June 11, 2009

The Boonsboro Municipal Utilities Commission held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, June 11, 2009 in the Town Hall Conference Room.In attendance were Chairman Kevin Chambers, Assistant Chairman George Messner, Commission Members Shirley Metz, Rob Hutzell, Todd Kennedy, and Harold Kirby. Also in attendance: Town Manager Debbie Smith, Superintendent Bobby Mose and Operator Rick Painter. The meeting convened at 7:00 P.M.

Motion by Kennedy, second by Hutzell to approve the May 14, 2009, Minutes with amendments made, and motion carried.

Motion by Kennedy, second by Messner to approve the Water and Sewer Funds Treasurer Reports for May 2009, and motion carried.

Motionby Metz, second by Kennedy to approve the May 2009 Bills to be Paid, and motion carried.


40A Waterline Extension Project Update:Chairman Chambers reviewed a timeline for proposed activity outlining the Alternate 40 Waterline Extension Project. He stated that on June 1, 2009 the Pre-Construction meeting was held at Town Hall at 1:00 PM, and the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed for W.F. Delaughter & Son, Inc. was announced at the Mayor and Council Regular Meeting that evening. A Public Informational Meeting was held on June 10, 2009 at BoonsboroHigh School at 7:00 PM. Construction is slated to begin on June 15, 2009.

Waste Water Treatment Plant Construction Update:The Town Manager stated that the 20thand final construction meeting was held on June 10, 2009. Substantial Completion is slated for Monday, June 15, 2009 with final completion 30 daysfrom that. There will be a 30 day equipment performance testing covered by Aqua Aerobics Equipment. USDA will conduct the inspection at final completion. The Plant is in full operation and the Lagoon is being decommissioned.

Reservoir Cover Installation:Operator Painter stated that the Reservoir cover project has been completed, and all that needs to be done is the replacement of the fencing around the Reservoir which wasbudgeted for Fiscal Year 2010.

Billing Policies and Procedures, Format and Approval: Chairman Chambers reviewed the Commission Members proposal to the Mayor and Council to create an enforceable billing policy. He explained that the Mayor and Councilapproved the stand aloneBilling Policies and Procedures document without amending the Town Charter.

Review of Re-Appointments:Chairman Chambers reviewed the discussions which were held during the Mayor and Council May Workshop Meeting and the June Regular Meeting adding that Shirley Metz was reappointed to another 4-year term as a Commission Member.He stated that at the June Regular Meeting, the Mayor recommended appointing Chairman Chambers as the Utilities Commission Council Liaison, but tabled the matter pending further advice from the Town attorney on how to handle the issue of serving as liaison and /or chairman. Discussion was held as to how to proceed with the advertising of the opening on the Commission. Chairman Chambers recommended to the Commission to delay the Commission Officers elections until the July 2009 meeting but to request letters of interest from citizens for the vacancy until July 20th.Motion by Metz, second by Hutzell to delay the Utilities Commission Officers elections until the July 2009 meeting, and motion carried.

MAYOR & COUNCIL REPORT: The Meeting was held on June 1, 2009. A Public Hearing was held at 6:30 for the Public Review of the Proposed Budgets for Fiscal Year 2009. The Regular meeting began at 7:00. Chief Hewett presented the first Police Department Scholarship to Luke Michael. Discussed items included the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2010 Budgets for the General Fund, Water Fund, and Sewer Fund, the Utilities Commission Billing Policy and Procedures document, the introduction and approval of Resolution 2009-02; 2009 Update to the Boonsboro Comprehensive Plan, the introduction and approval of Ordinance 2009-02; Alternate 40 Waterline Extension Bond, the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed to W.F. Delaughter & Son, Inc. for the Alternate 40 Waterline Extension, the Boonsboro Municipal Utilities Commission Member re-appointment discussions, and a donation request fromthe Dwight Scott Golf Tournament.

TOWN MANAGER REPORT:Town Manager Smith announced that Operator Rick Painter passed his Class 5 Operator Certification Test.

SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT: Superintendent Mose stated that Rick Painter, Pete Shumaker, and he have been putting in a lot of time training on the new equipment at the new Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Motion by Hutzell, second by Metz to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Harold Kirby
