in particular pharmacies but this may be better to run with an existing pharmacy. Nomination of a couple of people to do a task and finish group. There will be support with return to competence. Suggestion that both are ran alongside in order to provide coverage and access. ?who would be included – existing providers of the service.

Action: EOI to be send regarding who is a prescriber and who would be interested in providing the service.

8. Industry Presentation

Jacqueline Bones – TEVA

Action: LC will provide an inhaler overview for the newsletter.

9. CPPE Update

DOC Process and mental capacity act support will provide 2 further safeguarding sessions.

Polypharmacy will be the clinical focus for the next session.

Dementia friends training event.

2 inhaler session for the CCG in September will be carried out.

Consultation skills for pharmacy practice – selfie day on 29th July relating to yourself and certificate upload to CPPE website.

Older people’s process was discussed last time, this is to be expanded further.

Leadership event held last week with a small group.

JB – Whitworths event has been held with dementia friends and found it very beneficial. LC is available to do pharmacy sessions which can be as short as 30 minute or as long as an entire evening.

BF – advanced inhaler technique session

Session to be held on a Teeswide event.

Philippa Walters and Lorraine Crawford left the meeting

10. PSNC Continued: Mark Burdon

PSNC Members days. The Northern region one will be carried out in December. Webinar on endorsement is now available to download on the PSNC website.

Settlement – flu vaccination service. In North East this is slightly different to the local area service. An outline of the service spec is still awaited. This will be in place by September – all LPCs need to do – within comms. Training required and vaccine orders to be made.

Fee will be 7.64 plus 1.50 to cover additional admin/sharps etc. Recording has not yet been decided. Pharmoutcomes will support the national service if the national scheme allows this to be used. NHS BSA will receive claims. Numbers will be uncapped. Fee is outwith the core contract sum. Those in long stay residential care homes will be included to be invited into pharmacy. NHS England PGD will be issued but no date as yet. Accreditation – providers in the field can provide training.

Action: Training dates will be sent out by SH asap.

Minor Ailments nationally has not progressed as yet. Consultation with a pharmacist was the planned way forward rather than just a product based service. At the final stage this was rejected at NHS England. This will be a priority for the commissioning cycle for next year.

Funding deal – money is remaining static. Battling against a 4% efficiency saving for this financial year. There were a few additions – advice around how to progress exemptions – signposting. EPS Release II costing will be a focus for the next few months.

National Audit is on the agenda again for this year.

Publication of earnings has been suggested ie fees and allowances. BSA will publish a list. Does not include medicines margin or many other things.

Steve Lutner has been looking at switching which has increased since EPS. Some system supplies allow a claim to be sent without exemption status. Pharmacies will be able to challenge the exemption status moving forward.

Price concessions remain late in being sent out. Department of Health meeting on 29th when this will be raised again.

11. Sexual Health Update

Virgin healthcare development meetings had been. EHC Supplies have reduced by over 1000 over the course of the year but a lot more providers carrying out the service. ?due to Long Acting Contraceptives.

SR: Chris Walton has been contacted regarding materials for EHC. This has now been resolved. Support has been limited and momentum now needs to be restarted.

Over 25’s now are accessing the service as often as those under 25 years. This could relate to how this is being marketed to the younger age group.

? Has C card increased – this is early days as yet. Uptake has been limited to date. Opportunities for another C Card sites to come on board. EOI has been sent out.

Chlamydia service uptake has been limited. 17 out of 124 packs has been returned but there were 2 positive outcomes. Packs have been slow to be sent out. This does not have to be under 25 years old.

Virgin may publicise some activity levels anonymously to benchmark where they are against other areas.

Evening meeting possibly September to be arranged – date not yet determined.

Sexual health service is up for tender but Virgin Health has been extended in the short term.

Action: On Pharmoutcomes - SH to include – was Chlamydia kit offered. Did patient take a kit.


12. LPN Update

No update provided.

13. LPC Roles and Responsibilities

SH outlined the responsibilities of all members in order to ensure transparency of communication. There is a difficulty with workload and LPC juggling. All to respond to SH rather than if in agreement not to respond.

Subcommittees work very well within the LPC.

There may be times to have a more frequent meeting as and when it is required.

Delegated responsibility to be agreed if required. Executive team tend to make key decisions.

There are meetings when an alternative individual is required to attend – all are very good at attending.

Email system is best method of communication.