The Intermediate division (IM), is a new division of Little League Baseball that started in 2013 for players 11-13. This new division offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior/Big League field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths).

Many of the Junior / Senior League rules are used. Runners are permitted to lead off and steal at all times, pitchers must hold the runners on and can be called for balks. Players are also allowed to be on the field in the on-deck circle to prepare for their at-bat.

Just as in the other age group division’s within Little League, there are postseason tournament opportunities culminating in the International World Series. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.

The number one question that RHLL gets is “should my son play 50/70 – IM baseball?”

RHLL cannot fully answer this question but here are some things to consider:

  • The IM field dimensions are larger which allows for a better transition for those that have a desire to continue to play Juniors and Seniors within Little League or for those considering playing High School Baseball.
  • If you son is 11 or smaller in stature and still working on basic mechanics, please be aware that he may be play with / against much larger and possibly very skilled 13 year olds.
  • If you feel your son is physically and emotionally ready – this could be a great opportunity for him to play at a higher competitive level. Players in NOBF (Fed) start playing 50/70 at the age of 10.

Please realistically evaluate your son’s skill level and their ability to play IM. If you feel your 11 or 12 year old has above average skills, this could be a great experience.

If your son is 13, they have the option to either play IM (50’/70’) or Juniors which has 80’ bases /60’ mounds.



The following is a list of questions a typical league might ask while preparing to implement the

Little League Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division. If you have any other questions, please

Contact your District Administrator.

Q-1: What league ages are eligible to participate in the Intermediate (50/70) baseballDivision?

A: The age for the Intermediate (50-70) Baseball Division is league age 11 through 13.

Q-2: Will players be permitted to play in the Little League Major Division and theIntermediate (50/70) Baseball Division at the same time during the Regular Season?

A: The players will not be permitted to play in both divisions at the same time during the Regular Season.

Q-3: For those Leagues that do not have enough players to field an entire team or to havea competitive division, will Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division teams be held to the sameboundary restrictions currently in place?

A: Yes, Regulation II will still apply. There is, as in any other division, the opportunity to apply for permission for Interleague Play or Combined Teams under certain circumstances. RHLL may play games in conjunction with other leagues within district 4

Q-4: For a local league with a minimal amount of players, is a draft still required, or could

players be assigned to teams?

A: As with any division above Minor League, a draft is required if more than one team is formed in the

Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division.

Q-5: What types of bats and balls will be used in the Intermediate (50/70) BaseballDivision?

A: The Junior Baseball bat Rule 1.10 will apply to the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division. Senior League

level baseballs should be used during the regular season, and will be required during tournament play.

Q-6: What will the mound height be and how can I get information on converting a field?

A: The height of the mound shall be 8 inches as outlined in Rule 1.07. The pitcher's plate shall be rectangular slab of rubber measuring 24 inches by 6 inches. (Due to field restrictions,RHLL may play with mounds that are flat with no elevation. )

Q-7: What are the pitching and catching restrictions for the Intermediate (50/70) baseballDivision? Additionally, how do you address a player pitching in multiple divisions?

A: Players will follow pitching restrictions as defined by age as outlined in Regulation VI. Additionally, players must adhere to the catching restrictions also outlined in Regulation VI. The only real difference is a pitcher may leave and re-enter as pitcher in the same game.

Q-8: What is the roster size for the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division?

A: According to Regulation III, rosters may have no less than 12 players and no more than 15 players.

Q-9: What are the substitution rules? Can a continuous batting order be used in thisdivision?

A: The Current Junior Division substitution rules will apply. The RHLL Intermediate 50/70 Division

(RHLL local rules have continuous batting order no substitution policy for IM)

Q-10: What is a regulation game in this division?

A: The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division game consists of 7 innings. The game is regulation after 5

innings or 4 ½ if the home team is ahead.

Q-11: Can the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division be chartered at the District level?

A: No. However, a league may apply for permission for Interleague Play or Combined Teams under certain


Q-12: Can an Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division program restrict the pitching ofplayers who are participating in multiple divisions?

A: Does not apply to RHLL as players will not be eligible to play multiple divisions.

Q-13: Can my league use the Little League Major Division Bat rules if we structure the age

to only allow 11 and 12 year olds to participate in the Intermediate 50-70 Division?

A: Yes

Tournament Questions

Q-14: Will players who participate in the Little League Major Division and theIntermediate (50/70) Baseball Division during the regular season be permitted to participate

on both tournament teams?

A: No. As noted under 'Player Eligibility' in the Tournament Regulations, players may be eligible for

selection to multiple tournament teams, but may only be selected to practice and play on one tournament team

for the current year.

Q-15: What are the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division tournament dimensions forthe outfield fence distance?

A: To assist Districts and States in the first year (2013) of tournament play for the Intermediate (50/70)

Baseball Division the required dimensions for tournament play will be a minimum of 225 feet to a maximum of

300 feet.

Q-16: Can a player participate only in the Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division during

the regular season, then be chosen to a Junior League or Major League Tournament Team?

A: No. The player must participate in 60 percent of the scheduled games played in the Junior or Major division to beeligible to be selected to a Junior tournament team.