The economist

21-27 июля 2007 г.

8 The world this week


11 Nuclear proliferation The riddle of Iran

12 Aerospace The meaning of EADS

13 Monetary policy From helicopter to hawk

13 Turkey's election Of mullahs and majors

14 The Democrats

The cross of gold

15 Russia and the

Litvinenko case

Learning from the cold war

16 Letters On American power,

India, Germany, Niels

Bohr, Pharmaceuticals,

flying turkeys, health



24 Turkey's election

A battle for the future


27 France's Socialist Party


28 Treasure-hunting in Spain

Golden hoards

28 France and work

Sweating in Sarkoland

29 Minorities in Germany

The integration dilemma

29 Rebranding Berlin

In search of the 1920s

30 Charlemagne

Linguistic follies


31 Anglo-Russian relations The big freeze

32 London mayoral

canoioaxes Boris enters the fray

32 Punishing Muslim



33 London Underground

Down the tube

33 Defence

Carriers without Harriers

36 Bagehot

Yo, Brown!

Middle East and Africa

37 The Palestinians

Who's in charge?

38 The West Bank The pimpernel pops up

38 Nigeria Waiting for a government

39 Somalia Reconciliation is elusive

40 Cote d'lvoire A peace plan under threat

40 Zimbabwe

Rescuing rhinos

United States

41 The candidates: John


Man of the left

43 Health care

A capital idea

43 Ron Paul

Paul the apostate

44 New York's firemen

The swift-trucking of Rudy

44 The Catholic church

Doing penance

45 Compensation after


By wind or by water

46 Lexington Let the blowhards blow

Special report: Iran

The revolution strikes


After page 46

The Americas

48 Education in Mexico

The "teacher" holds back

the pupils

49 Venezuela

Broadcast battles

49 Brazil

An air crash that was

50 waiting to happen? Panama

Canalside glitter and graft


51 Pakistan

Another general election

52 Dealing with North

Korea, continued

Tempting Mr Kim

52 Japan

Longing for Lionheart

53 AIDS in India

Not half as bad

54 Bangladesh

Lock up your leading ladies

54 Malaysian conservation

Dolly the turtle

55 Papua New Guinea

Left behind by Asia's rise


56 Papal diplomacy

God's ambassadors

58 The West and a grumpy Russia

Shredding arms treaties


59 Textiles in Africa

Looming difficulties

60 Corporate scandals

Bush whacked

60 Aluminium

Gimme smelter

61 Cigarettes

Third time lucky

62 Alitalia

Nobody wants it

62 Clean tech in China

Green shoots

63 Mobile television

The third screen

64 Face value

MarkZuckerberg of Facebook, king of social networking


65 Talent management

Accounting for good people

67 Women and work

Breaks and ladders

Finance and economics

69 Ben Bernanke

Allowing himself a smile

70 Buttonwood

Markets bossing central


71 Private equity

The Walker report

71 Austrian banks


72 The oil price

The hand on the tap

72 Accountancy

The difficulty with derivatives

73 Economics focus

Universal health care

Science and technology

74 Computer security

The bounty hunters

75 Fatigue

Killing time

75 Mobile commerce


76 Human evolution

The skull man

Books and arts

77 The partition of India

The unruly end of empire

78 Kapuscinski's memoirs

Dispelling one's own ignorance

78 The Depression

Sticking pins in an icon

79 New novel: Michael Chabon

The frozen Chosen

79 Israel and Palestine

The one-state option

80 Cabaret in New York

A circus for grown-ups


81 Lady Bird Johnson

First lady and environmentalist

89 Economic and financial indicators

Statistics on 42 economies, plus closer looks at the biggest companies and health spending

28 июля- 3 августа

8 The world this week


13 Demography

How to deal with a falling population

14 Sovereign-wealth funds

Governments go shopping

14 Regulating business

Smelly old SOX

15 Islam and democracy The lesson from Turkey

16 Britain underwater

Building on sand

Letters 18 On Iraq, terrorism,

Kosovo, China and Darfur, the Supreme Court, the pope


26 Japan's changing demography

Cloud, or silver linings?


29 Elections in Turkey

The burden of victory

30 Reform in Italy


31 Spain

Seeking a national anthem

31 Russia

Putin's divided rivals

32 Russia's opposition A bolshy Bolshevik

32 Kosovo



33 Charlemagne

Poor bits of rich countries


34 Inundations

Double deluge

35 Drug-strategy review

Prescription renewal

36 Northern Ireland

Now for the really hard


36 Terrorism laws

Once more unto the vote

37 Bagehot

David Cameron's dilemma

Middle East and Africa

38 Congo

Stillin one piece, just

39 Southern Sudan

Looking for a new identity

40 Botswana

Precious goes to Hollywood

40 Zimbabwe

Kroners for cronies

41 Middle East diplomacy

Blair of Arabia

41 Israel's economy

Vigorous but vulnerable

42 Libya

Bulgarian nurses freed

United States

43 Prison conditions

Gently does it

44 The Democrats debate

Innocence and experience

45 California's budget

The penny drops

45 New Mexico

The politics of Indian coal

46 New York

A spill grows in Brooklyn

46 Phoenix Into the ashes

47 Dogfighting Crueland inhuman

48 Lexington

Dick Cheney reveals his secrets

The Americas

49 Peru

That elusive feel-good factor

50 Brazil's political bosses

Extinct, or just adapting?

50 Bolivia

The battle to be capital

51 Canada

Toronto: nice but broke 51 Ecuador

Bond scandal


52 Urbanisation in China

China's Chicago

53 Pakistan

The chief justice reinstated

54 Tribal conflict in Afghanistan

Fighting for land and water

54 India's new president

The Gandhis'girl

55 China's corpse brides

Wet goods and dry goods


56 Dealing with disasters

Flood, famine and mobile phones

58 America and the UN

The North Korean affair


59 Outsourcing

External affairs

60 Ford's premium brands A costly distraction

61 Car parts Bulking up

61 Japanese firms in China Questioning the Middle Kingdom

62 China's new labour law

Red flag

62 Cultural filtering

The flavour of cool

63 Tasers

Sparky performance

64 Face value

AnilAgarwalof Vedanta, a self-made Indian billionaire


65 Sarbanes-Oxley

Five years under the thumb

Finance and economics

67 Sovereign-wealth funds

Keep your T-bonds, we'll take the bank

68 Buttonwood Spreading caution

69 Bond insurers

A monoline meltdown?

69 China's economy

It doesn't add up

70 Equity research

Trading favours

70 Wildfire insurance Burnt out

71 Banking rules All together now

72 Economics focus Soft currency

Science and technology

73 Power transmission

Where the wind blows

74 Power storage

Trapped wind

74 Demography and fertility

In vitro veritas

75 Asexual reproduction

Wise or foolish virgins?

Books and arts

76 Globalisation

The early pioneers

77 Trees

A walk on the wild side

77 Fertility treatment

Made, not begotten

78 The Simpsons Movie

Homer sees the light

78 Crime fiction

A better class of whodunnits

79 Islamic art

The Aga Khan's collection


80 Mohammed Zahir Shah

The last king of Afghanistan

89 Economic and financial indicators

Statistics on 42 economies, plus closer looks at Austria and executive pay

4 – 10 августа 2007 г.

6 The world this week


9 Market turmoil

A good time for a squeeze 10 Darfur

No time to take the pressure off

10 Upper-house elections in Japan

The humiliation of Shinzo Abe

11 America, India and the China bogey

A price too high

12 Nigeria

Mission impossible, nearly


14 On Turkey, accountancy, Hong Kong,

narrowcasting, Sark, the Tour de France

Briefing 21 China's military might

The long march to be a superpower


25 Energy in Germany

Nuclear fallout

26 Spain and ETA

A winning streak for Zapatero

26 Political scandals in Italy Courting trouble

27 After Turkey's election General displeasure

28 Charlemagne

Europe's forest fires


29 Innovation and the economy

The good, the bad and the ugly

30 GDP redefined

Intangible measures

30 BA and Virgin Flying in formation

31 The de Menezes inquiry


31 Birth certificates


32 Bagehot

Brown visits Bush

Middle East and Africa

33 America in the Middle East

Arming its friends and talking peace

34 Iraq

A winning goal, then back to war

35 Conserving Damascus

A road that is not straight

35 South Africa Punishing apartheid's crimes

36 Sierra Leone Peace and elections

36 Eritrea

Looking for new friends

United States

37 Political corruption

Investigating Alaska

38 Race relations

Where black and brown collide

38 City gangs

Living with cockroaches

39 Alberto Gonzales

A visit to the hospital

40 Student lending

Fair sailing for young scholars

41 Illegal immigration

A Haven indeed

41 Troubled Republicans

Of seals and Newts

42 Lexington

Rupert Murdoch and America's press

The Americas

43 Haiti


44 Colombia's peace process

Demob unhappy

44 Cuba

Conceptual change

46 Rio de Janeiro

Fight in the favelas


47 Japan

Abe keeps his head just above water


Past it at 40?

49 The Khmer Rouge trials

Better late than never

49 Korean Christians and the Taliban

A clash of faiths

50 Bollywood baddies

Take Dutt


51 Non-violent protest

They shall overcome

52 Soccer for the homeless

Who says it's only a game?


53 Emissions trading

Lightly carbonated

54 Media

Rupert Murdoch's victory

54 Deutsche Bahn

Summer of discontent

55 Business in China

Dirty dealing

56 Marketing to Muslims

Food, fashion and faith

56 Cross-border shopping

You'd be a loonie not to

57 Face value

Jean-Pierre Gamier of GlaxoSmithKline


58 The credit squeeze

Abandon ship

60 The effect on financial firms

Holiday horrors

Finance and economics

61 Tax reform in America

Overhauling the old jalopy

62 Hedge funds

All locked-up

63 Buttonwood

Cold Turkey

64 Catastrophe bonds

Ports and storms

64 China's economy

Becarefulwhatyou wish for

66 Economics focus

In praise of usury

Science and technology

67 Evolutionary psychology

Blatant benevolence and conspicuous consumption

68 Neuroscience and genetics

Emotional memory

69 Medicine

Disease and diet

69 Materials science

Plastic opals

Books and arts

70 Hugo Chavez

Man and superman

71 The Protestant Reformation

In pursuit of the old and pure

71 How to help the poorest Springing the traps

72 Art in Myanmar A prisoner's tale

73 Filming German history The good German

73 New fiction

"Girls of Riyadh"


74 Ingmar Bergman

A brooding giant of cinema

8i Economic and financial indicators

Statistics on 42 economies, plus closer looks at productivity and money supply

11-17 августа 2007 г.

6 The world this week


9 American politics

Is America turning left?

10 The Koreas

Mr Kim has the neighbours in

10 America, Israel and the Palestinians

A modest ambition

11 British airports

Hell on wings

12 Language

Plus ga change? Not quite


14 On Iran, Sarbanes-Oxley, the Royal Navy, English, "The Simpsons"

Briefing 20 The American right

Under the weather


23 France and Germany

Disillusion across the Rhine

24 Bulgaria and the European Union

EUphoria, for now

24 Denmark's bridges

Crossing the waters

25 Russia's new assertiveness

Ships, subs and missiles

26 Charlemagne

Europe's love of obscurity


27 Agriculture

Life on the land

28 Foot-and-mouth vaccines

Own goal

28 Heathrow hell

Britain's Awful Airports

29 Britain, Iraq and America


30 Bagehot

Summerin the noughties

Middle East and Africa

31 Zimbabweans in South Africa

No welcome, no let-up

32 Darfur Looking for water

32 Congo-Brazzaville

Oil, votes and Ninjas

33 The Gaza Strip

Living under Hamas

34 Egypt

A summer of discontents

34 Iran

Cracking down on the press

United States

35 America's creaking infrastructure

A bridge too far gone

36 The boom in roundabouts


37 Energy policy

A flurry of green intentions

37 Political campaigning

The netroots nation gathers

38 Professional sport

Records and scandals

38 Hurricane insurance

Wishing the wind not to blow

39 Lexington

The candidates' spouses

The Americas

40 Venezuela

The rise of the "Boligarchs"

41 Argentina and Venezuela

Business partners

41 Canada

The Afghan debate


42 The Beijing Olympics

On your marks (and Lenin)

43 Pakistan

The emergency ward

43 The Philippines

Treasure hunt

44 Bangladesh


44 Timor-Leste

A shaky new government

45 An Indian scam

Sheila's wheels

46 Asia's rich and poor

Widening inequality


47 Globalisation and health

The maladies of affluence


49 America's car industry

The road to recovery

50 Corporate crime in America


50 Akzo, HenkelandlCI

Paint and glue

51 European energy

The Hungarian defence

51 Telecoms in Africa


52 Wal-Mart in India

Gently does it

53 Face value

Howard Lutnick, rebuilder of Cantor Fitzgerald


54 Procter & Gamble

Will she, won't she?

Finance and economics

57 Monetary policy

It ain't easy

58 Asset-backed securities

Sold down the river

58 Investment banking

Faith healing

59 Buttonwood

Prime brokers

60 Chinese lenders

Black-market banking

60 Personal finance

The boomers'babies

61 Economics focus

Who controls the money supply?

Science and technology

63 Neuroscience

Blossoming brains

64 Medicine

Skeleton keys

65 Astrophysics

Hitch-hiking to the moon

65 Evolutionary biology

Tit for tat

Books and arts

66 A biography of Pugin

Gothic's moral superiority

67 Communism and Nazism

Compare and contrast

67 Secularism and Islam

Rules of the game

68 New poetry: Peter Abbs

Kestrels on the wind's edge

68 New play: "Masked"

The muddiness of right and wrong

69 Locarno film festival

Outdoor movies


70 Tommy Макет

Ambassador for Irish song

77 Economic and financial indicators

Statistics on 42 economies, plus closer looks at economic forecasts and exchange rates

18-24 августа

6 The world this week


9 Risk and the new financial order

Surviving the markets 10 South Africa and AIDS

Sacking the wrong health minister

10 Latin America's economies

Up from the bottom of the pile