Project Read—Dec. 16-20: 9:00-10:30
Monday Project Read---9:00-10:30
Project Read Unit 11 Lesson 1 Skill: ch Review, Lesson 2 Skill: wh, red word are Review, Lesson 3 Skill: th Review, and Lesson 4 Skill: sh and red word put review
Teacher will display the 4 h-brother digraph pictures and ask students what is the same about these 4 spellings? Each letter combination in the letter h. Because the last letter in each symbol ends in h, these 4 spellings are called the 4 h-brothers.
Teacher will point out the ch picture, worksheet 11-7 on the wall by the blue pocket chart and tell students that this h-brother’s name is ch. Ch has a favorite toy. It is in his picture. It is a train. The train sound /ch/ is the sound for ch.
Class will skywrite ch 3 times and provide sound each time.
Teacher will point out wh h-brother picture, sheet 11-11 and tell students that this is wh. Wh is dressed in a policeman’s uniform because he wants to be a traffic policeman. He holds his hand up and tries to whistle to stop traffic. Wh says /wh/.
Class will skywrite wh 3 times and provide sound each time.
Teacher will display th picture worksheet 11-28 and tell students that th, ch, and wh are 3 of the 4 h-brothers. These combinations are called h brothers because each combination ends in an h.
Th is the youngest brother. This brother has a very naughty habit. He sticks out his tongue and makes his sound /th/ like in the words thin and math. Teacher will write these 2 words up and students will use finger blending and tap and sweep to read the 2 words.
Students will skywrite th 3 times, providing sound each time.
Students will practice th by rereading worksheet 11-27 (th words and sentences) that the teacher will place under the document camera.
Teacher will display sh picture worksheet 11-32 and tell students that this is the last h-brother. His name is sh. Sh is the oldest brother. He tells his 3 younger brothers to /sh/. Sh captures the sound /sh/ like in the word hush. Teacher will write this word up and students will practice reading the word by finger blending and tap and sweep sounds.
Students will skywrite sh 3 times providing sound each time.
Students will practice all 4 h-brothers sounds and spellings: ch, wh, th, sh.
Teacher will place worksheet 11-31 under the document camera. Students will practice rereading and discussing sh words and sentences on the sheet.
Teacher will display the red word put and tell students that this word is a red word because it is not spelled like it sounds.
The word put means to place something or someone.
Examples: I put the dish in the sink.
I will put the baby in the crib.
Students will practice arm tapping and sweeping the word put on their arm 5 times and also practice the set of red sight words learned thus far this year.
Teacher will place worksheet 11-33 under the document camera. Students will practice rereading sentences on this worksheet.
Teacher will place the story, “Put” under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. An oral reading check will be done. Teacher will pass out comprehension quiz, “Put” worksheet to students. They will practice reading the questions and complete a short comprehension quiz over the story while teacher leaves the story under the document camera. After teacher takes up the quizzes, students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will place story, “The Path” under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework.
Tuesday Project Read: 9:00-10:30---Unit 11 Skills: ch, th, wh, sh, red word put Review
Teacher will display the 4 h-brother digraph pictures and ask students what is the same about these 4 spellings? Each letter combination in the letter h. Because the last letter in each symbol ends in h, these 4 spellings are called the 4 h-brothers.
Teacher will point out the ch picture, worksheet 11-7 on the wall by the blue pocket chart and tell students that this h-brother’s name is ch. Ch has a favorite toy. It is in his picture. It is a train. The train sound /ch/ is the sound for ch.
Class will skywrite ch 3 times and provide sound each time.
Teacher will point out wh h-brother picture, sheet 11-11 and tell students that this is wh. Wh is dressed in a policeman’s uniform because he wants to be a traffic policeman. He holds his hand up and tries to whistle to stop traffic. Wh says /wh/.
Class will skywrite wh 3 times and provide sound each time.
Teacher will display th picture worksheet 11-28 and tell students that th, ch, and wh are 3 of the 4 h-brothers. These combinations are called h brothers because each combination ends in an h.
Th is the youngest brother. This brother has a very naughty habit. He sticks out his tongue and makes his sound /th/.
Students will skywrite th 3 times, providing sound each time.
Students will practice th by rereading worksheet 11-27 (th words and sentences) that the teacher will place under the document camera.
Teacher will display sh picture worksheet 11-32 and tell students that this is the last h-brother. His name is sh. Sh is the oldest brother. He tells his 3 younger brothers to /sh/.
Students will skywrite sh 3 times, giving sound each time.
Class will arm tap and sweep red word put 5 times and also practice the set of red words learned thus far this year.
Teacher will place the story, “The Path” under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. An oral reading check will be done. Teacher will pass out comprehension quiz, “The Path” worksheet to students. They will practice reading the questions and complete a short comprehension quiz over the story while teacher leaves the story under the document camera. After teacher takes up the quizzes, students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will place Jeweled Treasure Box worksheet 11-37, 38 under the document camera. Students will practice rereading words and sentences on the sheet. This worksheet will be sent home for reading homework.
Students will complete spelling assessment over the following words: this, that, thank, thing, with, ship, shop, wish, cash, put.
Wednesday Project Read: 9:00-10:30-- Unit 11 Skills: ch, th, wh, sh, red word put Review
Teacher will display the 4 h-brother digraph pictures and ask students what is the same about these 4 spellings? Each letter combination in the letter h. Because the last letter in each symbol ends in h, these 4 spellings are called the 4 h-brothers.
Teacher will point out the ch picture, worksheet 11-7 on the wall by the blue pocket chart and tell students that this h-brother’s name is ch. Ch has a favorite toy. It is in his picture. It is a train. The train sound /ch/ is the sound for ch.
Class will skywrite ch 3 times and provide sound each time.
Teacher will point out wh h-brother picture, sheet 11-11 and tell students that this is wh. Wh is dressed in a policeman’s uniform because he wants to be a traffic policeman. He holds his hand up and tries to whistle to stop traffic. Wh says /wh/.
Class will skywrite wh 3 times and provide sound each time.
Teacher will display th picture worksheet 11-28 and tell students that th, ch, and wh are 3 of the 4 h-brothers. These combinations are called h brothers because each combination ends in an h.
Th is the youngest brother. This brother has a very naughty habit. He sticks out his tongue and makes his sound /th/.
Students will skywrite th 3 times, providing sound each time.
Students will practice th by rereading worksheet 11-27 (th words and sentences) that the teacher will place under the document camera.
Teacher will display sh picture worksheet 11-32 and tell students that this is the last h-brother. His name is sh. Sh is the oldest brother. He tells his 3 younger brothers to /sh/.
Students will skywrite sh 3 times, giving sound each time.
Class will arm tap and sweep red word put 5 times. Class will also practice the set of all red sight words learned thus far this year.
Teacher will place Jeweled Treasure Box worksheet 11-37, 38 under the document camera. Students will practice rereading words and sentences on the sheet.
Teacher will pass out Study Guide for Units 10-11 Project Read assessment. Class will practice assessment questions for Units 10-11. Teacher will make sure that students get the right answers recorded on their study guide. Students will take this study guide home to study for Units 10-11 assessment tomorrow.
Thursday Project Read—9:00-10:30
Lexia Reading from 9:00-9:45 in computer lab across the hall from our classroom. Login cards are in red basket by our classroom door close to the computers.
9:45-10:30---Units 10-11 Project Read assessment---nk, ng, h-brothers (ch, sh, wh, th)
Friday Project Read—9:00-10:30
Unit 11 Oral Reading Check with worksheets 11-27, 11-31, 11-37, 38
Christmas videos